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British Bulldog - Flea Allergy Dermatitis


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Hi All,

Pearl has been to my vet and he was horrified by her.

She has a prolapsed Vagina

Has an attachement to her Vagina that the vet

needs to find out what it is.

No K9 Teeth ( she does have little stumps where her K9's should be ).

He thinks that her Uterus may be infected and that it could turn septic.

He called her a Dermalogitical Nightmare!

She is being bathed today at the vets and is getting a

ultrasound probe to find out if she has uterus issues.

She will then be on anti biotics for at least 6 weeks to fix her skin.

The tablets she was on were anti histamines which aren't they type she

should be on for her skin condition.

Please keep your fingers x for Pearl she is a beautiful dog and has

such a lovely and calm nature.

Big Thanks to Carlo11 for all the time and effort put into rescuing Pearl

from her horrid home and giving her the oppitunity to have a great life!

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So glad Carlo11 found her and got her out of that situation and onto the road to recovery!!!! I don't understand how people can have dogs and let them get into this state...the poor darling :cry:

:crossfingers: that all her issues are now known and she makes a speedy recovery.

kelscats, looks like you took on more than you bargained for... your terrific for ensuring she gets the best helath care possible :angel:

Edited by Polgara's Shadow
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So my vet missed her prolapsed vagina and gave her the wrong tablets WTF? Three times, we saw the vet over a six week period.I told him I suspected a uterine infection as her belly would blow up and then become more flaccid over some days and she would have a discharge but he never ran any tests much less even looked in her ears . . .Right now,I feel really angry and let down.I told him she had no teeth,not that he looked for himself.I found that out when she had trouble eating dry food but he assured me that it was normal for a bulldog as they tend to grind them down.

I would never have handed her over to Kelscat had I known the extent of her health issues.If it was deemed in her interests,i would have had her put gently to sleep and buried her under my gumtrees.

I just cannot believe this.Please keep us updated.I truly do not understand how my vet could have missed all this . . .even I as an inexperienced layman did look at her vagina and wonder why it looked so odd but no mention of that by my vet.

I really hope Pearl can be treated and god damm her owners for allowing this to happen.

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Carlo11 please don't beat yourself up, this is one of those times when you have done the very best for Pearl and unfortunately your Vet has let you down.

Pearl was in very good hands with you and you did an amazing job. I am sure there are many here who would have also just accepted what the Vet told them.

Kelscat give Pearl a big kiss and tell her we all have our fingers crossed for a full recovery.

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Carlo11 please don't beat yourself up, this is one of those times when you have done the very best for Pearl and unfortunately your Vet has let you downPearl was in very good hands with you and you did an amazing job. I am sure there are many here who would have also just accepted what the Vet told them.Kelscat give Pearl a big kiss and tell her we all have our fingers crossed for a full recovery.

Bolded bit mine . Carlo11 - you made Pearl smile again ..and you gave her love and care :)

Edited by persephone
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Hi All,

Pearl has been to my vet and he was horrified by her.

She has a prolapsed Vagina

Has an attachement to her Vagina that the vet

needs to find out what it is.

No K9 Teeth ( she does have little stumps where her K9's should be ).

He thinks that her Uterus may be infected and that it could turn septic.

He called her a Dermalogitical Nightmare!

She is being bathed today at the vets and is getting a

ultrasound probe to find out if she has uterus issues.

She will then be on anti biotics for at least 6 weeks to fix her skin.

The tablets she was on were anti histamines which aren't they type she

should be on for her skin condition.

Please keep your fingers x for Pearl she is a beautiful dog and has

such a lovely and calm nature.

Big Thanks to Carlo11 for all the time and effort put into rescuing Pearl

from her horrid home and giving her the oppitunity to have a great life!

Kelscats can you post some pics please.

Am very interested to see what is going on.

I have been going through the photos that Carlo posted and although they arent very clear as far as her rear end goes I was hard pressed to see a proplapsed vagina. No vet should ever of missed a proplapsed vagina. Especially if she had just been in for an exam. Unless of course the prolapse has just happened. An abnormal vulva area may be.

What antibiotics will she be on for her skin? What else did he say about her skin?

Carlo dont you dare beat yourself up over this one. Pearl is and has been in the best of care since the day you saved her.

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Guys,its nice of you to be so kind but if I took her to a vet,paid for treatment and he has overlooked such blatantly obvious things,then there is a real problem.So i will most certainly beat myself up . . . .If I had have known she was that sick,I wouldnt have placed her into rescue for them to incur large costs.

My vet had her on Cephelaxin and Prednisone which I dosed her with religiously.

I just dont know what to think :confused:

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Kelscats can you post some pics please.

Pearl is at the vets at the momment and is staying overnight i will get some pics tomorrow

when she gets home.

I have not long gotten off the phone to the vet and he said she has had her bath and is having

a snooze now :)

He confirmed that she has an inflamed and infected uterus but he said it's self draining and that's

what the mucus is coming from her vagina.

He has also just told me that Pearl has a bad knee and it crunches ( i think he means he can feel it

when he moves it up and down ) so he will let us know if she needs surgery or not tomorrow apparently

this is something that she would have had most of her life.

I will keep everyone updated.

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Guys,its nice of you to be so kind but if I took her to a vet,paid for treatment and he has overlooked such blatantly obvious things,then there is a real problem.So i will most certainly beat myself up . . . .If I had have known she was that sick,I wouldnt have placed her into rescue for them to incur large costs.

My vet had her on Cephelaxin and Prednisone which I dosed her with religiously.

I just dont know what to think :confused:



If it wasn't for you god knows what would have happened to Pearl and

i can assure you she would have NEVER seen a vet at all if she was still

where she was.

Your vet did prescribe the Cephelaxin but it was only for a week and that's

not long enough to get into her system properly and treat the infected allergy.

The little yellow - greeny tablets were anti histamines.

Its in no way your fault and i hope i haven't offended you with my post of Pearls

finding's at the vet. I want you to know that you have saved her life really because

now she will spend the next few weeks getting better and then she will find the perfect

forever home, someone that will love and treat her like she deserves.


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Carlo11 AND Kelscats -

I think you're BOTH doing a grand job. Pearl's smile in the more recent pictures tell us that. Pearl has a chance - and even if it proves not a great one, she's experienced wonderful homes at the hands of wonderful and kind people.

Take a bow - BOTH of you :D.

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Guys,its nice of you to be so kind but if I took her to a vet,paid for treatment and he has overlooked such blatantly obvious things,then there is a real problem.So i will most certainly beat myself up . . . .If I had have known she was that sick,I wouldnt have placed her into rescue for them to incur large costs.

My vet had her on Cephelaxin and Prednisone which I dosed her with religiously.

I just dont know what to think :confused:



If it wasn't for you god knows what would have happened to Pearl and

i can assure you she would have NEVER seen a vet at all if she was still

where she was.

Your vet did prescribe the Cephelaxin but it was only for a week and that's

not long enough to get into her system properly and treat the infected allergy.

The little yellow - greeny tablets were anti histamines.

Its in no way your fault and i hope i haven't offended you with my post of Pearls

finding's at the vet. I want you to know that you have saved her life really because

now she will spend the next few weeks getting better and then she will find the perfect

forever home, someone that will love and treat her like she deserves.


No offence at all.I am just very disappointed that he didnt treat her properly.I am glad she is getting the correct treatment now.I definitely think I will have to change practices now and find a new vet for my own pets.His treatment of Pearl just simply hasnt been acceptable.

I really really hope she will be good in the long run

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Carlo11 AND Kelscats -

Take a bow - BOTH of you :D.

Well said. Thank you Erny

I hope and pray that things can get fixed.

Kelscats, if you need $ to help with vet fees please call out. I will be honoured to contribute a little. There may be others willing to help. DOL is a mighty and wonderful community!

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Carlo11 AND Kelscats -

Take a bow - BOTH of you :D.

Well said. Thank you Erny

I hope and pray that things can get fixed.

Kelscats, if you need $ to help with vet fees please call out. I will be honoured to contribute a little. There may be others willing to help. DOL is a mighty and wonderful community!

Thanks HonBun, i have an email from my vet that i have just recieved and have posted it below.

A donation would be wonderful if you would like to donate please email me for the DCH bank account details

on [email protected]

Thanks HonBun its muchly appreciated :angel:

Dear Kelly

Re Pearl: Female entire bull dog:

Problem list:

Chronic unmanaged skin infection: Pyoderma

Bilateral untreated aural heamatomas.

Chronic ear infection.

Right cruciate rupture untreated leading to arthritic changes in the right stifle.

Open draining pyometra ( cystic endometritis, or infected uterus) - likely to have been made worse with use of steroid with no antibiotic cover.

pendulous vagina due to slack ligaments - likely due to numerous pregnancies.

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Carlo11 AND Kelscats -

Take a bow - BOTH of you :D.

Well said. Thank you Erny

I hope and pray that things can get fixed.

Kelscats, if you need $ to help with vet fees please call out. I will be honoured to contribute a little. There may be others willing to help. DOL is a mighty and wonderful community!

Thanks HonBun, i have an email from my vet that i have just recieved and have posted it below.

A donation would be wonderful if you would like to donate please email me for the DCH bank account details

on [email protected]

Thanks HonBun its muchly appreciated :angel:

Dear Kelly

Re Pearl: Female entire bull dog:

Problem list:

Chronic unmanaged skin infection: Pyoderma

Bilateral untreated aural heamatomas.

Chronic ear infection.

Right cruciate rupture untreated leading to arthritic changes in the right stifle.

Open draining pyometra ( cystic endometritis, or infected uterus) - likely to have been made worse with use of steroid with no antibiotic cover.

pendulous vagina due to slack ligaments - likely due to numerous pregnancies.

OK I think Carlo needs to take this in writing to her old vet and ask him why another vet diagnosed "untreated" when they are all things Carlos pointed out to the vet as being problems.

I don't think it was appropriate to treat the haematomas yet, as that can wait until the dog is ready for desexing surgery. But I think that Carlo should take the rest of the list further. I would be furious beyond belief if a vet had put in writing that a condition wasn't being managed, when treatment had been sought several times.

If the new vet is prepared to actually put all that in writing, that is something you could put in with a complaint to the AVA, if you think the old vet was negligent.

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