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Dog Has Attacked A Hedgehog


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:laugh: Glad I'm not the only one!! I did once witness Cal lying staring right up by the skirting board, and a mouse then go straight past his nose. Useless I tell you! Except when it comes to eating things that may harm him :rolleyes: :laugh:
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I have no experience with NZ hedgehogs, my experience with hedgehogs is with the Swedish ones. Our Bernese Mountain Dog used to go really clucky over them.

My terrier x corgi, didn't go clucky - he just did the terrier thing. Only got the opportunigy once.

The hedgehog survived with a scare and minus some spikes. Dog showed no ill effect what so ever. Some blood from his gums and a couple of spikes caught between his teeth. Takes more than that to deter a terrier cross from having interest in hedgehogs.

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I would be more worried about his brains than anything else.

How silly must a dog be to tackle a hedgehog :laugh:

We had lots in the garden in England when I was a child & we fed them bread & milk. The cats & dogs never, ever went near them after the first baby investigation.

Your dog will live but it may be full of fleas now. Fleas love hedgehogs because they can't even scratch them off. They are a safe house for fleas.

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  On 09/01/2012 at 9:46 AM, snake catcher said:

So there is hedgehogs in NZ?

Yup they are very common. They are an introduced pest that prey on our native wildlife.

We had a dog that used to kill a hedgehog almost every night, she had some nasty scars on her face from it but never caught anything. I think the hedgehogs kept coming back every night because they could smell the other dead hedgehogs and must have been hungry :laugh:

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  On 09/01/2012 at 10:18 PM, Sandra777 said:

Hedgehogs can carry ringworm, so keep an eye on him for the 6-8 weeks.

I was just going to write that very thing Sandra! Yes, they do carry ringworm so keep a look-out for dots/bald patches appearing around his mouth or on his paws.


Edited by Boronia
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Ringworm, tapeworm, salmonella and mange are the things to watch for with hedgehogs in NZ. And really unless your dog is ill and surrounded by mangy hedgehogs the most they are likely to suffer is tapeworm if they eat the innards. Which is what my lot do, lol. So as a precaution I would worm the dog.

Hedgehogs, while cute, do a lot of damage to ground nesting birds so I wouldn't feel too sorry about ones demise.

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  On 09/01/2012 at 12:21 PM, persephone said:

:( i wanna hedgehog ....a little cute bubby one ....

Very cute :D The UK and I assume NZ ones look like this


My Cocker would often retrieve them for me in Scotalnd :rolleyes: So I would have to get some oven mitts, get him to release it and pop it back into the field the other side of our garden :laugh:

He never caught any nasties.

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Sorry for the slow response my internet was playing up today - thanks all for the advice and help it is greatly appreciated :) Cal was fine overnight and all good today so it didn't upset his tummy - I'll keep an eye on him for any ringworm or nasties but my googling certainly showed up MANY an NZ dog who attacks them all the time with no ill effects so fingers crossed he'll be all good.

Thanks again!!

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Guest donatella
  On 10/01/2012 at 10:18 AM, j said:

Reading this has made me realise we have a lot more NZ members than I knew about :o


Welcome to the whole of Australia

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