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Exercising Reactive Dogs Thread


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Just brought a Black dog hands free leash system. Waiting for it to be delivered. Will update on how we go with it.

I actually did have a play with my bungee lead threaded through my bait bag belt first, then a normal shortish leash on a quiet bush track the other day.

I found that I preferred a shorter leash seemed to feel better to me. My bungee is over 100cm long & it seemed to feel like Stella had more leverage to pull me off balance than with the short, normal leash. But my hands were thanking me :laugh: it was so much easier for me. Did feel very strange though so it will take some getting used to. Stella didn't seem to notice nor mind. She is excellent on lead, doesn't pull & walks well in heel position as long as there is nothing rushing by ie. a garbage truck or alike. So I think it comes down to the individual & what feels right.

Raineth, I did a fair amount of research into these hands free things & I too wouldn't touch one with a Velcro fastening type deal. The Snooza one has that, not strong/reliable enough IMO.

Cardiocanine customer reviews seem to say that while thy are good their system is rather complicated to do & undo. But I can't actually seem to find a picture that shows that.

Those Running bungee ones look terrific & I was very close to buying one but I felt the belt looked a bit narrow for my liking & I prefer the leash to be in a fixed position, not being able to move around the belt. But thats just me.

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Just brought a Black dog hands free leash system. Waiting for it to be delivered. Will update on how we go with it.

I actually did have a play with my bungee lead threaded through my bait bag belt first, then a normal shortish leash on a quiet bush track the other day.

I found that I preferred a shorter leash seemed to feel better to me. My bungee is over 100cm long & it seemed to feel like Stella had more leverage to pull me off balance than with the short, normal leash. But my hands were thanking me :laugh: it was so much easier for me. Did feel very strange though so it will take some getting used to. Stella didn't seem to notice nor mind. She is excellent on lead, doesn't pull & walks well in heel position as long as there is nothing rushing by ie. a garbage truck or alike. So I think it comes down to the individual & what feels right.

Raineth, I did a fair amount of research into these hands free things & I too wouldn't touch one with a Velcro fastening type deal. The Snooza one has that, not strong/reliable enough IMO.

Cardiocanine customer reviews seem to say that while thy are good their system is rather complicated to do & undo. But I can't actually seem to find a picture that shows that.

Those Running bungee ones look terrific & I was very close to buying one but I felt the belt looked a bit narrow for my liking & I prefer the leash to be in a fixed position, not being able to move around the belt. But thats just me.

haha, yes sounds like we almost need to design our own!

I'm looking forward to hear how the Blackdog one goes :) and I hope it helps your hands a little.

I also think that there is something confidence building about knowing exactly how far the dog can go before it's stopped by the leash when you have a reactive dog. That would be harder to estimate with a bungee cord leash.

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Yes it does doesn't it :D There are a lot of 'what if's & different circumstances to consider. Lets face it they are attached to something mighty precious to us. I wont be relying on my hands free alone near roads or anywhere where things could come undone. But for a quiet area & to give my hands a breather I will certainly be using it.

I'm thinking once I get more confident using it I will buy a running bungee lead, as you can buy them separately & use that instead. but as I am more than a little unco I will start off simply. I also figure shorter leash, less to trip over :o :laugh:

Raineth just read somewhere your dog is sick???? :( Ever so sorry :hug:

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Yes BC Crazy. I wasn't sure if to mention here or not.

Digby was diagnosed with Lymphoma yesterday. He had developed a bit of a cough about three weeks ago.

It's his 7th birthday today.

I knew there was something up, but I really wasn't expecting such bad news.

He is still very well at the moment thankfully, which is so good as it means we can do so many fun things together. He's still well enough to go for hour long walks, I am so grateful for that. We have list going of all the things he loves. This afternoon the kids and I are taking him for ice cream.

We are not going with Chemo, the vet does not recommend it for his situation. But dammit he will have the most wonderful time up until its time, we will make sure of that.

He's going back on raw which he loved but made him fat. It wont make him fat now as he has dropped a significant amount of weight over the last few days.

Every evening he sits on top of us all on the lounge, and we have lots of bushwalks planned too.

The one thing I need to find is thick scratchy lawn. He loves rolling in thick scratchy lawn :)

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Oh he is only 7. That is only 1 year older than my boy :( Such a terrible shock for you & yours.

I'm sure his time left here will be a blast & will be full of precious heartwarming memories.

Thoughts are with you at this most difficult time Raineth.

Sorry for taking this thread OT again but I'm sure all of us would support each other in difficult times like these.

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Thanks for your support guys :)

I've been so lucky to be his owner. Everything just fell into place for him to comes to us. I am determined not to be miserable while he is still here with us. While he's still here I have nothing to complain about.

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Quick update regarding the Black Dog hands free leash & Stella. Very impressed with this :thumbsup:

Really great quality & very strong. I used it today on & off & loved it. Stella didn't even notice the difference either I don't think. The do up clasp was a bit hard to work out at first as you have to put one side right through the other then push to close but again very strong once closed. Which was my main concern to be honest. I put my bait bag on it as well & off we went. Too easy !! :D

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Mmmmm Christmas list methinks. I love good dog gear. I don't know if I'd be brave enough to go hands free but might be an interesting excercise.

Had such a crazy experience. We are going through a patch of off leash rushes. On the weekend a little hairy dachsie rushes out as the owner drives into his garage. Jakes behind me doing his I'm being murdered scream and the dogs rushing around trying to come in from behind us. People come out from the show house next door to help the murdered person. Finally the owner turns up and picks up his hairy attack sausage. So I ask him to hang around so Jake can calm down. So there we are about 6 people standing on the side of the road all having a big laugh at the dogs, jakes breathing in peanut butter and now the sausage wants in on that too. Ended up taking one of the show house people for a short tour of the neighborhood to show her the park and now I've met another nice neighbour. Strange how many people I've met through my "awful" dog.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi folks, just a quick update regarding my girl. Very pleased to report Stella has improved 100% to what she was when she is at home in our backyard :thumbsup: . I honestly can't believe the change in her. She is so much calmer. She doesn't get nearly as freaked out as she used to. All that running/whining & barking that she used to do practically all day, she hardly ever does anymore. And when she does get upset I just go to her & soothe her. She settles so much quicker as well. She even has a nanna nap in the afternoons now. That was unheard of previously. She didn't even lay down before, all she would do was run or stand there listening for the next noise.

Now I have to peak out the window just to make sure she is OK as she is soooo quiet :laugh: She is also so much happier in herself. And she sleeps the whole night through as well, which is another milestone.

So I am just going to keep doing everything I've been doing & keep her meds the same. Hopefully I'm on the right track to a more relaxed girl.

I have shed more than my fair share of tears over Stel but all the teary eyes of late have been tears of pride & joy while she blows z's on the lawn :laugh:

One very happy mummy here :D

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Oh thanks for your support Snook. Means a lot. We all know how difficult owning a reactive pooch can be so when you even have a wiff of success with them. It just seems to ea so much more.

I'm just so proud of her. She tries so hard to please me. She is such a sweet hearted girl. I just adore her. So to witness her with her new found inner calm. I'm over the moon.

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Hankdog, have given this some serious thought too. I think it is a combo of things. I certainly can't take all the credit. The main 'trigger' for Stella's anxiety was a big dog that lived behind us but he hasn't been there for approx.6 weeks now. He used to bark a lot which would set Stel off. I think his leaving is key to for her improvement really. If she does get a fright over something now I redirect her a lot earlier than what I used to & I must admit I stay much more calm, also key IMHO.

I have tweaked with her diet. No wheat,soy, grain nor anything artificle.

Coupled with her being on her new Epilepsy medication, she hasn't had a seizure in 2 months either :thumbsup: I also noticed after the first week on this she gradually just seemed much more at ease & comfortable. DAP spray used daily on bedding & the radio on low volume has certainly helps her to sleep right through the night now. Where as previously I would be up to her 3 to 4 times a night as she would become highly agitated listening for noises outside & would want to run outside to investigate.She wouldn't sleep in her bed & would pace mostly. She now is still curled up in her bed at 7.30am each morning.

It's lovely to see :)

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Lucky you getting to sleep in. I was reading Dr jean Dodds web page last night as I'm going to get Jakes thyroid test done again. I thought of Stella because apparently seizures and hyperactivity are also symptoms of hypothyroidism. Jake has now added bald patches, weight gain and night terrors to his repertoire.

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Hankdog, have given this some serious thought too. I think it is a combo of things. I certainly can't take all the credit. The main 'trigger' for Stella's anxiety was a big dog that lived behind us but he hasn't been there for approx.6 weeks now. He used to bark a lot which would set Stel off. I think his leaving is key to for her improvement really. If she does get a fright over something now I redirect her a lot earlier than what I used to & I must admit I stay much more calm, also key IMHO.

I have tweaked with her diet. No wheat,soy, grain nor anything artificle.

Coupled with her being on her new Epilepsy medication, she hasn't had a seizure in 2 months either :thumbsup: I also noticed after the first week on this she gradually just seemed much more at ease & comfortable. DAP spray used daily on bedding & the radio on low volume has certainly helps her to sleep right through the night now. Where as previously I would be up to her 3 to 4 times a night as she would become highly agitated listening for noises outside & would want to run outside to investigate.She wouldn't sleep in her bed & would pace mostly. She now is still curled up in her bed at 7.30am each morning.

It's lovely to see :)


So good to read these updates .. Lovely for you and Stella.

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Thanks Tassie. Appreciate your kind thoughts :) I'm enjoying every minute of her new found calm self. We do have a long way to go in many other areas & we still have 'our moments' like today she isn't to happy because the man next door is using an electric prunner, once again it's a noise issue but we have no where near the reaction we used to get from her & she has settled down so much quicker.

Hankdog sorry to hear Jake is going through a rough patch atm. Interesting to see the outcome of his Thyroid tests. He has been tested before you say. Hope you can get to the bottom of it very soon.

I had Sonny tested actually a long while ago now as his coat went off & he gained weight but his were fine. Turned out he had food intolerance issues. Allergic to grain & yeast. Never had any issues since I tweaked his diet.

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OK, so it seems I may have jumped the gun so to speak... Stella has regressed back into her anxious state again in our back yard :( Seems the little boy behind us has taken up basket ball & has been shooting hoops every other day of late. The noise of the ball hitting the back board sends my girl into a wimpering, agitated state once again :(

ERRRRRR. We were going so well too. Just shows you how sensitive she is. Spoke too soon didn't I.... here we go again.

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Yes HD , she was going so well. I was blown away by just how good she could be. Never thought of a water feature. Water is very soothing. It would have to be a river to drown out this back board noise though. Its pretty loud. Keep that in mind though as it may help.

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OK, so it seems I may have jumped the gun so to speak... Stella has regressed back into her anxious state again in our back yard :( Seems the little boy behind us has taken up basket ball & has been shooting hoops every other day of late. The noise of the ball hitting the back board sends my girl into a wimpering, agitated state once again :(

ERRRRRR. We were going so well too. Just shows you how sensitive she is. Spoke too soon didn't I.... here we go again.

Oh no, that's such a shame :( I was so pleased for you both when I read she's been doing really well.

Is she ok if she's in the house when the boy is playing basketball?

I wonder if you could record the noise of the boy playing. Then you could play it so it is barely audible in the house. Gradually increasing the noise (over a period of weeks) as long as she is fine with it, until it is as loud, or louder even than the noise of the boy playing.

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