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Exercising Reactive Dogs Thread


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I'm another Hankdog who can sympathise totally with you. I have had some shockers at the Vet's with Stella. It is just so unnerving & it does seem once one thing happens on a bad day it has a huge domino effect

& things go from bad to worse once they are in a "hightened" state of arousal :( Hopefully he won't of suffered to much from it for next Vet visit :crossfingers: I'm another to say good on you for bush walking

after all of that. I would have gone home for a stiff drink I think.

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Thanks guys. he has to go back next week. He has a small ulcerated patch that came from nowhere. We had a good interaction with a swf today. It wandered out of its house and wanted to say hello. No barking just determined to follow us. Jake did the initial banshee thing but I got the peanut butter out and he calmed down. This tiny dog didn't care at all. It's owned came out and was lovely, I think because she was calm and the dog was unphased we stood chatting about three meters away from each other and I was able to take away the peanut butter and tell him to look calmly. think I'll be stalking that house now!

Win some,lose some hey?

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Guest hankodie

Hankdog it sounds like you handled the situation very well and stayed calm, good for you for ending the experience on a high note. I feel for you - I always try to show up to Odie's vet appointments at the last possible minute.

I just popped back in this thread to say thank you again for all of the book recommendations - I've finished the BAT book and am working with my awesome trainer to come up with some food free exercises we can do with Odie. The book has been extra useful with Hank's socialisation too. He went for a couple of big "proofing" tests over the last month and he is does so well in almost every situation. Any time he is unsure he looks to me, which is fantastic. I'm happy and so relieved at how he (and I!) are handling interactions with other dogs.

I am working hard to make him into a bomb proof puppy but so far it's been a good experience so I hope we'll continue on this path with him (fingers crossed)

As for Odie, I have discovered recently that she's MUCH better when my husband is the one walking her. I take on the bulk of the "dog responsibilities" throughout the week as I work from home but the last few weeks we've been wrangling both dogs and taking them to a quiet beach. My husband walks a distance ahead with Odie (as Hank is still in training and we don't want him to pick up on her behaviour). Last week 2 dogs popped out of nowhere at a relatively close distance to them and he kept her under threshold the entire time, I was so impressed! I guess I need to manage my anxiety a bit better when I'm with her because it definitely tends to make the situation worse :o

Hope everyone and their doggies are doing well!

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We had the vet appointment from hell yesterday

I can so relate to the vet appointments from hell. One of my GSD's is reactive, dog aggression and human aggression......he's controllable if kept under threshold and will allow the vet to examine him if it's all nice and calm from the car into the vets so we have to get him in there without seeing other dogs and I need to stay calm in the process too and if he's going to loose the plot, it's in the vets it will happen.......the worse place I can take him where he's likely to react and the worse place I can be with him where he senses my stress and wants to kill everyone.

We do the same thing getting the last appointment, parking around the corner so he doesn't see any other dogs then at the opportune time, shoot him straight in there......but have we had some shocker visits where it's all turned to shit and he's blown over threshold and tried to nail the vet......muzzled of course he can't hurt anyone, but the action is there and I have had to choke him out.......it's just an absolute nightmare and I feel sick in the stomach through the whole process.

Anyone with dramas at the vets with reactive dogs, I feel every bit of what you are going through :cry:

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Unfortunately he can't be fitted with a muzzle because he doesn't have a nose to put in it. He's normally ok with people but there's one vet he doesn't like. He has a biopsy on Friday but they've agreed to let him come in before opening hours and then they'll sedate him, and then maybe me too.????I have everyday situations mostly managed when it's just the two of us. Add other people or dogs and it's a bun fight.

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Just thought I'd pop in a Del update.

We went away for a mini holiday and had a friend look after the dogs.

Digby was very good (no surprises there).

Del was a nutcase (no surprises there).

On the very first night as he was backing down the drive (after feeding them) he saw Del jump on the table and walk to the end and step onto the kitchen bench :eek: So she was stretched out with he back legs still on the kitchen table and her front on the bench! A move we've never witnessed before! That wasn't the only story we got either. She was very crazy the whole time for him unfortunately, although he was in good spirits anyway.

Anyway, today and yesterday I started using some jack pot rewards in front of a house that has a Labrador that gives Del the terrors, and which we have had no success using BAT with.

So I'm looking forward to seeing how that goes, hopefully we'll have some success.

Still using BAT for other stuff :)

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I guess with a Dane it's counter schmoozing not counter s surfing. Does she have a particular dislike of the Labrador? Jakes quite specific, Black and brown labs are worse than death, yellow not so bad.

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I guess with a Dane it's counter schmoozing not counter s surfing. Does she have a particular dislike of the Labrador? Jakes quite specific, Black and brown labs are worse than death, yellow not so bad.

lol Jake! Is that because he's had some bad experiences? Or maybe that's his aesthetic preference? :)

How has he been going since the vet incident?

I think with Del it's more to do with the fact that the lab is very visible (behind a gate with narrow bars) and it just really goes to town with the barking and carrying on. They have now also got an adult GSD and the Lab sometimes starts attacking him when we go past and the whole thing is just a bit traumatic for her.

I know this is anthropomorphizing, but sometimes it feels as though she's got PTSD.

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Don't think I'll ever understand my crazy Luka. Yesterday we had the scenario from hell. On a walk an off leash dog comes racing round the corner up to Luka. I wasn't massively concerned as Luka is generally ok once the dog reaches him, as long as its friendly obviously, it's when he sees a dog running a distance away that he goes mental. So they say hello and then the owner comes round the corner apologising and called the dog back. Luka is now whining and straining but not too bad. Cue second dog off lead to rush him, again he manages to keep control. Then the owner approaches and asks about what kind of dog Luka is, and I'm just waiting for Luka to go off at him. But no, nothing. He actually approaches this man and was practically in his lap while he fussed him. WTF :eek:

We walked away, relatively calmly and continued our walk. My heart racing and completely confused as to what just happened.

The only thing I can think, is that because Luka was saying hello to the dogs he didn't really register the stranger? Or maybe this guy just had a really awesome doggie vibe. I was so taken aback I didn't even berate him for having two very excited dogs off lead dogs. :laugh:

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Don't think I'll ever understand my crazy Luka. Yesterday we had the scenario from hell. On a walk an off leash dog comes racing round the corner up to Luka. I wasn't massively concerned as Luka is generally ok once the dog reaches him, as long as its friendly obviously, it's when he sees a dog running a distance away that he goes mental. So they say hello and then the owner comes round the corner apologising and called the dog back. Luka is now whining and straining but not too bad. Cue second dog off lead to rush him, again he manages to keep control. Then the owner approaches and asks about what kind of dog Luka is, and I'm just waiting for Luka to go off at him. But no, nothing. He actually approaches this man and was practically in his lap while he fussed him. WTF :eek:

We walked away, relatively calmly and continued our walk. My heart racing and completely confused as to what just happened.

The only thing I can think, is that because Luka was saying hello to the dogs he didn't really register the stranger? Or maybe this guy just had a really awesome doggie vibe. I was so taken aback I didn't even berate him for having two very excited dogs off lead dogs. :laugh:

Oh wow that's really wonderful teekay, even though it's very confusing!

I wonder if it's the anticipation that's the problem? When he sees a dog or person at a distance he has all that time to build up anxiety about it?

My Digby who isn't reactive, often gets confused about things at a distance (goes a bit on alert) and when whatever it is comes closer you can see him go 'ahh it's just a...' and he's relaxed again.

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I guess with a Dane it's counter schmoozing not counter s surfing. Does she have a particular dislike of the Labrador? Jakes quite specific, Black and brown labs are worse than death, yellow not so bad.

Sonny is the same with Labradors. He is a very good/non reactive boy 99% of the time but he doesn't tolerate most Labradors. Yellow ones in particular. Have no idea why. Maybe they are too full on for him, I don't know. Strange isn't it.

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Huge win today????????????We've been working within earshot of the kennels when training but today we worked in the shade of the kennel block wall. It was quite fun using the bit of extra alert to get some nice heeling and more rapid recalls rather than the normal bulldog speed. We were doing a sit stay when a dog walked across the carpark about 40m away. Jake instantly reacted by barking and yelling but since he didn't seem inclined to break I just kept looking at him. After about 10 seconds he looked at me, whimpered and then shut up. As soon as he was quiet I went and gave him a huge pat and lots of peanut butter.

I'm so happy, almost more than if he hadn't reacted because it shows he was able to keep thinking, he stayed in place and he calmed himself down, no words from me, no peanut butter, all by his little self.

I happen to own the best dog on the world????????

ETA Maybe I'll hold that thought until his repeat vet trip tomorrow.

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Huge win today????????????We've been working within earshot of the kennels when training but today we worked in the shade of the kennel block wall. It was quite fun using the bit of extra alert to get some nice heeling and more rapid recalls rather than the normal bulldog speed. We were doing a sit stay when a dog walked across the carpark about 40m away. Jake instantly reacted by barking and yelling but since he didn't seem inclined to break I just kept looking at him. After about 10 seconds he looked at me, whimpered and then shut up. As soon as he was quiet I went and gave him a huge pat and lots of peanut butter.

I'm so happy, almost more than if he hadn't reacted because it shows he was able to keep thinking, he stayed in place and he calmed himself down, no words from me, no peanut butter, all by his little self.

I happen to own the best dog on the world????????

ETA Maybe I'll hold that thought until his repeat vet trip tomorrow.

And Jake has the best owner :D you have put so much time and love into helping him it is awesome to hear about his success stories. :thumbsup:

Well done Jake, you made your mummy very very happy. Keep it up at the vets now, ok?

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Way to go Hank !! Well done boy...Hankdog congrats on such positive progress. Jake has certainly come a long way. It's a wonderful feeling when you have sucess teaching them something. Especially with our " special" guys as you always have to give them that bit extra. Good luck with your Vet visit.

Sending positive, calm thoughts your way :)

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How did Jake go at the vet's Hankdog?

It's great to hear of your current victory with the kennels :thumbsup:

I had to take Del to the vet today. She was stressed about being there, but she was a good girl I was happy with her behaviour. She was good with all the small fluffies. But when we came out there was a cattle dog, and it was a bit bug-eyed. She still didn't react to him, but she was more on edge about him and did want to pull towards him. So we made a quick exit around the other side.

She has a sore elbow, and is on 'bed rest' so we won't be doing much training for the next few days, so thankfully it wasn't a bad note to end on :)

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