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Stifle Problems In Large Breeds


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Hi there

Newbie here

I am looking for some help/info from anyone who has had a dog with stifle problems.

I have an 18 month old mastiff x , (yes a cross bred but don't worry she is desexed and a family pet only)

Anyway about 2 weeks before Xmas I noticed she looked a little stiff and sore, to me in the back. She wrestles alot with our other big dog so figured she had just taken quite a beating. She seemed to be ok after a day or 2 and didn't think much more of it until a few days later she was a little stiff again.

This time I thought more so in her hip area. This was only a few days off Xmas and we were due to go away so I left her and would re-assess when I got home (5days later)

Anyway fast forward to now and she has definitely got a problem but appears to be in her stifles, both of them.

They have started to bow out slightly and both have a round knob on the joint that looks like fluid but is hard to the touch.

She has been sore today and yesterday and just seems 'weak' in the hind end, she won't jump up on things and finds it slightly more difficult to stand up when she is laying down. She shows no pain/distress in her face or attitude but clearly it is atleast annoying her.

I also live an hour from the nearest vets and am due to have my bub this week so hence the asking here as I would rather just ring and book her in for surgery if need be rather than drag the 50 odd kilos into town and back by myself only to have to take her back on surgery days.

Thanks alot in advance



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Sorry your girl is so uncomfortable :(

Until a vet has done xrays etc, and come up with a diagnosis ..planning surgery is redundant.

Diagnosing over the internet is almost impossible for things like this , which could be anything from a hip disorder, or a back injury to anything in between!

being a large dog, I would advise a vet trip very soon ! If she lies down and cannot get up, you will have a problem :( , and the sooner any injury/problem is diagnosed/treated , the quicker she will be well again.

It is not ideal timing, but she does need to be checked over , as she is obviously in pain ..and may well get worse without treatment .

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yep can do Xrays. I have the option of a few vets, they are all an hour to an hour and half away. The better one is furtherest but that is where she was desexed and had both her entropions fixed so I will take her back there.

Thanks :)

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Going by the photos it does look like her patellas are not good. I would suggest getting both the hips and patellas x rayed. I dont mean an xray that you would send away for her to be scored for HD but just a normal hip xray so the vet can see what her hips are like in relation to her structure. I dont know what your financial situation is but it isnt cheap sadly.

Then after a professional opinion has been given you can review options open to you.

If you only choose the patella xray(completely understandable if you do so. Please ask your vet for their opinion) and she has injured her knee caps then surgery is the only remedy.

Fingers crossed.

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A dog her size it will probably be cruciate ruptures... That lump on the outside it likely to be fluid. If it is the cruciates surgury is the only course of action due to her size - the earlier these are looked at the better before any arthritic changes set in. Goodluck!

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