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Proud of Miss Kirra who followed up last week's Rally Advanced passes with a Pass (Good) in her Track & Search Test 2 in Launceston today :)

Congrats Tassie and the talented Miss Kirra!!! :thumbsup:

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Lots of great Rally rounds at the first three rally trials in WA. Yay Ptolomy! winning on 99 points yesterday. Very high scores from RubyStar for titles as well :thumbsup:

We had a terrific day out yesterday with Brookie winning UDX on 189 which counts for G Ch :champagne: I am thrilled to bits with his happy attitude. That attitude cost us a few points especially in the leathers but I can live with that!

He went on to put in a lovely UD round winning on 199 and Rally title on 2nd place with 99 :champagne:

Topping off a great day was cuddles with the Toller babies and drinkies with Ptolomy!!! How I would love to bottle days like this :happydance2:

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Lots of great Rally rounds at the first three rally trials in WA. Yay Ptolomy! winning on 99 points yesterday. Very high scores from RubyStar for titles as well :thumbsup:

We had a terrific day out yesterday with Brookie winning UDX on 189 which counts for G Ch :champagne: I am thrilled to bits with his happy attitude. That attitude cost us a few points especially in the leathers but I can live with that!

He went on to put in a lovely UD round winning on 199 and Rally title on 2nd place with 99 :champagne:

Topping off a great day was cuddles with the Toller babies and drinkies with Ptolomy!!! How I would love to bottle days like this :happydance2:

It was a super UDX round by the two of you and it would have been nice if the occasionally clever one hadn't failed distance control for the 7th trial in a row - still I was happy with his attitude. Really nice when the judge comments on the standard of work from the two boys and the handling skills of their owners - makes me feel all proud biggrin.gif

Brookie used to be known as the open king - think he can now add UD king to that title thumbsup1.gif

Moo is loving Rally and yesterday Beans also worked really well, just a pity her dufus owner missed a station otherwise she would have joined the boys on 99. STrauss also got his Rally novice title.

Well done to Rubystar on her Rally Titles and I was very impressed with Ruby's work in UD - you are both doing a great job.

Drinking were a lot of fun, can I book you again for 2 weeks time when we can play choose which puppy stays?? laugh.gif

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Lots of great Rally rounds at the first three rally trials in WA. Yay Ptolomy! winning on 99 points yesterday. Very high scores from RubyStar for titles as well :thumbsup:

We had a terrific day out yesterday with Brookie winning UDX on 189 which counts for G Ch :champagne: I am thrilled to bits with his happy attitude. That attitude cost us a few points especially in the leathers but I can live with that!

He went on to put in a lovely UD round winning on 199 and Rally title on 2nd place with 99 :champagne:

Topping off a great day was cuddles with the Toller babies and drinkies with Ptolomy!!! How I would love to bottle days like this :happydance2:

Congrats Ptolomy and your furkids on your wonderful results:)

It was a super UDX round by the two of you and it would have been nice if the occasionally clever one hadn't failed distance control for the 7th trial in a row - still I was happy with his attitude. Really nice when the judge comments on the standard of work from the two boys and the handling skills of their owners - makes me feel all proud biggrin.gif

Brookie used to be known as the open king - think he can now add UD king to that title thumbsup1.gif

Moo is loving Rally and yesterday Beans also worked really well, just a pity her dufus owner missed a station otherwise she would have joined the boys on 99. STrauss also got his Rally novice title.

Well done to Rubystar on her Rally Titles and I was very impressed with Ruby's work in UD - you are both doing a great job.

Drinking were a lot of fun, can I book you again for 2 weeks time when we can play choose which puppy stays?? laugh.gif

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Lots of great Rally rounds at the first three rally trials in WA. Yay Ptolomy! winning on 99 points yesterday. Very high scores from RubyStar for titles as well :thumbsup:

We had a terrific day out yesterday with Brookie winning UDX on 189 which counts for G Ch :champagne: I am thrilled to bits with his happy attitude. That attitude cost us a few points especially in the leathers but I can live with that!

He went on to put in a lovely UD round winning on 199 and Rally title on 2nd place with 99 :champagne:

Topping off a great day was cuddles with the Toller babies and drinkies with Ptolomy!!! How I would love to bottle days like this :happydance2:

Congrats Bedazzledx2 on Brookie's achievement for the weekend.. Alss to Rubystar for her lovely results too

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Congrats to all the West Aussies! Sounds like a wonderful day


I'll drink to that! Oh wait - the bottle's empty - well, guess we know where that went :rofl:

Really nice when the judge comments on the standard of work from the two boys and the handling skills of their owners - makes me feel all proud

And so it should Ptolomy - 'cos you guys are not only an inspiration to WA triallers - but to us down here in the Apple Isle too. :thanks:

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Congratulations Tassie and Kirra on your Tracking test and the WA crowd on all the Rally titles - way to go :thumbsup:

Sounds like Brookie cleaned up in UD and UDX too :cheer: Huge congrats on the Ob Gr Ch title. Wow.

Well done also to RS on the Novice finish - this retrieving game is harder than it sounds you know!

Speaking of which, Em and I spent the weekend at Bonnie Doon/Lake Nilhacootie (about 2 hours away) retrieving trialling. Very cold but not too wet. On Saturday Em's first 2 runs were stunning - for actual "marking" she scored 43/45 and 45/45. On the third run she took a beautiful line to the mark through heavy cover and mud but spooked at the thrower and couldn't push past him to pick up the game in the water. On Sunday her first 2 runs were also fantastic. Her third run required one stop and cast as she was hunting up wind of the game so just couldn't get a whiff. But she had enough on her scorecard to pick up her first WIN in novice retrieving :D She also won the perpetual trophy for the highest scoring Novice dog over the 2 days - very appropriate as it was donated by her breeder! Her deliveries (which I inadvertently broke a few months ago) were perfect!!!

Edited by The Spotted Devil
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Huge congrats on the Ob Gr Ch title. Wow.

Thanks TSD..not there yet though...its a score that counts towards the title and we have two to go :D

Congratulations on your retrieving wins and the Perpetual Trophy :thumbsup: I went and spectated at a retrieving trial recently and I was blown away by some of the things the dogs have to do...there's a lot of training to get there!

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Oh whoops bedx2 :o That'll teach me to read more carefully when I'm tired :laugh: Great he is enjoying himself too!

Thanks for the congrats. I'm so thrilled about how she is running - belting through heavy cover, reeds, mud and water like a thing possessed. My fellow triallers remember her standing at the edge of all that sort of stuff looking very uncertain and worried so are enjoying the journey too. The judges can't believe their eyes :rofl:

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Congrats again, TSD!!! A win is awesome stuff!! Great work has gone into that win thumbsup1.gif

I'm just so thrilled to be finishing trials :rofl: Never in my wildest dreams thought that Ruby would have finished 2 trials so early in her trialling career! (2 finishes in 4 trials isn't too shabby!!) All I was aiming for this season was a single birdie laugh.gif I need to remember she is still such a novice dog with a novice handler with very little training and experience so when she doesn't get a bird, it's ok. And there will be plenty of times that is going to happen (like our training run after the trial, she couldn't get it), as the 2 finishes are more luck than anything!

Tassie, you know you want a gundog :D :D

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