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2012 Brags Thread


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Congrats everyone on your successes.

Ok - does anyone remember their very first agility dog and their very first title? - whoo hoo - I'm so excited...

Frosty and I - to follow up our run a few weeks ago, yesterday managed a jumping pass, and today another - that makes three and a novice jumping title - Yes? Very consistent - all second places.

Now I get to bring cake to club training on Wednesday night.

We also managed to stop our run of DQs in Agility - but have yet to manage a clear. Ah well.

Things I learned today

1 - Frosty is much better at sunny midday runs if I sponge her down completely with cold water first. She's got a short coat and being sopping wet at the beach seems to get her going faster.

2 - We'd better learn to do a proper rear cross ASAP.

3 - the right food will get her attention for warm up if tug won't.

Things I learned yesterday

1. - I can get lost on course, and still make the nick of time. Can never have too many course walks for me. And ask the judge to make sure all the numbers can be seen from where you need to be able to see them. If you need to be dead in front facing the obstacle - you don't need the numbers (if only I was that good).

2. - if it's hot and sunny, EH is going to get brain fade.

3. - if there is a choice of a jump straight ahead and a much closer tunnel mouth on a tight turn at the bottom of the scramble - even if I am facing the jump and pretty much blocking the tunnel mouth, EH is going to risk tripping me up sucking into the tunnel. Maybe she was looking for more shade.

EH - Evil hound or Evil Handler.

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Well done everybody on your passes and well done especially to MRB and Frosty on your JD title. A first title on a first dog is something very special. Hopefully its one of many :thumbsup:.

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Well done everyone on such a great start to 2012 - so much good work :thumbsup:

One of my NY's resolutions was to get more of my runs on video as part of working on my handling and hopefully putting a stop to the occasional bar knock. A friend took this for me today, one of those runs where other than a wide turn at 12 where I pushed Darcy too hard, it just felt really good. Marathon course for the end of a double back to back trial at 190 m, but it was fun :D

There was one or two moments where it looks like she's learnt to read course numbers in saving my butt but she's good at it :o Out of 14 passes we were 3rd up against some really good dogs, and Darcy's JDM 8. :D

Edited by Jess.
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Outstanding run, Jess and Darcy!! Well done!!! thumbsup1.gif

Congrats Tassie on your RN passes with both your kids and Rory's novice obedience!

And to DSO on your JDX MRB on your JD!

Did I miss anyone?? :o

Small brag for me, AND my dog laugh.gif The brag for me is I overcame nerves and the constant delaying of entering to finally run Ruby in her first retrieving trial today, and I did it without throwing up!! Go me!! :D The brag for the dog is even though she isn't really ready to be trialling yet, Ruby worked her butt off and never gave up, and was rewarded for her efforts on her last run by finding the birdie! What a good girl! biggrin.gifbiggrin.gif

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:thumbsup: nice work Rubystar I am sure you had a blast. My small brag is I finally got to take the "broken" dog out last Friday and do a herding clinic, approved by the specialist. We both had a heap of fun. Kenz shows a ton of potential and the even better news was she came up 100% sound yesterday without any hint of lameness much to my huge relief.
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Millie and her partner had their first go in Excellent Strategic Pairs today and we qualified and got third place :) It was a bit messy, though, first daytime agility trial and Millie was away with the fairies. That and a severe lack of training! But we got there in the end, and in time, woohoo! thumbsup1.gif

Nice result RS and Millie :thumbsup:

Today Jess got her JDX title with 1st place and a excellent agility Q with 2nd place! :D

Woo hoo! Way to go DSO - very stylish way to earn a title :cheer:

Rally O - great day all round - some super scores - happy to say that both my kids finished their RN titles, with one pass to spare. Agility and tracking girl Kirra (the wone who doesn't "do" obedience, and definitely doesn't believe in slow anything - got 96 in both trials - including the course with a lot of heeling to the last station and then slow pace :eek: to the finish - bless her heart, she did it with style (thank goodness for being able to talk to your dog.) And the little big man, after a 96 in the morning, outdid himself with a 100 in the afternoon - then lost first place by 4 seconds - but no shame in that.

Congratulations Tassie - what wonderful results :champagne: Great to hear that the Rally runs carried over to Rory's obedience work.

Congrats everyone on your successes.

Ok - does anyone remember their very first agility dog and their very first title? - whoo hoo - I'm so excited...

Frosty and I - to follow up our run a few weeks ago, yesterday managed a jumping pass, and today another - that makes three and a novice jumping title - Yes? Very consistent - all second places.

Now I get to bring cake to club training on Wednesday night.

We also managed to stop our run of DQs in Agility - but have yet to manage a clear. Ah well.

Yay for your very first title - that is fantastic!!! The first of many Mrs RB :happydance2:

Well done everyone on such a great start to 2012 - so much good work :thumbsup:

One of my NY's resolutions was to get more of my runs on video as part of working on my handling and hopefully putting a stop to the occasional bar knock. A friend took this for me today, one of those runs where other than a wide turn at 12 where I pushed Darcy too hard, it just felt really good. Marathon course for the end of a double back to back trial at 190 m, but it was fun :D

There was one or two moments where it looks like she's learnt to read course numbers in saving my butt but she's good at it :o Out of 14 passes we were 3rd up against some really good dogs, and Darcy's JDM 8. :D

I really enjoyed that Jess - that is one very clever lass you've got there :smartiepants: But you don't get a smart dog without a smart handler :D

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I really enjoyed that Jess - that is one very clever lass you've got there :smartiepants: But you don't get a smart dog without a smart handler :D

:o Aw thanks TSD - she's one hell of a special girl, a true once in a lifetime mate :heart:

Thanks for the lovely comments, those seat of your pants type runs are what make agility so truly addictive :cool:

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Ohhhhhh cute Seita :love:

I would like to brag about my agility club and the instructors. Em has completed all the (very well structured) modules and just commenced the sequencing class but we haven't done as much as I'd hoped because of Em's retrieving trialling and a few months out due to coming in season. On Monday nights the experienced dogs/handlers run in the first class and the less experienced in a more structured later class. It was quiet tonight so I decided to run Ziggy in the earlier class and try Em for the first time in the second class although I was prepared to pull her out if she was overwhelmed. I think it is to the great credit of all the foundation work that Em sailed through the exercises like an old hand. I was absolutely gobsmacked at what she was capable of and had to quickly learn not to babysit her. She was a bit confused by a very tight table/tunnel descrimination and tried standing on the tunnel! Then she tackled the agility course (a nice flowing Masters level course) with such confidence that it was hard to remember to stop and reward as I'd planned to. Start line stays, lead out pivots into weaves, front crosses, contacts, threadles and serps just flowed. Of course my handling could do with some work - can't expect the club to fix everything :laugh:

Edited by The Spotted Devil
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That was a lovely run, Jess. - you're right about those seat of the pants runs that just happen - had one in ADM in Adelaide - was like being on a roller coaster - I had no idea what was happening (had walked 3 courses :laugh: ) but I thought - to heck iwth it - I'll just keep running cos this is such fun! :rofl: - and it ended in a Q :rofl:

TSD - sounds great - what a good tribute to a structured club with great foundation - and to you as well. :D

Seita - that needed a cuteness alert. Blink looks absolutely lovely - you're going to have such fun. :D

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Ohhhhhh cute Seita :love:

I would like to brag about my agility club and the instructors. Em has completed all the (very well structured) modules and just commenced the sequencing class but we haven't done as much as I'd hoped because of Em's retrieving trialling and a few months out due to coming in season. On Monday nights the experienced dogs/handlers run in the first class and the less experienced in a more structured later class. It was quiet tonight so I decided to run Ziggy in the earlier class and try Em for the first time in the second class although I was prepared to pull her out if she was overwhelmed. I think it is to the great credit of all the foundation work that Em sailed through the exercises like an old hand. I was absolutely gobsmacked at what she was capable of and had to quickly learn not to babysit her. She was a bit confused by a very tight table/tunnel descrimination and tried standing on the tunnel! Then she tackled the agility course (a nice flowing Masters level course) with such confidence that it was hard to remember to stop and reward as I'd planned to. Start line stays, lead out pivots into weaves, front crosses, contacts, threadles and serps just flowed. Of course my handling could do with some work - can't expect the club to fix everything :laugh:

A big well done to both you and your instructors :thumbsup: I've seen quite a few volunteer club instructors at seminars, diligently taking notes and obviously keen to take in everything that is being offered, and even discussing updating class notes/training right there on the day in the breaks. I think it's absolutely wonderful that those people take the time to keep up with the latest info and want to share what they've learnt for the benefit of the students and their dogs. :thumbsup: A massive well done to them all :D

I wish I had access to such people in my early days and I know it would really help my training/handling even now. I'm very lucky to have some supportive friends to trade ideas and info with but distance is a bit of a killer, and it's amazing what another set of eyes will see when you've missed it yourself in your training/handling.

I find it really sad that some instructors either aren't interested in keeping their knowledge up to date, or go to such seminars and don't bother passing it on - but I've come to accept that you can't expect all volunteer instructors to be that diligent.

Edited by Jess.
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And my brag is that I've picked my new superstar competition dog! Introducing "Blink" who hopefully will be following successfully in her mother's paw prints!


Cant wait to meet her! Adorable

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I had an awesome day yesterday - Darcy won Masters Jumping after I swear she dropped the 2nd bar. Stupidly I just assumed it was down and never realised it wasn't when we had to run over it again later on in the course :o

Zee had a lovely run in Novice Gamblers, stayed focussed all the way around and did all her multiple weave entries even at the end of the 45 seconds - and came 2nd with her GD title.

Nearly had 3/3 but lost my footing just enough to be late with a FX which dropped a bar in the 1st JDM class - totally my fault :o

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:rofl: Jess. Asuuming the bar was down (until you saw it wasn't :laugh: ) may well have contributed to that win - sometimes I find if I think a Q isn't on offer, I can run more freely and let the dog have her head, instead of trying to micro-manae a bit more. Great stuff anyway, with both dogs. :thumbsup:
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Well done Jess :D

We have a big brag too, had our first agility trial in a long time on Sunday and Darcy managed a pass in novice jumping! That was the little brag the big one, is he ran.....actually ran around the ring and was happy through out it as well, not like at training but it has me optimistic again that we can get there :D. The last trial we did he basically walked around, would ignore my signals and shut down in the ring :( This time though he was happy and enthusiastic, my handling has improved (still made alot of mistakes though :p) and I went in with a different attitude as well! So very happy with him, I wasn't expecting any passes I just wanting him to have fun which he did. He started losing it by the 4th run (which happened to be our pass as well) so that would be our max runs per day.

Already looking at entering Croydons trial now I know we are alot better in trials and will be giving Jovi a go in jumping as well so should be exciting :p

Edited by tollersowned
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