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Important Notice To All Dogs Qld Members


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A Special General Meeting will be held on Thursday 19 January at 7pm at 247 King Ave, Durack to pass formally a resolution that the CCC(Q) incorporate under the Associations Incorporation Act 1981 (Qld) and adopt the proposed constitution and further that the Secretary / General Manager be appointed to make the application for Incorporation.

The Agenda for the evening will be

1 Chairs Introduction

2 Special Resolution

3 Appointment of Person to make Application for Incorporation

4 Appointment of Existing Committee as Interim Officers

it is very important that all Dogs Qld members that can attend, attend so support Dogs Qld with a YES vote.



Ian Rasmussen

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YAHOO!! Well done to Dogs Queensland!!!

They have a new revised constitution which includes postal votes for regional members, 8 Councillors elected in the next 12 months, and a constitution that can be easily changed (no more 75% vote needed!!!). They've listened to members and are providing a constitution that WE want!!

The only thing needed is a 75% YES vote at this SPECIAL GENERAL MEETING on 19TH JANUARY. We then proceed to Democracy!

The alternative is to allow the RNA to appoint their own Council in February to control our dog world.... I for one say NO!!!!!!

Everyone in Queensland needs to attend this meeting and vote YES!!

If anyone needs a lift from the Redlands area, contact me.

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I can also help if anybody needs a lift to the meeting to support Dogs Qld on this important night.

I know that I want the future of our hobby determined by dog breeders and exhibitors and not the RNA



YAHOO!! Well done to Dogs Queensland!!!

They have a new revised constitution which includes postal votes for regional members, 8 Councillors elected in the next 12 months, and a constitution that can be easily changed (no more 75% vote needed!!!). They've listened to members and are providing a constitution that WE want!!

The only thing needed is a 75% YES vote at this SPECIAL GENERAL MEETING on 19TH JANUARY. We then proceed to Democracy!

The alternative is to allow the RNA to appoint their own Council in February to control our dog world.... I for one say NO!!!!!!

Everyone in Queensland needs to attend this meeting and vote YES!!

If anyone needs a lift from the Redlands area, contact me.

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