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Dogs And The Heat

flame ryder

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Working from home today and it's meant to get in the high 30s today. Dogs are currently asleep next to me in an air-con room. However, if I go outside to do something, they go straight onto the lawn and sunbake. If I opened up the shutters and the sun was showing on the floor, both would be drawn to it and immediately go to sleep.

Funny dogs. :laugh:

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My girl insisted on sunbaking the other day in 41C heat. I brought her inside after 5 minutes.

She does know where all the cool spots are inside.

My dad tells the story of growing up in the 1920s (way before airconditioning). He and his friend would follow the dog around on a hot day because it would always find the coldest spot in the house (or under it). When the dog had found it, they would push the dog out of the way and move in to that spot themselves. Nice strategy.

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Last night I put a fan in front of Roo's crate with a wet sheet over the top of her crate, and then had the pedestal fan oscillating between me and her crate. I need to ring the local electricians to come and install some ceiling fans. Not sure though if I should buy them myself from Bunnings first.

After a walk up and down the main street this morning, I made Ruby get into her clamshell pool and wet her down. She then went and found a sunny spot and lay there :o

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Nissa and Tali find cool, shady spots in the yard, under trees, under the gazebo and in dirt hollows they have dug. Nissa in particular takes regular dunkings in the wading pool. There is nearly always a breeze at our place (often more like a gale!) which helps keep things from baking. Tommy spends his days inside where it is coolest... usually on our bed, or on the tiles in the bathroom. But the bed is more comfortable ;)

Having said that, this is really only the first hottish week we've had this summer, and it's only got to mid-30s. I used to live in a place where it got to mid-40s regularly over summer; I think I would rather die than have to cope with that again.

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My dog is such a spoilt brat. We're in SA where it's been like 40 degrees but, lucky for him, we keep our house pretty cool with air-conditioning. Anyway, the other night I decided to take the doona off the bed (because who uses it when it's that hot anyway) and I folded it up and put it on the floor in the corner. The dog looked at me in disgust, ran to the doona and snuggled up inside it! Weirdo.

Will be interesting to see where he's been sleeping today in a non-airconditioned house when I get home from work :laugh:

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My 12 week old black pug stayed in the kitchen for most of the day on the tiled floor. Even in the afternoon when the room gets direct afternoon sun and turns into a sauna! Weirdo. I took her out for a quick swim in the afternoon which cooled her down a bit, but unfortunatly she thinks the fan is for playing - she loves doing that cute "bum up/chest down" pose whilst barking at it and growling, all the time with the tail wagging. At least she stands in front of it for a while!

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Mischa bakes herself out on the patio every morning, regardless of the temp. :rolleyes: She doesn't come in until she's panting like she's been running a marathon. The rest are sensible enough to stay indoors. :D Carl usually finds somewhere on the tiles in the kitchen, and Jag sleeps under the coffee table. Not sure where Cleo goes. :noidea:

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