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Dogs And The Heat

flame ryder

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Ok so in most places of Australia it has been baking hot the last few days...here today 41 deg yuk. My dogs choose to sleep in the worst places. I have over an acre of garden for them to roam in...shady trees, lush green lawns...but no the GS chooses to lay under the front verandah with the alsanite roof, hard hot slate floor...hottest place in my opinion. Second dog laying on concrete, Third dog goes in his kennel in my car shed...again one of the hottest places. Believe me they have other choices, including inside but they choose these weird places. Got me stumped. Anyone else's dogs as weird as mine?

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Thats one smart kelpie Kelpiehoundmum LOL

I LOVE kelpies, especially mine.

Your dogs are nutters Teela. Mine love sun baking and will lay on the concrete but then move to the back door for me to let them in where they promptly lay spreadeagled on the floorboards in the air-conditioned lounge.

But if your have cooler alternatives and don't use them...what can you doJust remember loads of water sources out there :)

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It's not unusual on a 40+ degree day to find my black dog sunbathing on the deck :eek: They all love to sunbathe but the others seem to realise that it is too hot whereas the black one doesn't :laugh:

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It's not unusual on a 40+ degree day to find my black dog sunbathing on the deck :eek: They all love to sunbathe but the others seem to realise that it is too hot whereas the black one doesn't :laugh:

2 years ago 38 degree day 4 week pregnant red girl lying on the concrete asleep. :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

I guess she is out there now, not pregnant this time :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: as she is not in sight of the fan.

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My dogs know full well where all the aircon ducts are too :laugh: They love to lie flat out on the tiles under the ducts all day in summer.

When we are out on walks they run from shade to shade too, even tho it was only 23 degrees when we went out this morning. I know there are heat-tolerant kelpies out there but ours ain't them!

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No way. My pampered lot will hardly get their feet warm to go out to pee, they do it so quick then bolt back to the door to get back in to the air con.

My breeding cats that are out in the runs are all brought inside too.

I can't catch the 2 chickens to bring them in.

My lot would cry & die if I left them out I think. 45 in the garden today.

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Guest donatella

I think you all have odd dogs :laugh: mine hates the sun, even in the car if there is sun on her she'll squish over to the shaded side of the seat. we can't walk in the sun because she gets too hot and stops under a tree and refuses to move, she's definitely an indoors dog.

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I regularly find my dogs 'under' things on hot days. For example today they were both lying under my bed. Sometimes they lie under a coffee table or kitchen table. I suspect they think this is the equivalent of lying under a tree for shade, but they haven't worked out that it doesn't work that way indoors and it's probably hotter under objects than on top! :D

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Spent a lot of time calling my chocolate Min Pin in out of the sun when I was showing her, orange coat wasn't attractive. She thought it was heaven when she retired and could soak up the sun anytime. Jody, a Gordon Setter, from years past loved swimming in the dam on a cold day - wouldn't go near it on a hot day.

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My white greyhound will lay on the back deck sunbaking in 40 degree heat.I smother her in sunscreen as she is quite bald on her tummy and bum.My blue greyhound hates the heat.If he walks out onto the deck it takes about 30 seconds before he's doing the "riverdance".He likes to lay in the hallway or in front of the fan.

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Kuma isn't coping with the heat this year at all. He's not worked out that he should dump some more coat!

At the moment he's stretched out on the cool tiles under the AC vents. He's strategically placed himself at the point where two A/C vents intersect - we call it The Axis of Cool.

Don't know what he'll do when Mr KumaAkita goes back to work next week and he's relegated to the back yard. I'm sure he'll find a cool spot.

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