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Need Help To Identify Plants That Might Be Toxic To Dogs


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While doing a yard clean up I've noticed that my new neighbours to the back and side have planted loads of new stuff that now seems to be growing through to my side of the fence. There are now ferns and creeper type things on my side of the fence. I have a pied SBT and she gets itchy on her underside at times so I try to be careful of what I put in the garden. I know there are very long lists of toxic plants out there (like the ASPCA one) but I am yet to find one online that has pics that will help me check whether what is now in my garden is dangerous or safe.

Has anyone found any sites that might help me with images as there are about 5 plants all up. I've done a DOL search but haven't come up with links to pics - just lists of names, which wont work for me at present. I think there is nothing more awful for a dog than to be continually itchy.

Thank you!

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I'll see what I can do - the areas are kind of dark as I have large trees overhead so I'm worried pics wont come out well. Plus I've found some plants that I never put there so I guess birds may have carried the seed? I might pull them out just in case, but the creeper/ground cover thingy is going to be a pain. It is all green and it reminds me a bit of the leaves of a moses in a basket plant (but smaller and all green). The moses plant is bad so I'm thinking this creeper/ground cover is not good either and I can see little bits of it everywhere along the back fence.

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Honestly, if one went by some of those lists .. no one would have any green in their yards - except painted concrete :(

use a flash, maybe, and post some pics of the suspect plants :) then go along and cut off the bits poking thru your fence ....

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One of them is definately a type of wandering jew. It is going to be painful to remove but it must go! The others seem to be ok. I did image searches for common ferns, creepers and ground covers in Australia and found the names and looked them up that way. I actually have a lot of jade plants in my back garden and never knew they were poisonous! I've never had a tree/shrub chewer though so I'm not going to worry. And I have a native I know as an inch plant that I thought was ok but see that the wandering jew plant family are also known as inch plants. Mine are more like long grasses with little red flowers on the ends. I might go to the nursery and get the proper name and search that as well. I have always put fresh aloe juice straight from the plant on dog sores and itches believing it was non-poisonous if they licked it but nope, according to the ASPCA I could be killing them! Plus I have spots of rye grass in my lawn which must be yanked up too!

A little knowledge is a dangerous thing!

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1325475800[/url]' post='5656940']

Honestly, if one went by some of those lists .. no one would have any green in their yards - except painted concrete :(

use a flash, maybe, and post some pics of the suspect plants :) then go along and cut off the bits poking thru your fence ....

Tend to agree there, I generally keep out the things like the ivy and wandering Jew as I know they cause skin irritation. We have had a lot of rain lately and have a lot of mushrooms popping as I have been on the lookout for those since everything is to go in abbeys mouth (puppy).

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Murdoch Uni Vet School used to have a pet-oriented poison garden, with labelled plants, to teach people about things to avoid. Don't know if it's still there . . . it may have fallen to building expansion.

Anyone know of similar gardens elsewhere? Seems like a good thing to suggest to some of the botanic gardens.

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