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Sky, yes she bought a pup, but she also said that the pet shop said they would take it back.

Which is what most people are recommending.

It is NEVER advisable to get a 2nd dog so that current dog has something to play with. If you don't have time for daily walks with the first, training a young pup is out of the


First dog should have a thorough vet check.

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Even the toughest person can fall for the cute puppy in the pet shop window .I saw one recently that i fell for,but fortunately logic prevailed and i didn;t buy it.My first concern would be the OP's first dog. he needs to go to the vet right away.If He is sick,is it something that the pup can catch.Some pet stores will take back a pup within a certain time.It should state on the paperwork.The pup will be quarantined again on it;s own before it can be resold because it has been out of the store and with another dog..I also wonder if the dog is suffering from heat stress due to having a temperature ,being ill..Always ensure dogs have good shelter and shade and cool water that they can't knock over.

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Hi Guys;

No I haven't been scared off i have spent they day with my dogs haha but I do appreciate all the advice; both nice and not so nice. It was late last night and I was in a panic and hardly slept so apologies if things came off wrong.

I apologise to anyone I have offended by buying from a pet shop. But being an independent down the road acting as a go between for backyard breeders I feel this is different and I am happy with my decision. It is not a bit westfields forcing you into buying and that is my decision.

Yes of course I did get the pup for myself she is beautiful and had a great nature in the shop and yes i fell head over heels for her. I did go away talk to hubby about it brought him back down to make a decision together so it was not an impulse buy and something we had been talking about doing for around 6 months.

And sorry for the confusion my bc boy is 6-7 yr old now, he was a 2-3 yr old when we bought him from the pound/shelter but being from a pound it is hard to tell the exact age but my vet confers. I have had him checked out by the vet before christmas when he slowed down and they gave the all clear health wise and said its just the age and it warming up that he is in good health but thanks for all the advice on that.

Hmmm what else... ohh on top of his walks he does get training each night, He does get mentalexercises time out the front, tricks for food i was just talking about traditional walking. He also goes to the dog beach probably twice a month running around with other dogs and visits with my parents dogs often so he does have other stimulation. He also has bones to chew twice a week and dentasticks every day as well as hide and seek games. Ohh and he comes inside and watches tv with us at night so he is not left on his own all day like I think some of you may have thought.

I have decided that as the pup is already 3 months old (not the cute fluffy 6-8 week olds in most pet shops) i will keep her with my dog and give them time to get to know each other. Introducing dogs can take time and have had advice from my vet and family and friends today that this would be the best option. If I feel in my heart that she is not the right decision I will rehome her privately through my contacts I have with business, family and friends etc. She will find a good home and will not become a "pound stat" as someone suggested earlier. I can give everyone my word on that I promise you all. She deserves better she is a brilliant dog

As for the dogs if anyone is interested in how they are actually going, due to the heat today we kept them together most of the day supervised of course and my boy had a sleep right next to her. As it cooled down this afternoon they had a great supervised play playing tug of war with toys she played fetch while he watched on, and have had a chase. He also had some one on one time in our front yard with bones to chew bones and now is lying at my feet watching a movie as I type while she plays outside and gets to know the yard.

I appreciate the advice you have given me (some more then others hehe). I will not be posting every day as I did realise there would be some backlash when i mentioned the word pet shop, however have cried many tears reading this and I need to be positive to give good vibes to my dogs and not sure that my concern about what everyone else thinks is healthy for me and in turn my dogs. I do appreciate where you are all coming from and the passion you do have for Oscars law etc I wish you could all come down and see its not a traditional pet shop but that wont happen. I just need to trust in myself and what I have done and do what is best for my entire family (2 and 4 legged).

But thankyou all for taking the time to read and I have learnt some from it so I really do appreciate those who support from those who have given it and I will continue to read from time to time so thankyou very very much. It is touching the help that some people do offer.

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Missy ;Don't be distressed.Advise can only be given based on what you have told us;Sounds like you are doing your best to be a good dog owner and thats great.Both dogs sound wonderful.Many years ago i got a pup from a pet store.I have also owned rescue dogs and one from a pound.I don't think pups should be sold in pet shops because it is not a good environment for thier development among other reasons;but it's not the pups fault it's there.There is a wealth of advise on this forum so don't stop asking for advise .

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A pet shop is a pet shop. Sorry but I dont care if its PP or a family run business, they still source puppies and kittens from dodgy breeders, they still sell to anyone that comes along with the money and they still keep animals in cramped conditions. Do some more research and dont fool yourself - there is no such thing as a good pet shop.

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Smich this dog isn't doing agility and training. From the OP it sounds like the few walks it gets are the only bits of exercise this dog ever gets

Megan I never said that this dog had any form of agility or training I was relfecting on my own personal experiences with my BC we may do something as simple as Start Line Stays just to tire his brain out, there are many little things people can do for that without even touching equipment. It was just my persona; relfection nothing to do about what the OPs dog may or may not do

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I assume as its such a good petshop they don't make any money from the sale of the pups ;)

Wake up, its business, it makes money out of selling animals, but if it makes you feel better, go for it.

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If I decide to start baking cupcakes to make a bit of money and I sell them all, I will be encouraged to bake more ... that's explaining petshops simply. It's all about supply and demand. If noone bought puppies from there or online, we wouldn't have any need for people to mate any two dogs in order to make money ....

It isn't the puppies fault, no it is the people who make them and they do it for greed only, not so that they can supply a nice and healthy dog for people.

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A pet shop is a pet shop. Sorry but I dont care if its PP or a family run business, they still source puppies and kittens from dodgy breeders, they still sell to anyone that comes along with the money and they still keep animals in cramped conditions. Do some more research and dont fool yourself - there is no such thing as a good pet shop.


If you have been reading this forum for the past two years, and were researching buying a dog for 6 months prior to purchasing this pup, I would have expected you would be more well aware of the pitfalls of backyard breeders, however the wording of your post leads me to believe you think BYBs are ok :(.

This is somewhat irrelevant now, as you have already purchased your puppy from a pet shop, but please do some more research into pet shops and BYBs, as these are certainly not the best place to be sourcing a puppy from.

I hope things work out for you and your dogs.

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Missy ;Don't be distressed.Advise can only be given based on what you have told us;Sounds like you are doing your best to be a good dog owner and thats great.Both dogs sound wonderful.Many years ago i got a pup from a pet store.I have also owned rescue dogs and one from a pound.I don't think pups should be sold in pet shops because it is not a good environment for thier development among other reasons;but it's not the pups fault it's there.There is a wealth of advise on this forum so don't stop asking for advise .


The pet shop thing is an unchangable quantity - she'd already bought the dog and it was clearly a decision that made a lot of people wince but the issue now is making sure the 2 dogs get along.

Missy for some reason I did assume your dog was a few years younger (I blame it being late :o) so I apologise for that. I'm glad you came back to clear up some concerns people had and I'm glad your dogs are doing better today :)

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So first its "Please help me with my puppy farm puppy. Who I bought as a pet for my child/dog. My child/dog who is acting weird which obviously means he is bored not sick. (Oh did I mention I love pet shops and backyard breeds?)"

Now everything is totally fine? I don't understand why you started a thread in the first place to be honest?

Hope it works out for you then.


Edited by lovemesideways
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Seeing as even the experienced DOL collective can't agree on a definition for BYB and what the line is between good and bad breeders, I don't see why someone who has posted twice, asking for advice to help her dogs, should be expected to know.

I do wholeheartedly agree that pet shops are not a good place for pets to be in or be bought from and actively discourage people from buying from them, however plenty of people who buy from pet shops are still good pet owners. I'd much rather encourage people to learn as much as they can to give their pets the best life possible for many years than to give them a hard time over where they bought their young puppy.

Missy, like I've said in threads before, you gotta be a bit thick skinned for DOL sometimes, but there is heaps of great advice, info and fun to be had, you just have to consider what to take on and what to disregard. Lots of great advice for your situation and it sounds like you'll take it on board. Biggest thing I can emphasise is supervision, separation and one on one time! It'll be worth it in the end :)

Edited by Saxonpup
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Oh and trolls are fun entertainment for everyone :) but DOL General threads come up on google all over the place and I think it would be nice if the general public felt encouraged to ask questions or at least read the info and hopefully learn, without us just looking like a big clique.

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missy I am very relieved to hear you are supervising the dogs when together. Im thankful you were so open to listening to that idea :)

Im not a fan of pet shop puppies either, but whats done is done. I am more concerned that your 2 dogs get to know each other and a bond in a safe supervised way.

The reason so many on DOL are so passionate about petshops and byb is because we are often the ones left to deal with the aftermath. Many ppl who posted in this thread (including myself) are involved in rescue. Hence is a very emotive issue for many here. Rescue isnt something you get involved in unless you are passionate about it :)

Even though some comments may have been hard to read, i hope you will take some of the info on board and maybe next time you are in the market for a new dog/pup you will consider somewhere other than a petshop or byb.

Hope it continues to go well with your two beautiful dogs.

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Okay, so because the OP is misinformed about byb, she's automatically a troll?

Come on, guys. Not everyone knows all there is to know about the ethics of where to get a dog from, and many think that as long as it isn't a 'puppy farm', it's okay. Give her a break and use the opportunity to attempt to educate, not chastise. That won't get anyone anywhere.

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This time last year I was mourning the death of a dog....a dog who'd given me 17 years of unconditional love, and 17 years of pleasure. Not a bad bone in her little body, she was amazing, I'd had her longer than I'd had my husband or my youngest child. She was a pet shop puppy, bought on an impulse by someone who loved me and thought I'd love her. And I did.

Cut the OP some slack, she's bought the pup and she obviously loves her. I hope she gets a similar length of life from her dog as I did from mine.

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