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Snake/lizard Repellents

Guest Anthorien

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Guest Anthorien

Hey Guys,

Have anyone had any success with anything that repels Lizards/Snakes?

We've got a lot of blue tongues around this year and I'm afraid we'll get more snakes than usual.



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We have snake repellers, and haven't seen a snake in the two summers since we've had them. These have been very bad snake summers too. We haven't had any large lizards in the house yard either, but we know they are in the surrounding paddocks.

Now, the snakes could be absent because of the repellers, or because of some other reason, or they might even be around and we're just not seeing them... I don't know. But they have given us a little peace of mind and made us feel as though we've taken every step to try to protect our dogs from snake bite.

One thing: if you do get repellers, make absolutely sure that you install them correctly. If you only stick a few cms of the spike into the ground, you may as well not bother with them at all.

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