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52 Weeks For Dogs 2012


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My week 3 photo - not super happy with it, but didn't have time to get anything else! This is how Kuma sits. He is such a lazy bugger, leans agains walls and splays his legs every which way. Doesn't look too comfy to me, but obviously he is happy with it :)


03/52 by KumaAkita, on Flickr

Love the week 3 photos, I'll come back and comment individually later. I'm really enjoying seeing everyone's dogs, they all look so happy and healthy!

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Great photos everyone. Snook, that is so funny. Dogsportobsessed, loving the black and white

Here is my photo for week, I took it with the theme chaos in mind. Tilly never used to steel food, but she had cancer and a few things went wrong health wise afterwards, she ended up on cortisone for a long period of time and as a result she can't be trusted with any food around now, even though she has been off the cortisone for a long long time.


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AnnieK - fabulous sunrise shot of Phoebe, looks so peaceful! She looks like she's enjoying her roll on the grass in your w2 shot.

gazellehound - Bella is just beautiful. I love your w1 photo - the look on her face is adorable, like she's just been busted doing something she shouldn't. :)

Mr Red Dog - Cute shot of your girls! Neither look too pleased to be there :laugh:

Beth - Lottie looks like she enjoys that grass, cute smile on her face. Very relaxed :) We've only had grass in our yard for 3 months and Kuma just loves to be stretched out on it in a warm spot.

TLC - that's a great shot of Lacy and Mawson. She looks so petite next to the big fella!

GregW - Great capture of Zoe, her eye is definitely on the prize :)

Snook - Justice is adorable, and so accepting of him to let you dress him up! I love him reading, it's so clever and hilarious.

DSO - looks like that's a nice place to walk your guys. I love your B&W treatment on the shot of Bailey.

MnDM - Monet is beautiful, that's an adorable smile. Diva is crazy fast! and Benson the intrepid explorer. Great shots the lot.

Helen - I saw this in the 365 thread and had a good chuckle. I love the colours you get in your photos.

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  On 24/01/2012 at 4:27 AM, helen said:

Both the Tillys are all groomed nicely now :) Did you groom her, she looks fabulous

I did, thankyou!! It was my third attempt at that particular clip and I finally got it looking the way I wanted.

Love your picture btw, beautiful shot of a 'cheeky' dog :laugh:

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Snook, I love love love Justice with the glasses, so cute!

DSO, Bailey and Jess look like they love having their pics taken, Love the colours in Jess's photo.

MnDm, nice shots, love the action shots!

Helen, I laughed when I seen you shot on Facebook, very clever, you have some great ideas.

Jen87 Rosie and Tilly look adorable in their aussie devil ears, I searched for some cool aussie day stuff and could only come up with the flag.

I hope no one minds me posting a couple of extra shots each week, I can never just choose one. :laugh:

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I was a bit slack this week and not organised enough to get Australia Day themed pics - but I have 2 choices taken during the week, not sure which one to use

One of Ziva's best show pics


04a/52 Weeks for Dogs Ziva by ChiisaiHakurou, on Flickr

And just chilling out at a dog show


04b/52 Weeks for Dogs Ziva by ChiisaiHakurou, on Flickr

tlc - very nice shots of Lacy!

Jenni87 - awww - great shots, how do you keep the headbands on?

DogNerd - Tilly looks great :)

helen - nice shot! I love how so much thought goes into the composition of your shots :)

MnDM - wow - the running shots are so fantastic - I can really feel the speed :D

DSO - oooh, black and whites are gorgeous :)

My goal for week 5 is to try and build a good intentional composition rather than just seeing Z do something and trying to catch the pic. helen, you've inspired me!

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  On 26/01/2012 at 6:40 AM, DogNerd said:

I love the second one too!! The first is a great moving shot! I suck so bad at getting moving shots... I end up getting them from stills in videos lol.

We've only started getting good ones once we got a DSLR :) (plus it gives OH something to do at shows :laugh: )

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  On 26/01/2012 at 6:41 AM, stonecutter said:
  On 26/01/2012 at 6:40 AM, DogNerd said:

I love the second one too!! The first is a great moving shot! I suck so bad at getting moving shots... I end up getting them from stills in videos lol.

We've only started getting good ones once we got a DSLR :) (plus it gives OH something to do at shows :laugh: )

Yeahhhh we have a DSLR, it's just we're both numpties at action shots! :laugh:

BTW, tlc, I LOVE that third one of Lacy, she's just beautiful. I think I can see the love in her eyes :laugh:

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