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I Need Your Prayer


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Last Thursday Zedley had 9 grand mal seizures. He has been on valium and phenobarbitone since then.

He has lost a lot of cognitive function. His back legs go from under him, he walks into things, and get stuck in corners, cries for me to pick him up and take him out for toileting. Yesterday when he pooped it was watery and then some blood (he is a raw feeder and I know every morsel that goes in his mouth).

It is with a very sad heart that I have decided to give him his wings tomorrow. He has no real quality of life and having spoken to the professor at Murdoch vet hospital and Coco's old vet - I know that he cannot regain any quality or life better than this, and this is not good for him. He is only 9, but I know that my boy Coco will be waiting to greet him at the Bridge.

Please hold him and me in your thoughts.

ETA for spelling

Edited by Loraine
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Guest donatella

I'm so sorry to hear that, the end is never easy. The bravest part is deciding to the best thing for our babies and sometimes that means letting them go.

A big :grouphug: to you all :heart: :heart: :heart:

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Dear Loraine,

You are doing the best thing for Zedley. Epilepsy is such an awful thing, and I can understand exactly what you are going through, having been there. Zedley will be in a better place tomorrow, and will be a happy, dog, free from those horrible seizures. Will be thinking of you both, and please know that you are certainly doing the best thing possible for him, the hardest for you.

Run free dear Zedley...

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