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Help For Questions In A Survey


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I have decided that between Jan - March I am going to run a survey for our customers for a couple of business and personal reasons

These are some of the questions that I have written down to date, as this will be a quick counter survey and I will be emailing it to our nearly 10,000 members I want it to be quick simple and to get the most info as possible


Where did you get your dog - registered breeder, pet shop, shelter/rescue, print/internet advertising

Is your dog a pure breed or cross breed

Size toy - small - medium - large - giant (and I will put in size references)

Coat - smooth - wire coated - long coated

Age -

Health issues -

Would you purchase your dog from the same type of place as you have done previously

Is your dog desexed - if not why

So these are just basic examples of the questions they will be written better when I come to draw up the survey but is there anything else that I should add

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I can see some "oodle" owners trying to debate the pure or cross question - maybe rephrase by asking what breed or breed mix the dog is?

That way they can use their DD name and it will cause less headaches at the initial stage of data collection - you can break down the crosses later for summing up the data objectively then.


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It depends how you want to use the answers. If you cannot use the answer, it is pointless to ask the question.

If you ask too many questions, or they seem pointless or invasive, people won't answer them.

For the first question, I don't know if you are asking who they bought the dog from, or where they saw it advertised. Maybe it needs to be two questions, or maybe one or the other.

If you are going to give multiple choice, don't expect people to always know whether they went to a breeder or a registered breeder. There are differences between breed rescue, rescue organisations that foster, and shelters, I wouldn't categorise them all togther.

You may be better to let people fill in written answers about where they got the dog and what sort of dog it is, whether it came with a pedigree etc, and then use your own knowledge to work out which are the registered purebreeds, the byb purebreds, the designer dogs etc. Then when you ask whether people would buy from the same place again you have the information needed to get a meaningful answer on that.

You can also use marketing surveys to suggest options for future purchase. But before you go down that path be really clear about what you want to gain from the survey.

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You need to provide more options if it's going to be multiple choice.

Eg Where did you get your dog - registered breeder, pet shop, shelter/rescue, print/internet advertising

What if they got it from a friend or kept a stray? I think adding an option like "other (please elaborate)" would be good.

Also, Coat - smooth - wire coated - long coated

I would not be able to answer this as I wouldn't classify a corgi coat as any of these. Maybe use "short/medium/long" as then I would choose medium. You also need some sort of "curly" option for owners of poodles etc. Oh and a hairless option for breeds like chinese cresteds and xoloitzcuintle :D

Edited by Mim
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We stock over 7500 product lines so I believe the survey will help be to streamline or improve on lines depending on the data I get back. This will help me stock more suited products for my customers and will help me delete or introduce lines. I am interested in the source of where they were purchased from on a personal level, I do not believe that it is an intrusive question especially as the rest of the survey will benefit my clientele.

Thank you for your suggestions, please keep them coming. I want it to be a quick survey to get the maximum benefit on a business level. I will be giving each of our customers a sample bag of treats for completing it and don't believe that many will have an issue with it

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I am interested in the source of where they were purchased from on a personal level, I do not believe that it is an intrusive question especially as the rest of the survey will benefit my clientele.

Intrusive question or not, you want to know for your self, I feel you should do your own survey and not do it under the banner of a business.

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Guest lavendergirl

If you want a quick survey to maximise benefits to your business I suggest not asking questions based on your personal interest that do not directly impact on that business.

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I am interested in the source of where they were purchased from on a personal level, I do not believe that it is an intrusive question especially as the rest of the survey will benefit my clientele.

Intrusive question or not, you want to know for your self, I feel you should do your own survey and not do it under the banner of a business.


If the OP wants to maximise business and has questions that pertain to that purpose i'd be happy to answer questions. I don't understand why my choice of breeder and other personal questions are relevant to anyone else and I wouldn't answer them. "i am interested in the source of where they were purchased from on a personal level" is no one's business but mine and it is a very intrusive question. Gathering personal information for ones own personal interest under the guise of a business is misleading.

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The business is a pet shop where over 40% of products sold is Super Premium pet food. There are no stores that sell puppies any where near us (including us) so I am personally interested in where they go - for example if it is a pet shop then they would have travelled quite a distance to get it. We recommend registered breeders as a primary source of information and have had an Open Day recently where we had breed ambassadors for Advance in both days, hopefully we can make that a semi regular thing.

The breed question is relevant to products, for example there may be a high percentage of small long coated or braccy breeds that we may not cater for, seniors and puppies have different needs also. We may keep a range of 300 different dog toys but if the majority is aimed at medium to large sized breeds and a high percentage of customers have small dogs then I need to decrease the current range and increase more suitable lines.

We have close to 10,000 members and on the application form people tick what species of pets they have already but as dog products are the major component of the business I am trying to refocus and restructure. I am also considering starting an online store and as product lines will be restricted I want to put in the most suitable for my clients. One of the questions will be asking if the customers would like us to have an online shopping/delivery service. As I explained 40% of the business is food related and due to weight restrictions that will not be a main feature of the online store if I go ahead.

No one has to answer questions if they do not wish too and it is interesting to me that people question where people source their dogs but if someone is proactive about doing a survey then that is an invasion of privacy :confused:. I will be more than forthcoming about my motives so I am not trying to deceive anyone, breed surveys have been done on many forums before and as with them people do not have to be involved if they do not wish to.

I am more than happy to add a side comment about the source as if people find that too personal then they don't have to answer it. My customers are the one I am primarily trying to help as if the store is full of products that aren't aimed at the right people they are not getting the full experience and I am not maximising my business opportunities

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Where did you get your dog - registered breeder, pet shop, shelter/rescue, print/internet advertising

Is your dog a pure breed or cross breed

Size toy - small - medium - large - giant (and I will put in size references)

Coat - smooth - wire coated - long coated

Age -

Health issues -

Would you purchase your dog from the same type of place as you have done previously

Is your dog desexed - if not why

I would suggest going much simpler, Cas. The average jo Blow out there wouldnt know what some of those terms mean, and if they dont understand why you're asking some questions they wont bother answering so I think you have to be more product specific.

Where did you get your dog - dont even prompt with a multiple choice answer, just let them answer it.

What breed or cross breed is your dog - you'll have to take those answers with a grain of salt anyway

What size - give weight categories

Coat - short medium long (dont bother with terms like wire, rough etc because a lot of people wouldnt know)


Hmmm not really sure how you should question health issues. What products do you stock for health issues eg special diet kibble etc?

Desexed question - be more product specific

Lots of other great suggestions, especially if they'd like to be able to order online/delivery. go for stuff like grooming (what shampoos, equipment bla bla)toys maybe, harness -v- crates etc for car, how often they worm, bedding.

How did you find out about us - friend, google, vet, breeder, yellow pages etc that's the most important question.

Give an indication before the questions approx how long it will take to fill in and make sure it isnt too long or they wont even start. If I see a survey that doesnt indicate time or is longer than about 5 minutes i dont even bother

eta I dont know if this is too cheesy or not but would you consider offering X product to encourage as many people as possible to complete it eg everyone goes into a draw to win whatever product? People are basically pretty lazy so unless there's something in it for them your survey will just go into the recycle bin

Edited by raz
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