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Seriously- The Next Dog Who


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This! :thumbsup:

Even a bull type breed mid attack, stopped when I went stark raving crazy one afternoon.

They do respect a lot of yelling, shouting, domineering stance and the threat to beat the living daylights out of them.

Not my proudest moment - but did stop the attack.................

Luckily the areas I usually walk my dogs in we rarely see a loose dog, and the few we do see are usually only over friendly rude dogs rather than aggressive, I've socialised my own dogs well such that those rude dogs don't bother them. The odd occasion we have been approached by an unfriendly dog, I've found these types of dogs usually have a pretty healthy respect for angry people and in all cases but 1 I've managed to stop these dogs in their tracks just by yelling and charging towards them myself and looking as mean and angry as I can, keeping my own dogs behind me. Only once did a dog keep comming, and I must say it got swift boot in its side :o sometimes you have to do whats best for your own dogs. :mad

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This! :thumbsup:

Even a bull type breed mid attack, stopped when I went stark raving crazy one afternoon.

They do respect a lot of yelling, shouting, domineering stance and the threat to beat the living daylights out of them.

Not my proudest moment - but did stop the attack.................

It doesn't always work. I'd say I stop 95% of charging dogs this way, including bull breeds, but I have had three occassions over the past 5 years where the dog has attacked anyway. And I am pretty dog savvy, it isn't a lack of technique, some dogs just really, really want to attack the on-lead dog and have no respect for humans at all.

I reported the one on Saturday to the rangers - given that it was an entirely unprovoked, highly aggressive attack which it took the kind efforts of a passing motorist to help stop. Times like that I am grateful my dogs are large, adult and not easily scared.

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One of my goals in life is to build a large privately owned dog park with pond for swimming and any dogs or owners that cause an issue such as above will not be allowed in.

Now to raise the funds or win lotto...................

oh wow wouldnt that be great.. my dream to have something similar when i own a property ;) im not sure id open it to the general public though privately owned leaves you open for law suits yeah? and id hate to think what may happen if i let someone in and their dog was a rude little so and so who caused trouble..

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Yes it probably would but you would have to have insurance and it wouldn't be the general public as such, only people who's dogs and they exhibited the right personality for a dog park situation :)

As I would own it I could tell them to get on their bike :)

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Yes it probably would but you would have to have insurance and it wouldn't be the general public as such, only people who's dogs and they exhibited the right personality for a dog park situation :)

As I would own it I could tell them to get on their bike :)

You could also have like a membership kind of thing and all members pup/ dog would have had to complete some form of puppy school/obedience class - I think it would be a great idea. Or maybe make that a well known requirement. Sounds good :):thumbsup:

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My teenage daughter was walking our dog a few doors down when a dog came out of a yard and attacked them. Daughter was fine, dog scratched up alot. He was only 8-9 months old at the time. A neighbour came out and helped her cause she was screaming. She headed home and was almost there when she looked back and the dog was heading for them again. The owner apparently heard the commotion and got the dog who was lunging over our fence. Never came and asked if anyone was okay :eek: My daughter and our dog had jumped the fence to get away. From that day on our dog was never the same. Got a behaviorist involved and making progress. Head out our gate one day to put our dog in the car. Two dogs off leash across the street came straight for him!!! They weren't going to attack but he didn't know that. Scared the crap out of him again.

Well more behaviorist help and another large lump of cash ( which I don't mind spending on him except those idiots should foot the bill cause they caused this). Poor love stresses so much going for walks that it almost isn't worth it. Too many people with off leash dogs. I'm sick of hearing "oh he's friendly!" :mad This has changed our dog for life. Stressful for us when taking him out and very stressful for him.

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My teenage daughter was walking our dog a few doors down when a dog came out of a yard and attacked them. Daughter was fine, dog scratched up alot. He was only 8-9 months old at the time. A neighbour came out and helped her cause she was screaming. She headed home and was almost there when she looked back and the dog was heading for them again. The owner apparently heard the commotion and got the dog who was lunging over our fence. Never came and asked if anyone was okay :eek: My daughter and our dog had jumped the fence to get away. From that day on our dog was never the same. Got a behaviorist involved and making progress. Head out our gate one day to put our dog in the car. Two dogs off leash across the street came straight for him!!! They weren't going to attack but he didn't know that. Scared the crap out of him again.

Well more behaviorist help and another large lump of cash ( which I don't mind spending on him except those idiots should foot the bill cause they caused this). Poor love stresses so much going for walks that it almost isn't worth it. Too many people with off leash dogs. I'm sick of hearing "oh he's friendly!" :mad This has changed our dog for life. Stressful for us when taking him out and very stressful for him.

This makes me so mad and the owners have no clue :mad They would more than likely have no understanding how it affected your dog anyway cause it is only a dog :(

Some people should have a licence to function ....

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