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We've had Lucy now for 2 nights & she's settling in really well. I have a couple of concerns though.. She is scratching alot around her neck At first I thought it was her collar annoying her but when I took it off she's still itching like crazy I think she might have fleas? Ay advise in what's best to give her for it? She 9 weeks old I've got to get her a new collar today.. After wearing it for one day she's ripped it to shreds! :eek:

She's also wiping her bum alot on the grass My husband think she may have worms She not due for her next lot of drontal puppy suspension until next week Shall I give it to her early?

Any advise will be most appreciated :)

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Hi :)

How can a puppy rip a collar to shreds? I've not seen that happen before .

When you take her to your vet for the "I have a new puppy, please check her out" visit ( if you haven't already) ask about flea control suitable for her age/size etc.

As to worming.. what worming has she had already ..what did teh breeder write down for you?

Rubbing bum on grass can be just a dirty/itchy bum .. or an allergy, or ...or.... not always worms :)

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She's had drontal puppy suspension at 2 4 6 & 8 weeks due again next week. Good to know that it might not be worms :D

I'm actually going to take this collar back.. the pink fabric on it is literally in shreds but the material that the collar is made out of is fine..if that makes sense :confused:

I was only saying to OH last night that I should take her to the vet for the new puppy check so will get that organised for this afternoon if I can get in otherwise next week

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Glad to hear you've got your puppy safe and sound :)

Cooper does the same thing - he hadn't worn a collar until we got him and he scratched at it non stop (well, it seemed it to us) for the first week or more. He is slowly getting used to it, but still occasionally has a scratch. We have a Kramar puppy collar for him and it hasn't worn much with the scratching (a few frayed threads is all where his nails got under them).

Cooper also does the bum drag too! I was worried that it might be worms, but he had the Advocate puppy dose last week (@ 13 weeks), and the breeder had given him a worming tablet before we picked him up @11 weeks. I had emailed the Bayer (Advocate) manufacturer and asked if it was safe to use because he had already had a monthly tablet (but no fleas or heartworm treatment, which was a major influence in choosing this treatment) and their vet said the tablets act as a flush and are out of their system within 48hrs, so it would be safe to begin the Advocate straight away and not have to wait until the month was up. I know Advocate doesn't treat tapeworm (which is spread by fleas) so I will give an additional tablet every 6mths or so (as advised) to ensure there is no tapeworm but keeping the fleas at bay should prevent that aspect.

Having said all that, I'm pretty sure it's not worms, and I highly doubt it is blocked or full anal glands, so my best guess is just an itchy bottom. I don't mind when he does it outside on the concrete or grass, but inside on the tiles is a bit gross.

I did a google search and found another forum where a Cavalier puppy was doing the same thing and someone said it can be common in this breed... I will just have to put up with the "he has worms" comments.

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My pup Kirah used to destroy her collars too. We'd find it chewed in half every morning as she'd never had a collar on before (apparently the Pups chewed them off each other). I worked out that she managed to get it into her mouth and chew on it til she broke free. Thankfully she's out of this habit now but I don't keep her collared as I don't like what it does to her fur.

I'd definitely be taking her to the vet for a new puppy check-up. Only do you can introduce her to the vet clinic, have her checked out and ask any questions you have.

Photos are a must -- post some :)

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Drontal suspension doesnt do tapeworms I'd be tempted to put an allwormer down her throat the next time. If she's dragging her bum she may have something stuck, poor anal glands or if she's a fluffy breed the hair can get caught and matted over the anus preventing her to toilet properly.

as for the collar get heavier duty or leather.

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She's also wiping her bum alot on the grass My husband think she may have worms She not due for her next lot of drontal puppy suspension until next week Shall I give it to her early?

Any advise will be most appreciated :)

Both my Cavalier puppies were scooting when I first brought them home and needed their anal glands expressed at their first vet check. One needed them done again a month later. I started putting psyllium husks in with their dinner each night and they've never needed their glands expressed again.

They probably don't need the psyllium now but I still use it. Force of habit I guess.

Edited to say neither of them had worms when I brought them home. It was just the anal glands.

Edited by cavNrott
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Thanks everyone :)

I've got an appointment with the vet on Thursday so I will go through the worming & mention her scooting then She's a Cavalier King Charles so not really fluffy.

I ended up going back to City Farmers & showing them the collar. The manager said that he'd not seen anything like it before on those collars so he gave me my money back & I got her a little leather one instead which will hopefully be better!

Riverstar this is for you :)


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