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My First Foster Dog ;)


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Meet Holly, our first foster dog through AADBR :)

She's staying with us until she finds her new forever home and is ready to go. She;s around 7

She's got the biggest heart of gold, and I'm totally smitten by her !

So far she's getting along with the Cavs, the cats and doesn't seem too interested in the bunny (when the bunny is in the her hutch)

Very loving kind of dog.

She's having a pamper/grooming session on the weekend :)

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Aww what a little sweetie! :D

Thank you WoofnHoof :)

Another one us both taken today....


She goes in for her desexing/micro-chipping tomorrow. I am already feeling worried about it :(

Lovely pic Jules. :thumbsup:

I am sure she will be fine tommorow. Try not to worry too much.

I know it's easier said than done, I have had many desexed and I am the same. I worry myself silly the night before and when I drop them off. They've all been fine though. :)

Are they keeping her in overnight or sending her home the same day?

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Thanks Rach :)

It doesn't help I've woken up this morning with really bad hayfever ! :(

I am sure she will be ok..

Not sure yet if picking up her today sometime or they keeping her in overnight,. Usually I have always picked up my past dogs that same day.

Not keen to leave her there overnight, after the experience we had there with Renae ages ago.,.,:mad

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Aww what a little sweetie! :D

Thank you WoofnHoof :)

Another one us both taken today....


She goes in for her desexing/micro-chipping tomorrow. I am already feeling worried about it :(

That photo is gorgeous Jules.How did she go with the op?

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That photo is gorgeous Jules.How did she go with the op?

Thanks stansmum :)

She went really well, but was quite shaky after when i picked her up:(

She's been on pain killers for a couple days, but finished them now. I had to take her in today just for a very quick check up as she's been picking at her stitches. They took a quick look at her and said she's bit red and swollen and now she has to wear a satellite dish lol for a while, which she is coping with good actually.

Have to go back in about 7 days to get her stitches out.


Edited by Jules♥Cavs
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I didn't have to leave my girl overnight, she came home same day & next morning she was quite bright & acting like normal, even trying to run around. I was all worried like you. Go figure. Good luck with Holly, she is such a cutie

They seem to get over things quicker than us humans don't they :) Thank you also BC Crazy x

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I have some Christmas pics of her and the Cavs if anyone is interested in seeing them? I posted them in General in the Christmas pic thread, but theres been heaps of more pics since then, so not sure how many people saw my pics :)

Edited by Jules♥Cavs
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Hi Jules :wave:

News of your beautiful clan? Does Holly have a forever home yet? :)


Just bumping this up. Holly does have a new home, my Mum adopted her in early January :). Mum was looking for a small female dog to join her ten year old Maltese x Shih Tzu Cleo ( the black dog in photo) and her ten year old cat Patra. I saw Holly on Jules FB page, messaged Mum, Jules and Heather at Adelaide All Breed Dog Rescue and had Mum fill out an application form.

Holly is a very well loved little girl. She has been with Mum for just under 2 months and is well and truly spoiled. She and Cleo get along really well, the cat is not fussed at all by her presence. She comes down to stay at my place here in Adelaide quite a bit. I suggested Mum friend Jules on FB so that Jules could stay up to date with Holly pictures. Holly is a bossy little sook- if you stop patting her she will nudge your hand, or sigh and drop her head on you as if to say ''Pat me please'' :o . We love her- Mum is very pleased with how she has fitted into the family, she loves her girls. I know that Mum would like to try and find some time to meet Jules and her Cav's so that Holly can see Jules. We ( Mum and I) consider Holly to be very lucky because not only is she so loved by us, but she is also so dearly loved by Jules :o.

ETA- For Christmas Mum gave Cleo and my girl Brennan a 'Princess crown' collar jewel ''Because they are princesses'', the day after she got Holly she went out looking for a Princess crown for Holly but couldn't find one. So she got the star instead because Holly is ''a shining star''.

Edited by Brennan's Mum
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