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When Does Your Breed Start To "slow Down"?


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My last forever dog was a Border Collie x Kelpie and I certainly did not know what I was getting myself in for around her non-stop energy levels. She lived to the ripe old age of 1 month shy of 15 before sadly passing.

I recall thinking at about age 5, "When is this dog going to slow down". Her energy levels did not start to decline until she was 8 and even then, it was a very slow process until she was about 12 and then things became noticeable.

At what age is typical for your breed to start to slow down?

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I have two resues... my boy is turning 6 in January and is a maltese x lhaso apso and I noticing him slow down approx a year ago. He does have a condition similar to arthritis so thats probably why.

My girl is 4 turning 5 in May and is a mini poodle x maltese. I'm yet to see her slow down but these days instead of using her energy for evil ie. chewing up my couch, she uses is for good ie. entertaining zoomies around the garden and house :thumbsup:

I am looking forward to the calmness of two grown up dogs one day :o

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I consider myself very lucky as I noticed my girl (Aussie Shepherd) losing her puppy insanity around 8 months! She's just turned 2 years old and is really good, although will still do things like pull washing off the line. She rearranges the yard much less often these days.

I wouldn't say she has any less energy though :laugh:

Edited by wuffles
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SBT's, just before death.

:laugh: So true

Yeah mines only an SBT cross and he ain't slowing down yet heading for nine years. I am though.....

I meet these old looking dogs plodding down the road and ask their owners how old they are and they say five! God mine was still a pup at 5!!

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My 6.5yr old kelpie is still doing the same flyball times as she was a few years ago! I expect it will be another few yrs before she slows down, but I am trying to get her fitness up so that she can keep up with herself (her only speed is flat out).

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Me too. Whippets have small pockets of insanity then sleep the rest of the time :D

One of mine was quiet as a baby, she took some time to warm up but she's now as mad as a cut snake :laugh: there's toys and shit all over the house and I'm frequently telling her off for racing around and jumping on the bed. She's been known to sail over the kitchen table, while people are having coffee and plop down on the lounge and give you the look of "WHAT"

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hahahahahaha that is hilarious. Neither of mine would ever do that. I have always ahd the rule no maddies in the house htough, so that may be it.

When I went to look at Lewis when he was around 7 months old he raced through the house - I was sitting on the lounge - and he landed on my head, then proceeded to leap all over the lounge kissing me................ now he just flops onto of you :)

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Border Collies generally are still going strong at 12 but suddenly slow up around 13-14. It is considered quite normal to still successfully show Borders at 9, 10 or 11 with the odd one still winning at 12. Quite a few of the breed's Best In Show winners have been 9 or 10 years old at the time.

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Dusty never actually got going, she's the laziest dog I've ever owned. The others only slow down when I tell them to or after a good 30 minute run. Can't see that changing til they're well into their teens. Shae is almost 6 and she's a pocket rocket.

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Panto only recently just before she turned 9... but because she'd hurt her back rather than anything else. She still wants to tear after the ball ""i'm ready, ok i'm ready - hey mum! i'm ready! let's go, what's next, i'm ready! wheeeeee!!".

It's heartbreaking not being able to let her run as much as she would like to as she'll be in pain later. So I walk her around the park and only do a few small throws, the rest of the time she sniffs around at her only pace (turbo) with ball in mouth.

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