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Finders Keepers.


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If you don't want alternative opinions, don't post.

Btw, I am not rude, just blunt. Whilst it is ok to say that people should follow the law (I totally agree with this) it is not ok to give them reasons why they should follow the law that are false.

Dogs do die in pounds and more dogs are lost than are ever found again.

I'm quite happy to hear alternative opinions, but I don't think people need to be rude in expressing them. ;)

There's a fine line between rude and blunt and I think eye rolling is crossing it.

There is nothing false about what I said and that is something we'll have to agree to disagree on. Of course different areas and pounds are different in their operation, so that could be where we're coming unstuck. :)

Again, euth rates are irrielavant. People are welcome to put their names on an animal if they are concerned.

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I think you need to learn to accept that others hold differing opinions and that on a public forum you will undoubtedly have your opinions challenged. You've jumped on everyone here that has offered anything different to what you think including telling people that the are not reading what you have said and yet you tell me that I am being rude. :laugh:

As I said, whilst it is ok to say that people should follow the law, and I agree with this, it is not ok to give them reasons why they should follow the law that are false.

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I think you need to learn to accept that others hold differing opinions and that on a public forum you will undoubtedly have your opinions challenged. You've jumped on everyone here that has offered anything different to what you think including telling people that the are not reading what you have said and yet you tell me that I am being rude. :laugh:

As I said, whilst it is ok to say that people should follow the law, and I agree with this, it is not ok to give them reasons why they should follow the law that are false.

If other have thought me rude, I am more than happy to discuss grievances with them, but I don't see anyone complaining. :)

I am happy to have my opinions challenged without rudeness. :)

My reasons are not false. :)

This could go on for an eternity! :laugh:

So I'm going to close the book on this particular debate and get back to the original topic.

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I don't understand how people can do this.

I was driving home a couple of days ago and found this beagle near the side of the road ( 100KM road at that) so i stopped took it home with me and rang the number on the tag . This was a well looked after pet and i would of felt terrible if i had of left it and it got hit. It was clearly a loved animal. The guys came and picked it up within the hour and im hoping that she has been reunited with her owner.

Well done. It's seems us dog people are out in force collecting stray animals. :laugh:

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ok so to describe my dogs... al dol style based on the husky above...

large white male dog with brown spots farts and is dumb and goofy..

small white female black spots shy does not fart, is related to road runner!

small male dog escapeoligist of the tri coloured varity... follow any one with a crust has been stolen for fun before.

large white /black ferocious snaps when cornered prefers couch...will hunt large kangroos but short legs limit catching ability... unless said roo is lead posioned. (well in dog eyes he is larger)

large escapoligist carries ball has teeth worn to carry said ball with ease... looks like the mask dog or the stilh dog!

did you guys know the average vet buys so many chips and recieves a free scanner to read that brand of chip. they do work on other chips but can refuse to read chips made by other companies....hence some dog will not register.

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ok so to describe my dogs... al dol style based on the husky above...

large white male dog with brown spots farts and is dumb and goofy..

small white female black spots shy does not fart, is related to road runner!

small male dog escapeoligist of the tri coloured varity... follow any one with a crust has been stolen for fun before.

large white /black ferocious snaps when cornered prefers couch...will hunt large kangroos but short legs limit catching ability... unless said roo is lead posioned. (well in dog eyes he is larger)

large escapoligist carries ball has teeth worn to carry said ball with ease... looks like the mask dog or the stilh dog!

did you guys know the average vet buys so many chips and recieves a free scanner to read that brand of chip. they do work on other chips but can refuse to read chips made by other companies....hence some dog will not register.


Mine: Two crazy, black devil dogs. Hand them in to the pound now, before they ruin your life with zoomies! :laugh:

Did you mean that the scanner can refuse to scan other chips or that the vets can refuse to scan other chips?

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. People can put their names on animals if they are concerned about that. :)

People may be able to put their name on the dog, but that doesn't mean it will be released to them. I am aware of a Great Dane that was taken to a pound recently because the owner of the dog was well aware of where it was but had not collected it over a 3 - 4 day period. When the people tried to say they would take it back if the owner didn't come and get it, they were not permitted to do so. When rescue rang re the dog they were told it have never been at the pound.

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. People can put their names on animals if they are concerned about that. :)

People may be able to put their name on the dog, but that doesn't mean it will be released to them. I am aware of a Great Dane that was taken to a pound recently because the owner of the dog was well aware of where it was but had not collected it over a 3 - 4 day period. When the people tried to say they would take it back if the owner didn't come and get it, they were not permitted to do so. When rescue rang re the dog they were told it have never been at the pound.

I'm confused. Did the owners collect the dog from the pound in the end? Why did they refuse to release the dog to the finders? Was the dog still at the pound when the rescue rang? :confused:

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. People can put their names on animals if they are concerned about that. :)

People may be able to put their name on the dog, but that doesn't mean it will be released to them. I am aware of a Great Dane that was taken to a pound recently because the owner of the dog was well aware of where it was but had not collected it over a 3 - 4 day period. When the people tried to say they would take it back if the owner didn't come and get it, they were not permitted to do so. When rescue rang re the dog they were told it have never been at the pound.

I'm confused. Did the owners collect the dog from the pound in the end? Why did they refuse to release the dog to the finders? Was the dog still at the pound when the rescue rang? :confused:

I don't know what happened to the dog, the pound refused to tell the person who had found the dog whether the owner had collected it and when rescue rang they denied ever having the dog. I seriously doubt the owner went to collect it as the dog was on the pound site for its hold period, then dropped off the day I sent the link to the rescue.

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. People can put their names on animals if they are concerned about that. :)

People may be able to put their name on the dog, but that doesn't mean it will be released to them. I am aware of a Great Dane that was taken to a pound recently because the owner of the dog was well aware of where it was but had not collected it over a 3 - 4 day period. When the people tried to say they would take it back if the owner didn't come and get it, they were not permitted to do so. When rescue rang re the dog they were told it have never been at the pound.

I'm confused. Did the owners collect the dog from the pound in the end? Why did they refuse to release the dog to the finders? Was the dog still at the pound when the rescue rang? :confused:

I don't know what happened to the dog, the pound refused to tell the person who had found the dog whether the owner had collected it and when rescue rang they denied ever having the dog. I seriously doubt the owner went to collect it as the dog was on the pound site for its hold period, then dropped off the day I sent the link to the rescue.

How strange. :confused:

Still, this isn't typical. The pound is still the best option for owner recovery.

I hope the Dane is safe. :(

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I don't understand how people can do this.

I was driving home a couple of days ago and found this beagle near the side of the road ( 100KM road at that) so i stopped took it home with me and rang the number on the tag . This was a well looked after pet and i would of felt terrible if i had of left it and it got hit. It was clearly a loved animal. The guys came and picked it up within the hour and im hoping that she has been reunited with her owner.

Well done. It's seems us dog people are out in force collecting stray animals. :laugh:

I don't find that funny simply because of the danger stray dogs pose to the public and themselves. It scares the crap out of me seeing dogs run along busy roads. I have picked dead dogs off the road that I haven't got to in time. I have handed a dog into the pound that was PTS. Two cyclists were killed last week because a truck swerved to avoid a dog. I know of a person who is a parapledgic from swerving their car to miss a dog. Dogs that attack people or other dogs are often strays.

So yes; if people find a stray they shouldn't keep it and should hand it to the pound. And yes; the pounds could probably lift their game with breed id and the like but the buck stops with us. We are the ones that have the capacity to make sure we have adequate fencing and gates that are locked. We are responsible for confirming correct microchip details and getting our dogs micochip scanned at vet visits. If pounds didn't have to deal with animals that stray due to slack containment and only needed to concentrate on the genuine cases then they might have more time to work on the accuracy of their breed identifications.

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I don't understand how people can do this.

I was driving home a couple of days ago and found this beagle near the side of the road ( 100KM road at that) so i stopped took it home with me and rang the number on the tag . This was a well looked after pet and i would of felt terrible if i had of left it and it got hit. It was clearly a loved animal. The guys came and picked it up within the hour and im hoping that she has been reunited with her owner.

Well done. It's seems us dog people are out in force collecting stray animals. :laugh:

I don't find that funny simply because of the danger stray dogs pose to the public and themselves. It scares the crap out of me seeing dogs run along busy roads. I have picked dead dogs off the road that I haven't got to in time. I have handed a dog into the pound that was PTS. Two cyclists were killed last week because a truck swerved to avoid a dog. I know of a person who is a parapledgic from swerving their car to miss a dog. Dogs that attack people or other dogs are often strays.

So yes; if people find a stray they shouldn't keep it and should hand it to the pound. And yes; the pounds could probably lift their game with breed id and the like but the buck stops with us. We are the ones that have the capacity to make sure we have adequate fencing and gates that are locked. We are responsible for confirming correct microchip details and getting our dogs micochip scanned at vet visits. If pounds didn't have to deal with animals that stray due to slack containment and only needed to concentrate on the genuine cases then they might have more time to work on the accuracy of their breed identifications.

I don't find strays funny. I find the fact that it's always the same people clodding about, rolling their eyes and fumbling for makeshift leads kind of funny. I am one of those people. :D

And as for your second paragraph: glad you agree. :)

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People are welcome to put their names on an animal if they are concerned.

I can tell you right now that there are pounds in Victoria that DO NOT release dogs to the general public. They will return them to owners but that is it - if the dog is not claimed by its owner it is shot. It is very, very, very difficult to convince members of the public to send a dog to a pound when they know that if the owners don't turn up it will be shot. :shrug:

I believe very, very strongly that people should always contact the rangers when they find a dog OR take it to the nearest vet (which is what I've always done with every stray dog (or deceased dog) that I've picked up - loads of) BUT there are some Councils that make that a very unpleasant option.

As for how many dogs that are impounded get claimed I can tell you that when I was running Albury Dog Rescue and working closely with both Albury & Wodonga Pounds there were no more than 50% of impounded dogs claimed over the course of a year. In fact I'd be surprised if that many were claimed.

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People are welcome to put their names on an animal if they are concerned.

I can tell you right now that there are pounds in Victoria that DO NOT release dogs to the general public. They will return them to owners but that is it - if the dog is not claimed by its owner it is shot. It is very, very, very difficult to convince members of the public to send a dog to a pound when they know that if the owners don't turn up it will be shot. :shrug:

I believe very, very strongly that people should always contact the rangers when they find a dog OR take it to the nearest vet (which is what I've always done with every stray dog (or deceased dog) that I've picked up - loads of) BUT there are some Councils that make that a very unpleasant option.

As for how many dogs that are impounded get claimed I can tell you that when I was running Albury Dog Rescue and working closely with both Albury & Wodonga Pounds there were no more than 50% of impounded dogs claimed over the course of a year. In fact I'd be surprised if that many were claimed.

That is interesting. The pounds around here certainly don't operate like that. Which pounds are they? It would be good to have a list of which ones do this in order to accurately advise. In those cases a description/photo might be better off being sent. Care to compile a list? :)

Things might be different in rural areas, as people tend to find deserted areas to dump their dogs and many rural people tend to bave a more disposable attitude toward animals. Not all country people are like this, clearly, but I found when I lived in a rual area there were certainly more of these types. This might account for the heightened euthanasia rate. :(

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That is interesting. The pounds around here certainly don't operate like that. Which pounds are they? It would be good to have a list of which ones do this in order to accurately advise. In those cases a description/photo might be better off being sent. Care to compile a list? :)

Things might be different in rural areas, as people tend to find deserted areas to dump their dogs and many rural people tend to bave a more disposable attitude toward animals. Not all country people are like this, clearly, but I found when I lived in a rual area there were certainly more of these types. This might account for the heightened euthanasia rate. :(

Blackdogs, which Vic pounds are you refering to in your posts or what area are they in?

I would prefer not to dislose that for privacy reasons. :)

Not really reasonable to expect other people to disclose pound names if you are not willing to do so :confused:

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That is interesting. The pounds around here certainly don't operate like that. Which pounds are they? It would be good to have a list of which ones do this in order to accurately advise. In those cases a description/photo might be better off being sent. Care to compile a list? :)

Things might be different in rural areas, as people tend to find deserted areas to dump their dogs and many rural people tend to bave a more disposable attitude toward animals. Not all country people are like this, clearly, but I found when I lived in a rual area there were certainly more of these types. This might account for the heightened euthanasia rate. :(

Blackdogs, which Vic pounds are you refering to in your posts or what area are they in?

I would prefer not to dislose that for privacy reasons. :)

Not really reasonable to expect other people to disclose pound names if you are not willing to do so :confused:

Trisven doesn't have to disclose anything she doesn't want to. She may not have the same privacy concerns as I do. :)

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Not really reasonable to expect other people to disclose pound names if you are not willing to do so :confused:

Can't help but think the exact same thing. Why should I identify when you're not willing to???????

I saw that you had listed your location, so I didn't think you'd mind. But if you don't feel comfortable then there's no obligation. It was just a suggestion. :)

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