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Would These Two Breeds Get On Well Together Cocker Spaniel And A Jrt


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Hey guys okay I finally had OH convinced to get another dog and had my heart set on a girl friend for zorro a black and tan cocker but I think my bf would really like a jack russel or a fox terrier I'm not a big fan of them but zorro is my dog he follows me every where even to the loo and I thought it would be nice for him to have a dog that would be his. Now I know he wants a girl so that is all sorted and better for zorro to but do you think cocker spaniels and jRT of a FT would be okay together I know they are both high energy dogs so they need the same amount of exercise? Zorro needs alot he gets an hour walk and a good game of fetch in the back garden ( he could keep going but I get pooped) he is also with me at the horse and gets to run around there, would that be to much for a jRT or FT? Also temprement wise would they suit zorro is very submissive but also very playfully and has never bitten another dog he is a big girl :). Also some thing that I forgot to think about is how zorro would feel about having another dog around if the dog was mostly Andy's he would be fine but if she attached herself to me I dunno if he would like that I don't think he would get aggressive but I'm worried it might make him ill or withdrawn?

Any help would be great

Edited by Atanquin
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Hey guys okay I finally had OH convinced to get another dog and had my heart set on a girl friend for zorro a black and tan cocker but I think my bf would really like a jack russel or a fox terrier I'm not a big fan of them but zorro is my dog he follows me every where even to the loo and I thought it would be nice for him to have a dog that would be his. Now I know he wants a girl so that is all sorted and better for zorro to but do you think cocker spaniels and jRT of a FT would be okay together I know they are both high energy dogs so they need the same amount of exercise? Zorro needs alot he gets an hour walk and a good game of fetch in the back garden ( he could keep going but I get pooped) he is also with me at the horse and gets to run around there, would that be to much for a jRT or FT? Also temprement wise would they suit zorro is very submissive but also very playfully and has never bitten another dog he is a big girl :). Also some thing that I forgot to think about is how zorro would feel about having another dog around if the dog was mostly Andy's he would be fine but if she attached herself to me I dunno if he would like that I don't think he would get aggressive but I'm worried it might make him ill or withdrawn?

Any help would be great

I don't know these breeds but you might get more responses if you edit your post to put the breeds in question in the subject line.

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I rescued a little tan and black cocker about 6 years ago, we had her for about 6 months we had a jack russell at the time, they got on really well, better than I expected. Cockers are a lot more lively than they let on.

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Theres every chance the dog will choose you over your OH, it will take careful planning and introduction but if you do some research on how to go about it properly Im sure it would be fine. Zorro sounds well adjusted and well loved I doubt you will have any issues. Gundogs in general dog like the company of other dogs as well as thier people. Breed is up to you and your OH, I personally find Jacks and foxies nice dogs but a few we have had through the kennels at work have turned me right off, actually working in kennels has turned me off most terriers (dont get me wrong there are a few shining stars that come into the kennels but alot of the terriers are way too much for me). BUT Im a gundog kinda person it really just depends on exactly what you want temperment wise.

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Well if we got a terrier then it would be his dog he would feed it and train it as I'm not a terrier person I like my gun and working dogs. But he I think he has his heart set on one as he was going to one at the dog obedience party an he was constantly commenting on it and I have never heard him pay so much attention to one dog before and he even said he would one. Thanks for all your replys guys they are really helpfull. I was mostly worried about temperament as zorro is so submissive he was getting picked on by a small black fluffy mix breed today it was smaller than him and he just hid behind me with his tail tucked right up poor boy. So I don't really want a dog that will be to dominant.

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If there is one thing I've learnt when I was looking for a mate for our Field Spaniel, was to match the temparement to your current dog. We ended up with a rescue (gorgeous dog, but dominant) and it didn't work so we ended up with another dog of the same breed. Perfect.

In saying that, I have met a number of households (and there are a lot on here) where the mix does work. I guess it depends on the dog. Perhaps get a pup and ask the breeder for a laid back JRT and you should have no problems.

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Guest RosieFT

I have a smooth fox terrier and she has the most gorgeous nature.

My relatives often just turn up with their dogs and have never had a problem. She gets along with my parents' bichon, my SIL mini dachshunds and my MIL's poodle x spaniel. I have never had a problem with her when meeting strange dogs.

She is actually more of a lap dog than my parents bichon! My dad commented on how much she likes hanging out with him when they look after her. To the point taht she asks to get on his lap when he is on the computer! In our house, she spreads her 'love' amongst all four of us - but mostly with whomever might be doing something interesting LOL. We don't allow her on the couch or beds, but when my daughter has her terrible nightmares and cannot sleep, we plonk Rosie on the bed and she snuggles in and keeps my daughter company.

I do agility with her... after a few terms of obedience to get her socialised in a controlled environment I moved onto something more her style. She has a zest for life that was not able to be contained in obedience.... but then I don't claim to be the world's best handler!

Super tough all round family dog for us.


ETA my parents' current bichon is excessively submissive and they get along fine. When Rosie was younger and if she got carried away with wanting to play I could easily distract her by bringing out a toy (she is uber toy focused)

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Hi, I own 2 cockers- i used to have 3 but my girl passed away at 14. :( Anyhoo i also own 4 other doggies-all sleep in the same bed :thumbsup: with me, hubby gets pushed out...so thats 6 dogs, one of them is a cross foxie/jrt-some type of little terrior-he is a rescue, and he gets on with all the other dos-2 are English pointers and one is a standard poodle. Now i HATE!!! to say this but cockers do have temperament issues-or perhaps maybe it's me!! :eek: , they really get attached to you and dont like others coming near you-well some of them do-one of my cockers can be really aggressive towards the other dogs if he thinks he doesnt want them near me-the other one doesnt have any real temperament issues, but he doesnt really know his place in the hierarchy. I truly think that with dogs that get really really attached to their humans (like cockers seem to), you have to put some hard work into it, when you bring a new do into the group.. i think it will work out just fine because your cocker sounds well adjusted. Also as others have said your cocker will probably love the company too.

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Guest donatella

Hi, I own 2 cockers- i used to have 3 but my girl passed away at 14. :( Anyhoo i also own 4 other doggies-all sleep in the same bed :thumbsup: with me, hubby gets pushed out...so thats 6 dogs, one of them is a cross foxie/jrt-some type of little terrior-he is a rescue, and he gets on with all the other dos-2 are English pointers and one is a standard poodle. Now i HATE!!! to say this but cockers do have temperament issues-or perhaps maybe it's me!! :eek: , they really get attached to you and dont like others coming near you-well some of them do-one of my cockers can be really aggressive towards the other dogs if he thinks he doesnt want them near me-the other one doesnt have any real temperament issues, but he doesnt really know his place in the hierarchy. I truly think that with dogs that get really really attached to their humans (like cockers seem to), you have to put some hard work into it, when you bring a new do into the group.. i think it will work out just fine because your cocker sounds well adjusted. Also as others have said your cocker will probably love the company too.

My nanna owns a cocker and when she gets put into a nursing home it will have to be PTS because its just so aggressive with other dogs (wants to attack and kill other dogs), wont leave her side and is just so attached so I can see what you mean by the above. Thankfully the dog is old too, hopefully it will go of old age before she has to be put into care, but I daresay the time is coming closer :(

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Hi, I own 2 cockers- i used to have 3 but my girl passed away at 14. :( Anyhoo i also own 4 other doggies-all sleep in the same bed :thumbsup: with me, hubby gets pushed out...so thats 6 dogs, one of them is a cross foxie/jrt-some type of little terrior-he is a rescue, and he gets on with all the other dos-2 are English pointers and one is a standard poodle. Now i HATE!!! to say this but cockers do have temperament issues-or perhaps maybe it's me!! :eek: , they really get attached to you and dont like others coming near you-well some of them do-one of my cockers can be really aggressive towards the other dogs if he thinks he doesnt want them near me-the other one doesnt have any real temperament issues, but he doesnt really know his place in the hierarchy. I truly think that with dogs that get really really attached to their humans (like cockers seem to), you have to put some hard work into it, when you bring a new do into the group.. i think it will work out just fine because your cocker sounds well adjusted. Also as others have said your cocker will probably love the company too.

My nanna owns a cocker and when she gets put into a nursing home it will have to be PTS because its just so aggressive with other dogs (wants to attack and kill other dogs), wont leave her side and is just so attached so I can see what you mean by the above. Thankfully the dog is old too, hopefully it will go of old age before she has to be put into care, but I daresay the time is coming closer :(

Me thinks the cockers you both have mentioned have some bad breeding. Zorro is fine with other dogs and is very submissive and definitely non aggressive so I don't want a breed that will be to dominant with him there is a jRT in his obedience class that is aggressive and it latched on to zorro's ear when they where saying hallo and the other jRT that Andy liked is always muzzled during its class so hence my concern that they maybe a bit to much for him. It's funny I say he is a well adjusted Andy says he is spoilt ;) lol thanks for all the feed back very one it has been great and very helpful

Edited by Atanquin
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When you add a second do to the mix it does change things a lot, my lab loves his new baby brother but his personality has changed, he is more reserved around us, often sulks as the pup is more in our faces than he is. I do make time to just spend with the first dog alone but it's not the same, things do change :)

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