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Wkc Vs Ankc Kelpies


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I live on the land and work on a station out west and have always owned WKC kelpies. A farmer told me the other day that the ANKC reg kelpies have all had their natural herding ability bred out and they are bred for looks and temp not drive. Is this true?

Edited by redial
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Well I think to say they have had ALL their working instinct out is a bit over the top....................

But personally if I, or anyone I knew was looking for a dog to work stock on property, I would not be looking at ANKC dogs.

There is only very few true WKC Kelpie studs that have the dual registrations to be able to register them with ANKC.

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I live on the land and work on a station out west and have always owned WKC kelpies. A farmer told me the other day that the ANKC reg kelpies have all had their natural herding ability bred out and they are bred for looks and temp not drive. Is this true?

All I can say is....Dont believe everything you hear, especially by farmers out west ;)

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My show lines kelpie went to an intro herding day where there was also a working lines kelpie... my boy was MUCH more interested in the sheep ;) But alas I don't have time to train him :( Saying that, he has shown no inclination to round up or chase the horses which I am very happy about :)

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Interesting. I just spoke to someone else who has had experiece with both and she said that sometimes because the showline dogs are less "manic" they can actually work better, but she says they lack the endurance... I think I need to do a bit of a study.

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There is also a difference between interest and instinct and ability.

Some WKC and Working Border Collie lines have different rates of "switching on".

Some lines are early starters and others may not even look even interested until 18months-2 years. They can then turn out to be better, or a waste of time waiting for that long.

There is also a lot of difference between what is required of an ANKC herding test and a full day work on a farm, mustering, drafting, yarding and then putting all the stock back again.

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I think you just need to stop talking to people and accept that each dog as an individual.

There are low and high drive kelpies on each registry and individuals with good and poor instinct from both too. If you are looking for a particular trait then look at the parents and hope it comes out in the pups.

Only very poorly bred (or trained in some cases) Kelpies are manic regardless of the register.

White spots are allowed they are just undesirable. Most kelpies with excessive white start to make me wonder if there is any BC in their pedigree.

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He meant Manic as in high energy. It's how a lot of people refer to kelpies, the super high excited energy they get. not a neurotic. I'm definitely going to do a study.

Manic indicates high energy without appropriate release. As I said- kelpies that are referred to as manic are poorly bred or poorly trained

I have exceptionally high drive ANKC registered kelpies because it has been fostered and bred for and the latest little monster has never been called manic because she never looks manic, but can jump over a meter in the air in food drive. They will work for as long as you want, once again because I chose lines with those characteristics. You could find the exact same characteristics in a WKC kelpie.

I can also tell you were to buy a slug ANKC OR WKC Kelpie lol

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Yeah, I noticed that, the young pup I have right now is WKC, I actually sent back the last pup I got as it had NO drive... I was so disappointed gorgeous little thing, nice type but literally a couch potato. This little guy is very laid back but very high work drive, plus I think he's a nicer type then the last one. Can't wait to see how he turns out.

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Yeah, I noticed that, the young pup I have right now is WKC, I actually sent back the last pup I got as it had NO drive... I was so disappointed gorgeous little thing, nice type but literally a couch potato. This little guy is very laid back but very high work drive, plus I think he's a nicer type then the last one. Can't wait to see how he turns out.

Had you researched his lines? How knowledgable was the breeder?

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