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Just A Query - Nothing Definite


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Someone middleaged is possibly looking for a dog to complete her family.Dog will fill the eventual space occupied by the world's best boxer girl.

Currently has a boxer in its teens ..and a ratbag L/H male dachs .

lives alone.. but always people around ..including young grandkids .... is home 90% of the time. Dogs are inside 90% of the time ..and are well looked after , if not trained 100% ;) :o

Dogs are not walked , as such, but do go on outings, have a very large and interesting yard ,where they bark at cats etc but spend most of the time indoors with owner.

barking at intruders is appreciated :)

I think I have talked her out of an amstaff !

Any suggestions from those who are good at this stuff?

Edited by persephone
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Fauves love to hang out and be part of the action but aren't huge alarm barkers - some days they will, some days they won't :laugh: . They like walks but are happy without them provided they get to do stuff with you. Not a breed I recommend for off-lead stuff though I qualify that by saying I've never had a dog that was good off lead so its probably me as much as the dog :laugh: . Fauves love people, kids, dogs etc etc. Worst habits are digging and howling when there is more than one of them.

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..low prey drive/scent drive... the more I think about it .. country town, stray cats, the odd bunny wandering .. lots of birds. The current dogs were adult, and grew up behind 6 ft colorbond fences, so had no habit of wandering/barking thru netting etc.

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Well that is a surprise!

If you are thinking it may be from a less than ideal source, then at times like that I take a deep breath and remind myself that while it wouldn't be my choice people have the right to obtain a pet in the manner they see fit :)

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post-1359-0-16683300-1323779514_thumb.jpgmeet Maggie. supposedly a maltX rescue from a country pound..around 12 mths old ,small, never been an inside dog ..very active and boisterous.

*shakes head* Very cute ... but she is causing a few headaches, apparently ;) The Dachsie has a wrestling buddy, the old lady boxer is not too worried .

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post-1359-0-16683300-1323779514_thumb.jpgmeet Maggie. supposedly a maltX rescue from a country pound..around 12 mths old ,small, never been an inside dog ..very active and boisterous.

*shakes head* Very cute ... but she is causing a few headaches, apparently ;) The Dachsie has a wrestling buddy, the old lady boxer is not too worried .

what a cutie! i hope it all works out :)

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Ran away down the street yesterday , bit the plumber this morning. Will probably be returned to the pound soon.

and I am not going to say to her "I told you so" ..but I did warn her that a young active dog, at the pound , reason unknown, was not a good idea....

:( I guess she'll be PTS now?

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