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Katherine Heigl Hates Balls


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Hilarious... but disturbing :rofl:

Personally I don't think an add like that would pursuade many pet owners to desex their animals. However I do think it will raise a lot of money towards desexing animals in shelters (based on the novelty factor alone), which is not a bad thing at all.

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This conversation is reminding me of a segment I once saw on Bondi Vet. A girl took her bulldog to get desexed, and at the same time to have prosthetic testicles inserted to please her boyfriend. Apparently he couldn't bear the thought of having a male dog without balls, so they got fake ones. Unbelievable.

I'm at work so am not going to see if I can find a clip on youtube (not sure whether that kind of thing would make it to youtube, but I've seen far stranger and more pointless crap on there!). But if you're interested in seeing a real douchebag, perhaps have a google!

I saw that as well couldn't beleive it and if I remember rightly the fake balls had to be ordered from somewhere overseas and it was a very expensive exersise.Still shaking my head at that one.As far as the ad goes I thought it was funny and will hopefully get the message across.

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Totally agreed with you that if it works it will be great. Just didn't like it myself and I had some concerns about how it would sit with the target market (guys who compensate for their own lack of manhood through big out of control entire male dogs).

That's probably exactly the sort of thing Katherine Heigl would say Jacquie(but she'd probably replace manhood with something a bit bawdier).

I once said something to my breeder about dogs' balls. She was such a lady and really offended - I beg your pardon, miss. It's testes thankyou very much.

I felt like a little kid wishing the ground would open up and swallow me :rofl: Maybe that's why I thought it was such a funny ad. Seeing someone that goodlooking discussing dogs' balls just seems so unexpected. I think she should do another one trying to encourage lazy bloody dog owners to pick up their dog's poo.

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I have never gotten the whole men like their dogs to have their mansticles still on, you don't see women breeding their female dogs constantly just so that they have big boobies.


Isnt it funny how such an ugly little appendage that men think are the most beautiful things on the planet get such great nicknames (sorry to the men on here. Yes your balls really are the most beautiful thing a woman has ever seen. So are your dog's balls - they're gorgeous and should be in a glass display cabinet to adore for eternity, not on your dog). I actually quite like the nickname 'teabag'

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I have never gotten the whole men like their dogs to have their mansticles still on, you don't see women breeding their female dogs constantly just so that they have big boobies.

Yeah but women don't like identify themselves through their breasts (or at least I don't lol).

I don't really notice balls on dogs, except for bull dogs (they seem to be larger relative to body size than other breeds - maybe it's just me). I had a bull dog owner come up to me once and tell me it was a pity I had desexed my dog because he would have liked a dog like him (like I would have agreed to let him use him... and worse, people never seem to understand that it's not the dog, it's them as owners that keep resulting in them having undesirable dogs). Of course my dog isn't desexed, and I pointed this out to him, so he replied, oh, dobermans have small balls.

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I have never gotten the whole men like their dogs to have their mansticles still on, you don't see women breeding their female dogs constantly just so that they have big boobies.

Yeah but women don't like identify themselves through their breasts (or at least I don't lol).

not sure if I'm reading this right but it kinda souonds like you're saying that Men's testes are a major part of their identity?

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Nope not saying that at all, but I am sure we have all met a male that didn't want to castrate his male dog because he wanted him to keep his balls and this to me is what the commercial was poking fun at. I'm certainly not saying men identify themselves through their balls but I have never met a woman that hasn't wanted to desex their dog because it would affect his "manhood" but maybe I don't get out enough. Balls on, balls off it was a funny skit to me

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A guy I knew years ago had a Great Dane. I asked him if he was going to get the dog desexed because he wasnt a breeder or exhibitor. His response was - I wouldnt cut my own balls off so why would I do it to a dog. I just said - well you must have tiny genitals if you're so attached to them that you wont desex your dog.

I'm with Katherine Heigl on this issue. Male dogs in my house - 2. Number of puppy making scrotums - zero.

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Nope not saying that at all, but I am sure we have all met a male that didn't want to castrate his male dog because he wanted him to keep his balls and this to me is what the commercial was poking fun at. I'm certainly not saying men identify themselves through their balls but I have never met a woman that hasn't wanted to desex their dog because it would affect his "manhood" but maybe I don't get out enough. Balls on, balls off it was a funny skit to me

Sorry, the question I asked was referring to what Jacqui wrote :)

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I have never gotten the whole men like their dogs to have their mansticles still on, you don't see women breeding their female dogs constantly just so that they have big boobies.

Yeah but women don't like identify themselves through their breasts (or at least I don't lol).

not sure if I'm reading this right but it kinda souonds like you're saying that Men's testes are a major part of their identity?

Not for all men, but they talk about them a lot. Like if someone seems hesitant to do something hard, they tell him to grow a pair (of balls). If someone does something brave and confrontational, they say, wow they have balls of steel, or he's got balls etc. You get the idea. I have not heard anyone talk about breasts the same way - they aren't seen to affect personality.

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I have never gotten the whole men like their dogs to have their mansticles still on, you don't see women breeding their female dogs constantly just so that they have big boobies.

Yeah but women don't like identify themselves through their breasts (or at least I don't lol).

not sure if I'm reading this right but it kinda souonds like you're saying that Men's testes are a major part of their identity?

Not for all men, but they talk about them a lot. Like if someone seems hesitant to do something hard, they tell him to grow a pair (of balls). If someone does something brave and confrontational, they say, wow they have balls of steel, or he's got balls etc. You get the idea. I have not heard anyone talk about breasts the same way - they aren't seen to affect personality.

That's because us women don't keep our brain down there. ;) ETA Just joking. I know not every man is like that.

However my husband would nueter anything that moved including himself. :laugh:

Edited by perrin
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