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Dog Crates From Crazy Sales


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EDIT : I just had to go out there anyway to do something else so I took a look... the wire diameter is 3mm but the thicker wire that forms the frame of the crate is 4mm. (if my crappy measuring skills are to be trusted! :rofl: )

:thumbsup: SilentChild, :thanks: for the excellent customer support!

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Dxenion I just got my crazy sales crate. the wire it is made from is very easy to bend and is very thin. I would only use it for young dogs as I don't think it would be able to keep larger dogs in. also the door on the short side is very low making it hard for the dogs to enter. The locks are a worry though they have a sharp point which could be dangerous.

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Dxenion I just got my crazy sales crate. the wire it is made from is very easy to bend and is very thin. I would only use it for young dogs as I don't think it would be able to keep larger dogs in. also the door on the short side is very low making it hard for the dogs to enter. The locks are a worry though they have a sharp point which could be dangerous.

Thanks for the feedback. I've received a number of comments along the same lines. The response I received from Crazy says they believe it is strong enough to hold normal pets. As I am not sure what Crazy constitutes as a 'normal pet', to be safe we'll go with the stronger crate from Vebo.

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Dxenion I just got my crazy sales crate. the wire it is made from is very easy to bend and is very thin. I would only use it for young dogs as I don't think it would be able to keep larger dogs in. also the door on the short side is very low making it hard for the dogs to enter. The locks are a worry though they have a sharp point which could be dangerous.

Thanks for the feedback. I've received a number of comments along the same lines. The response I received from Crazy says they believe it is strong enough to hold normal pets. As I am not sure what Crazy constitutes as a 'normal pet', to be safe we'll go with the stronger crate from Vebo.

I have a vebo crate as well and it is great they are definitely the way to go.

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