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Peeing Problemo!


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hey gang,

just a quick one. ive got an 11 year old Sammy who ever since we brought him home has been peeing inside.

to bring you up to speed he has been living with my mum for the past 3 years, and she has kept him outside for that entire time.

now we have had him for just over a month now and he is fine during the day, and we take him outside before bed... however sometime during the night he gets up and wee's in the house.

any tips on how to stop this???

meet satch! (he just got his coat shaved)


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yeah we took him to the vet for a check up because he had some lumps on his skin which just turned out to be moles, but i might give the vet a call and just see what they think.

thanks for the feed back :)

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It doesn't always take an older dog a long time to get housetrained, shouldn't take a month generally (I've trained many dogs and always adopt old dogs - even housetrained a 14 yr old that had never been in a house). I have copied my method below.

I own old dogs and often resscue them - there are some that simply can't go through the night. If you are feeding shop bought biscuits, some of them do create thirst in dogs. Best to stick with a good quality food and nothing to salty to go with it - I fee raw turkey or tuna, veggies etc with good quality biscuits.

It's also really much easier if you get a doggie door - dogs don't want to be dirty once you've housetrained them (I'm not including my male malt cross who will wee inside if it's raining or he has a grievance against me) and they need to be able to get out, esp when they are older.

Here's my housetraining method:


Ok - first thing to do is decide on the command (I call it “do wees”) you will repeat over and over. You have to really focus on the dog for about 2-3 days to be successful. You have a pocketful of special treats on hand all the time for the first 2-3 days.

Walk the dog several times a day and every time the dog wees, you get very excited and keep saying “Good boy/girl, do wees, do wees” – give the dog treats every time.

First thing in the morning, last thing at night and every time you see the dog eat or drink (both precursors to weeing) whisk the dog into the garden and repeat the command “do wees”. Get very excited and present treats every time dog goes.

The dog’s aim in life is to please you. If the dog should have an accident inside the house – say NOTHING at all. The dog soon gets the idea that when he/she goes outside you are really, really pleased and he/she gets rewarded.

NB: Please note that the smell of urine must be properly removed for any housetraining to be successful. There are products on the market such as “Urine Off” but they are very expensive. A mix of white vinegar and water is a much cheaper alternative and should work for tiles and other surfaces although you should always take care with wood etc. For carpet/rugs, I use either a mixture of Napisan/water or bicarb of soda and water. I completely soak the stain using a dab on technique with a cloth. When it is very wet, I use an old towel to soak up the excess moisture. Again, be careful on any expensive carpet/rug, I have never had any problems but I cannot guarantee any method here.

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wow so much help, thanks peeps!

umm no he is not de-sexed as he was used for breeding when he was a little younger.

i would say is definetly peeing not marking as my other dog ike doesnt wee inside anymore, however satch seems to go constantlly in the same spots. (near my dvd stand and near our rubbish bin)

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