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I'm not sure I'm going to be able to explain this well but if you hold the treat in your fist so the dog can smell it but not get it at first snatch, then only open your palm to allow her to have the treat once she has calmed down.

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Assuming your dog is just really rough but not actually going to injure or take your fingers off here is what I do.

With a treat that is pretty small and not going to smoosh in your fingers, take 1 treat and hold it between your thumb and first finger tightly. Offer it to the dog, but do not let it go, if she anything less than really gentle when she goes to grab it take it back. Try again (and sometimes again and again and again) and the dog should be alittle unsure this time why she didn't get the treat and grab alittle more cautiously. Within a few times she should actually try to take the treat gently, that is when you let her have it. Repeat this with a few more treats.

Do a treat taking session with 4-6 treats a few times a day for a few days or a week, especially when she is a bit excited and likely to try to be rough. Try not to let her practise rough treat behavior at other times during this period, she should soon learn that to get the treat she needs to be careful pretty fast.

Have fun :)

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All of the above......plus try to present the treat to her with a flat hand. The exercise where you hold the treat in her hand till she backs off & waits is a good one, but when you open your hand, take the treat & treat her with your other hand. You can extend this to putting her in a drop...put a treat on the floor just out of her reach & when she goes to get it, cover it with your hand. When she stops trying to get it & waits, pick it up & give it to her or alternate it with releasing her to it. My dogs love this game.

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I had this problem with a lab. She would nip so hard I would bleed!

If you can handle a few teeth marks this is what I did and in an hour I had her being able to take it from my fingers and only feel the little whiskers... and a bit of drool.

Hold treat in enclosed fist. Allow dog to try to get at it, Elysia used paws, tongue and teeth trying to get into my hand, and she worked hard! When they realise they can't get to it, give treat saying "gentle". If dog bites, pull back treat (if not too late). Repeat. The dog will realise that the less they bite and nip the faster they get the treat.

Not a great explanation but hope it helps even just as another idea in a pool of ideas :)

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Personally I don't like the use of a command.

You want the dog to always take a treat gently, not just when you tell them to be :)

But otherwise my method is similar to the above... hold the treat in your hand and the puppy only gets it when I feel tongue and not teeth.

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