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Different Play Styles


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following on from the 'humping' thread - has anyone noticed dogs that have grown up together play completely different with each other than other dogs? My dogs play quite rough, and there is a lot of humping going on, they bite each other etc, but when they play with dogs at the park, it's mainly 'chasey' games rather than full contact sports. And they tolerate boisterousness from each other that, coming from other dogs, will make them a little anxious.

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Little Em bites Ziggy until he relents and plays with her. Lots of play bowing, zoomies and wrestling on hind legs. With every other dog she plays like a classic working Springer.....very submissive and plays on her tummy. She doesn't really 'get' the herding breeds but does her best to communicate. Mostly she'd rather work though :)

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Both my border collies have learnt to play like a dalmatian :rofl: but still play like BCs when we do the mass BC play group at training but can't cope with Aussie shepherd body slamming. Dogs do adapt play styles to the dogs they are playing with.

The Aussies they have played with have joined the mass BC play group and it is almost like WTF we're BCs, play like a BC.

Edited by Janba
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Mine just really don't play with other dogs. They are such snobs. Even when we go out with friend's dogs they spend the walk stalking the dog rather than actively playing with them. Amber occasionally plays, Poppy has no clue. A goldie tried really hard to get them to play this week and they didn't want a bar of the poor dog.

They wrestle with each other when they play together. Poppy usually lays on her back and Amber jumps all over her. Lots of bitey and growly stuff.

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Mine just really don't play with other dogs. They are such snobs. Even when we go out with friend's dogs they spend the walk stalking the dog rather than actively playing with them. Amber occasionally plays, Poppy has no clue. A goldie tried really hard to get them to play this week and they didn't want a bar of the poor dog.

They wrestle with each other when they play together. Poppy usually lays on her back and Amber jumps all over her. Lots of bitey and growly stuff.

Mine have had no choice but to learn dally play as Mishka was here first and is the alpha bitch. But I agree with you - they do prefer to play with other BCs and it is like they instinctively know the game.

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My two Fauves play very differently with each other than they do with the other dogs. Even if the other dogs are there whilst Marie & Daphne are in the middle of a game of chasey they will completely ignore the other dogs - even if the other dogs try to join on. It was hysterical watching them try to play last week like normal but with Marie nowhere near as agile with only 2 weeks to go until pups. She normally has the upper hand and Daphne really didn't know what to do when she had control :laugh:

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My 5 are varying degrees of playful, boisterous and rough with each other as well as very tolerant. They understand each other very well which i think dramatically increases their tolerance threshold and reduces the risk of misunderstandings and conflict.

While they are 'good' with other dogs- the level of tolerance is MUCH lower and so i take care when they mix with others. Once they get to know particular dogs, provided they are compatible in temperament they get more tolerant, more playful and boisterous but i don't allow rough behaviour with non pack members.

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Both my border collies have learnt to play like a dalmatian :rofl: but still play like BCs when we do the mass BC play group at training but can't cope with Aussie shepherd body slamming. Dogs do adapt play styles to the dogs they are playing with.

The Aussies they have played with have joined the mass BC play group and it is almost like WTF we're BCs, play like a BC.

:rofl: I must admit that I am careful letting my Aussie girl interact in groups of other working dogs until they are very familiar with each other. BCs tend to be serious about what they're doing whereas Ava just thinks everything is a game and does big no-nos like stealing toys and body slamming :laugh: I've found once they know each other, she body slams less and when she does, the other dogs just ignore her - all is right in the world again.

Mine act like they are trying to kill each other in the backyard :o

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Akira and Halo play extremely rough together, Halo's a little shit and grabs Akira's legs and tail and won't let go, and Akira throws her to the ground to get away from her. With other dogs, Akira prefers "chase me" games, and Halo likes bitey faces and body slams - lappies tend to get along fairly well with Aussie Shepherds. :laugh:

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Both my border collies have learnt to play like a dalmatian :rofl: but still play like BCs when we do the mass BC play group at training but can't cope with Aussie shepherd body slamming. Dogs do adapt play styles to the dogs they are playing with.

The Aussies they have played with have joined the mass BC play group and it is almost like WTF we're BCs, play like a BC.

I witness this on a daily basis when Lili slams Mosley, who is twice her size, right out of the way :laugh:

It is interesting though, when it comes to playing with other dogs Lili isn't really interested, though she did once have an awesome game of chasey with a Whippet at the park, and would prefer to be with humans or chase her ball.

Mosley loves to play, but is not as rough with unknown dogs as he is with Lili. They are very rough with each other :laugh:

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I find that breeds play in certain styles with members of their own breed... the weims are really rough with each other, the setters tend to play chasey but avoid contact, and OES play is so rediculously rough and crazy. When they mingle with each other, they play so differently.

The very best "interbreed" play I have witnessed was when Faolmor's irish setters taught James how to play. Irish setter play is infectious.

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The Samoyeds play very differently with each other then they do with the Lab.

Samoyeds are very tactile and do what I call the bear attack when they stand on their back legs and slamm their font legs into the other dogs, it looks pretty vicious but they love it. Poor Lestat has no idea what's going on :laugh:

Any other Samoyed they have met they understand the play style, but when Dante met Poocow's Aussie Flynn he had no idea what Flynn was on about. The look on his face was priceless :rofl:

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Here's how my dogs play together at times.

This is how my two play too, but with a lot of sound effects thrown in. If you didn't know my dogs you'd be worried about walking into my yard, but it's all play.

edited cause I can't spell

Edited by Pauchel
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Here's how my dogs play together at times.

Awww so nice to see Georgie & Dexter play together.

I can't let Grover play with the Fauves because he plays toooooo rough and they're not a breed (or members of their breed) who find it easy to say "piss off you big idiot, you're hurting me". HOWEVER, Ellie-Mae our Bloodhound X is amazing with dogs of all sizes and can regulate her play to suit. She plays beautifully with Grover and is very vocal when he is too rough so he stops immediately. She also can play with Daphne brilliantly (Marie has been scarred by Grover and doesn't want to play with big dogs :( ) and has played fabulously with a litter of terrier mix rescue pups. She will be my big dog socialiser for my Fauve puppies as she regulates her play sooo well. I know that Cosmolo would love her - the ultimate pound temperament testing dog. :)

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You mean Gilbert Trish- Dexter is the big boofy one who wanted (but resisted!) to eat your cat remember. :laugh::o

I love it that despite the size and weight imbalance, both my big guys are so good with Gilbert- its very beautiful to watch.

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