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A Dog Getting Its Own Way


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I don't have my puppy yet, but growing up with the family dogs and the cats that I currently have, knowing your dog well enough, and being able to "talk" to your dog is indispensible.

As long as they heed you when you say now it shouldnt matter to anyone else but you. I know when Draco wants out for the loo. I know when Odin is meowing for cuddles or if it is for food, as with Draco I know when Draco is just "chatting" to me.

The family dogs being able to "talk" to us was VERY important. It helped us to know that something was terribly wrong with Zeuss before he stopped eating. He would come up and put a paw on my mums lap and look at her sadly. So she took him to the vet because of the strange behaviour for a check up to find out why he was not quite himself. It was just this though. Little looks and a paw on the knee. That is all. He was terminal, his liver was failing, though the vet didn't figure that out till it was too late, he did last a lot longer and got a lot more cuddles before he was finally pts, as well as some relief from the pain he was in.

Wow, memory lane. Anyway I don't say this to make people go "nyaw poor puppy" but more to indicate that our companionship with our dogs led to good things, and the ability to communicate with your animals, effective or not, is all important in a good relationship with them. Or so I believe anyway.

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Yes I am for real. They will nudge/paw me for a cookie and they get a cookie most of the time.

That said I cool baked goods at nose height and have never lost a cookie. They don't steal or bench surf.

Have you ever tried just not giving them a cookie to see what happens? If you don't give them a cookie and they exhibit some undesirable behaviour (eg continue to paw, you ignore, they start barking) then I'd say it could be a problem.

I often get told my dogs are spoilt (even treated like children) because they eat good quality food, have toys, get walked at least once a day (normally 2), get regular training and go to agility. How on earth is that treating a dog like a child? That is how dogs should be treated IMO.

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Yes I am for real. They will nudge/paw me for a cookie and they get a cookie most of the time.

That said I cool baked goods at nose height and have never lost a cookie. They don't steal or bench surf.

Have you ever tried just not giving them a cookie to see what happens? If you don't give them a cookie and they exhibit some undesirable behaviour (eg continue to paw, you ignore, they start barking) then I'd say it could be a problem.

I often get told my dogs are spoilt (even treated like children) because they eat good quality food, have toys, get walked at least once a day (normally 2), get regular training and go to agility. How on earth is that treating a dog like a child? That is how dogs should be treated IMO.

Heheh I DO say no Megan! The tubby one has just asked me for some pound cake. A simple "Later when it cools" and she's off sleeping now.

I sometimes wonder if saying yes to the small stuff leads to them being better with the big stuff. They have never hassled me while I eat or when I cook. They sit nicely at a distance and watch. They usually will get a treat when Mummy is done.

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I sometimes wonder if saying yes to the small stuff leads to them being better with the big stuff. They have never hassled me while I eat or when I cook. They sit nicely at a distance and watch. They usually will get a treat when Mummy is done.

Aww, what good puppies. :D

Honey never hassles me, but tends to patiently wait for the inevitable food dropped while cooking (it gets messy in our kitchen, especially with 2 budding Junior materchefs ;) ).

To be honest, as long as she isn't begging, I'm happy for her to be hovering to clean up so I don't have to. Its a symbiotic relationship. :laugh:

I have more problem with pats than food. She has worked out how to strategically place her nose under your hand when you are distracted. Inevitably she gets patted absentmindedly, and if it happens too much can get demanding, nudging hard for a pat. I really have to watch it, she is so sneaky. :laugh:

For all the spoiling crap (yes, I get it too), its visitors who I find make it worse! Recently we had a wake for my OH's grandfather at our house and, despite strict instructions, half the guests were hand feeding Honey behind my back!!! :eek: Took us a few weeks to erase the effects of that!

Still, as I say, she is generally so good, I'm prepared to be easy going on her. :)

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It's a bit like kids, they can ask but if you say no, they need to learn to accept that too. No big deal really unless you're the sort of person who will cave when they keep asking.

I agree with this.

I want my dogs to be happy, but they are given the things they value on my terms (well most of the time *cough*ninjabeagle*cough*).

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It's a bit like kids, they can ask but if you say no, they need to learn to accept that too. No big deal really unless you're the sort of person who will cave when they keep asking.

I agree with this.

I want my dogs to be happy, but they are given the things they value on my terms (well most of the time *cough*ninjabeagle*cough*).


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My dogs don't have sheets on their beds but they do each have a rug that I change weekly. I doubt they'd care if I didn't but they sleep in our room so the linen-change rules apply to them as well as us.

When I'm baking, the only one that's generally inside is Dusty, she likes to be right on hand just in case of spillage, or if a taste tester is required. She's good at that and I consider it part of her caring nature.

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I treat my dogs like dogs, because they are dogs, not my children, i already have 2 of them.

Doeasn't make me less of an owner because i don't let them do what they like, like kids boundries need to be made and maintained.

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When my kids were young, baking day was sort of fun. There's be 7 kids lined up waiting for a taste and 3, 4, sometimes 5 dogs lined up with them, couldn't resist the row of pleading eyes so had to make sure I baked enough extras for everyone :laugh: Now my 2 little guys will let me what they want, biccie, drink, walk, etc. sometimes they get it but like Gayles they also know 'enough' 'not now' or whatever. Love the communication :thumbsup:

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I think it depends on what you want out of your dog and on the dog itself.

For me, I set the rules and we have fun within the bounds of those rules. The rules are slightly different for each dog depending on what I am trying to achieve with them. (ie: Stricter or more relaxed in some aspects).

As long as you are happy with the way your household runs I don't think ti matters.

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So often I hear comments like "Oh she's got you trained" or "She's getting exactly what she wants"

I usually reply with, "Yep and they deserve to be spoilt too." Then I usually go on and on about how special and what great friends they are.

No one can argue with that. There is no shame and I would not have it any other way.

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I treat my dogs like dogs, because they are dogs, not my children, i already have 2 of them.

Doeasn't make me less of an owner because i don't let them do what they like, like kids boundries need to be made and maintained.

Exactly right. There have to be boundaries with children otherwise they would be called spoilt brats. The same goes for dogs, and for that matter cats too. My dogs are very well loved, and a very big part of our family and lives but they are dogs. Does that mean that we love them any less and are bad, because we don't give in to their every whim. Of course it doesn't.

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I treat my dogs like dogs, because they are dogs, not my children, i already have 2 of them.

Doeasn't make me less of an owner because i don't let them do what they like, like kids boundries need to be made and maintained.

Exactly right. There have to be boundaries with children otherwise they would be called spoilt brats. The same goes for dogs, and for that matter cats too. My dogs are very well loved, and a very big part of our family and lives but they are dogs. Does that mean that we love them any less and are bad, because we don't give in to their every whim. Of course it doesn't.

Yup and just because a dog gets what they want does not mean they are unruly or bad dogs or have owners who don't attend to their doggy needs. :D

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I treat my dogs like dogs, because they are dogs, not my children, i already have 2 of them.

Doeasn't make me less of an owner because i don't let them do what they like, like kids boundries need to be made and maintained.

Exactly right. There have to be boundaries with children otherwise they would be called spoilt brats. The same goes for dogs, and for that matter cats too. My dogs are very well loved, and a very big part of our family and lives but they are dogs. Does that mean that we love them any less and are bad, because we don't give in to their every whim. Of course it doesn't.

Yup and just because a dog gets what they want does not mean they are unruly or bad dogs or have owners who don't attend to their doggy needs. :D

Well, I'm not saying that at all, but dogs are lower on the hierarchy ladder than most humans and should be treated like dogs. I am not saying they are unruly or bad for that matter, I honestly prefer that they are treated accordingly, and I don't mean mistreated or totally ignored either. My boys sleep up on our couch, have the run of the entire house and, dare I say, sleep in our bed when we choose but they do not dictate to us at their whim. I just tell them to leave it, or to go away, and off they go, without a second thought. My husband and I are still above them in status and they know and actually accept this. They probably like the guidance.

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I think it can also be a little breed and temperament related. One of my dogs gets away with far more than the other three, because the other three would take advantage if they knew I was going to give in... and this can't be allowed as it will lead to protection behaviour and/or stress related behaviours. Their temperaments and breeds would not allow me to give in and give them what they demand, because then they'd beleive they are in charge. The other boy is of a softer temperament and I admit I allow him to get away with more!!

I tell anyone interested in a weimaraner that you have to be vigilant in their training and behaviour, not to allow them to get away with stuff. They can and will take advantage of anything and they are constantly testing the boundaries.

Edited by SparkyTansy
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I treat my dogs like dogs, because they are dogs, not my children, i already have 2 of them.

Doeasn't make me less of an owner because i don't let them do what they like, like kids boundries need to be made and maintained.

Exactly right. There have to be boundaries with children otherwise they would be called spoilt brats. The same goes for dogs, and for that matter cats too. My dogs are very well loved, and a very big part of our family and lives but they are dogs. Does that mean that we love them any less and are bad, because we don't give in to their every whim. Of course it doesn't.

Yup and just because a dog gets what they want does not mean they are unruly or bad dogs or have owners who don't attend to their doggy needs. :D

Well, I'm not saying that at all, but dogs are lower on the hierarchy ladder than most humans and should be treated like dogs. I am not saying they are unruly or bad for that matter, I honestly prefer that they are treated accordingly, and I don't mean mistreated or totally ignored either. My boys sleep up on our couch, have the run of the entire house and, dare I say, sleep in our bed when we choose but they do not dictate to us at their whim. I just tell them to leave it, or to go away, and off they go, without a second thought. My husband and I are still above them in status and they know and actually accept this. They probably like the guidance.

I don't think a dog asking for a cookie and getting it means the dog rules the house hold. It wants a treat, it gets a treat. Another time it may not get a treat. Life moves on. It does not mean that the dog is the ruler of the house hold or that it doesn't get treated like a dog. Since when did treating a dog like a dog mean that you couldn't give it what it wants?

But my main gripe is why people feel it is ok and perfectly acceptable to say "Well your dog rules the household" or "Well we know who's boss" to someone who is spoiling their dog. I find it extremely rude. There would be uproar if I said to someone "Just give your dog a cookie/game etc, why are you so nasty to it?" or "Why do you need this rule, do you have control issues?"

I just think its uncool to make a swipe at someone just because they choose to raise their dog in a certain way. In either direction!

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I treat my dogs like dogs, because they are dogs, not my children, i already have 2 of them.

Doeasn't make me less of an owner because i don't let them do what they like, like kids boundries need to be made and maintained.

Exactly right. There have to be boundaries with children otherwise they would be called spoilt brats. The same goes for dogs, and for that matter cats too. My dogs are very well loved, and a very big part of our family and lives but they are dogs. Does that mean that we love them any less and are bad, because we don't give in to their every whim. Of course it doesn't.

Yup and just because a dog gets what they want does not mean they are unruly or bad dogs or have owners who don't attend to their doggy needs. :D

Well, I'm not saying that at all, but dogs are lower on the hierarchy ladder than most humans and should be treated like dogs. I am not saying they are unruly or bad for that matter, I honestly prefer that they are treated accordingly, and I don't mean mistreated or totally ignored either. My boys sleep up on our couch, have the run of the entire house and, dare I say, sleep in our bed when we choose but they do not dictate to us at their whim. I just tell them to leave it, or to go away, and off they go, without a second thought. My husband and I are still above them in status and they know and actually accept this. They probably like the guidance.

I don't think a dog asking for a cookie and getting it means the dog rules the house hold. It wants a treat, it gets a treat. Another time it may not get a treat. Life moves on. It does not mean that the dog is the ruler of the house hold or that it doesn't get treated like a dog. Since when did treating a dog like a dog mean that you couldn't give it what it wants?

But my main gripe is why people feel it is ok and perfectly acceptable to say "Well your dog rules the household" or "Well we know who's boss" to someone who is spoiling their dog. I find it extremely rude. There would be uproar if I said to someone "Just give your dog a cookie/game etc, why are you so nasty to it?" or "Why do you need this rule, do you have control issues?"

I just think its uncool to make a swipe at someone just because they choose to raise their dog in a certain way. In either direction!

Yep,either direction. You said it.

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I have two rescue greyhounds.I don't know what went on in their young lives but having people I know as greyhound trainers they don't get to live the the ""normal puppy life".They live a fairly regimented life as far as I know.My two are spoiled rotten because I think they deserve it.They definately have boundries but most of the time I'm happy to spoil them because I love to kiss their faces,I love to wake up in the morning in a greyhound sandwich and I feel blessed every day that they are a part of my life.

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