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Would You Have 2 Male Dobermanns Together?

Perry's Mum

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A friend in Canada has a desexed male dobe she adores. He is about 2, friendly, loves playing with other dogs. She has met another rescue dobe, also male, about the same age and would like to adopt him. He has met her dog on a playdate and all went well. The woman who runs the local rescue is a breeder and has only undesexed dogs (the rescue is desexed) and she is concerned about rehoming to a home where there is already a male living. The dogs would be living in a quiet household with two adults and would get lots of exercise and social interaction with other dogs.

Does anyone have any advice for her on this?

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I wouldn't choose to have 2 male Dobermans. If I did, I would make sure I was ready for the possibly of "crate and rotate", as the breed is known for same-sex aggression, and would be fully committed to providing the dogs the life they need/deserve even if they can't be let out together anymore... so separate feeding, walking, time with me etc.

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No, I wouldn't do it.

Both dogs are of an age where they have not reached social maturity and there could be a battle over something further down the track. It isn't something you are going to be able to predict very well at this age, the dogs may get along very well for a long time before an incident occurs that is worth mounting a challenge over. You could be lucky or unlucky.

By waiting for a female, your friend has a better chance of the dogs living harmoniously.

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I would say it would depend a lot on the temperament of the dogs in question. My breed (giant schnauzers) are another where the general rule is not to have 2 of the ssame sex BUT there are plenty of people who do have same sex dogs living and getting along together without problems.

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I have only ever had entire males living together - while they do get along well most of the time we have had some dis-agreements - mainly with the changing of the "alpha" dog role.

Lot depends on the individual dogs and their temperament.

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I would say no - never!!!!!!!

I know of one person who has successfully, but to be honest his dogs were extremely soft and not typical of the Dobe temperment.

I have had to break up a serious Dobe fight (two bitches, one desexed) and luckily on the scheme of things it went well, no major gashes and no-one died.

Now you may think I am being melodramatic but I have seen and heard of the result of Two Dobes fighting or deciding they hate each other and it is not pretty and can be fatal. I know one who was nicknamed Chainsaw, but only to other male Dobes.

One they decided they intensly dislike each other that is it, they can never be together again. I would NEVER leave two Dobes of the same sex together when I was not home. Mine were always in seperate dog runs when I was at work. After "F" day (fight day) they could be together on lead and in the car muzzled and I carried a horse whip on the front seat just in case!!!

If they were in the dog runs and they both walked through the door into the house at the same time I could hear them rumbling and roaring.

Tell her to get a bitch, trust me it is very stressful the day they decide they will not get along any more.

Edited by OSoSwift
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