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Probably A Dumb Question


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This is probably a really stupid question and thread, but I feel there is something wrong with Loki. He is really flat, has barely wagged his tail in days, just strange little things I have noticed. But, his colour is good, doesnt seem to be in pain, eating and drinking normally... Can I take him to the vet and say I feel he isnt right and ask they run some tests? Or will they think I am a crazy dog lady?

Can you just make an appointment and randomly ask for blood tests? I've never done such a thing, but I am quite concerned.

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Yeah I'd get them done.

When I was nursing we had some people come in twice a year to do "wellness" bloods, just a basic check up, more often with elderly dogs but I see nothing wrong with it. Don't worry what the vet thinks, you know your dog better than them. :)

Good luck, hopefully it's nothing.

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Dogs are really good at hiding their ills, I would not hesitate to get him checked. You know your dog better than anyone else. FYI and not intended to scare you, but the day before Benson died of kidney failure, he ate his breakfast and dinner, drank normally but was quiet and a bit "off". Never in a million years did I expect that he'd be so ill.

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Dogs are really good at hiding their ills, I would not hesitate to get him checked. You know your dog better than anyone else. FYI and not intended to scare you, but the day before Benson died of kidney failure, he ate his breakfast and dinner, drank normally but was quiet and a bit "off". Never in a million years did I expect that he'd be so ill.

This is the kind of thing I am worried about. Plus being an Amstaff he does not ever tell me when he is in pain or anything. The not wagging his tail is concerning me a lot. It's not even a case of carrying it low, it's stuck to his leg almost constantly like when he's done something naughty and knows he's about to get in trouble :( Add to that, he has been exceptionally naughty for the last week or so. Bizzaro. I wonder if he is depressed, but nothing has changed recently to make him feel this way.

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Another bit of support here for going with your gut and getting him checked out. If it helps, I took a previous dog to the vet in the same sort of circumstances - he just "wasn't right" - bless their hearts, the lovely staff at my lovely vets amde the appointment with no fuss - when I got down there I had a chuckle when I saw the note on the computer "depressed dog". In Sam's case, it turned out that he'd actually damaged his neck, although the only time he showed that was the problem was when his hea bumped my knee while we were sitting in the waiting room - that was the only real clue.

Good luck with Loki - and good on you for being a caring dog owner.

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Dogs are really good at hiding their ills, I would not hesitate to get him checked. You know your dog better than anyone else. FYI and not intended to scare you, but the day before Benson died of kidney failure, he ate his breakfast and dinner, drank normally but was quiet and a bit "off". Never in a million years did I expect that he'd be so ill.

This is the kind of thing I am worried about. Plus being an Amstaff he does not ever tell me when he is in pain or anything. The not wagging his tail is concerning me a lot. It's not even a case of carrying it low, it's stuck to his leg almost constantly like when he's done something naughty and knows he's about to get in trouble :( Add to that, he has been exceptionally naughty for the last week or so. Bizzaro. I wonder if he is depressed, but nothing has changed recently to make him feel this way.

Poor fellow might have a tummy ache. :(

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