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Why Are So Many Cats And Dogs Being Pts In Pounds?



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  1. 1. Why are many cats being PTS in pounds?

    • Because shelters run out of room to house all cats.
    • Because shelters choose to put them down instead of other solutions.
    • Because they are unhealthy and/or aggressive.
    • Because people's life circumstances change and they have to give up their cat.
    • Because too many people are breeding them.
    • Because too many unowned cats are allowed to breed.
    • Don't know.
    • Other (please post).
  2. 2. Why are many dogs being PTS in pounds?

    • Because shelters do not have enough room for them.
    • Because shelters choose to put them down instead of other solutions.
    • Because they are unhealthy and/or aggressive.
    • Because of life circumstances changing, and having to give up their dog.
    • Because too many people are breeding them.
    • Because people are only interested in puppies/young animals.
    • Don't know.
    • Other (please post).
  3. 3. How do you think we should address euthanasia rates in pounds?

    • Build bigger shelters.
    • Get shelters to be more proactive in preventing euthanasia.
    • Educate people on how to raise less aggressive animals.
    • Get rental properties to include pets more often.
    • Crack down on undesexed animals.
    • Educate people on responsibility in general.
    • Trap, neuter, release programs for unowned cats.
    • Don't know.
    • Other (please post).

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I feel the problem is not enough responsible owners for all the animals out there :(

I do not feel subsidizing irresponsible owners is fair on the rest of society. Whilst there are many benefits of owning a pet, it is a CHOICE.

I have heard stories of people dumping pets in pounds and then going on holidays and coming back for a cuter puppy or kitten on their return. So I don't see how subsidised desexing and no surrender fees will help the majority of people.

I would think most BYB dogs are not bred because owners can't afford desexing. There are plenty of responsible owners who have entire dogs (and cats) and manage to not let them breed, so I don't really think desexing in itself is going to be the answer.

There are too many people who want a cute litter of pups or kittens for the "kids to experience" or to make a quick buck. I think education and possibly some kind of regulation is key to addressing this.

I believe that if those people dumping pets in pounds to go on holiday had the opportunity of taking those pets on holiday with them (I guess I mean dogs mainly) then maybe the problem might be reduced a bit - the same with being able to rent with dogs/cats. Australia is generally a really unfriendly place for owning dogs, perhaps if we were allowed to let our pets participate more in our lives publically (sp? It doesn't look right!) the dumpage rates might not be quite so high?

I read an article a few weeks ago in the Sydney Morning Herald - promoted by the awarding of a dog with the VC (or doggy equivalent) for braveness in the line of duty - but somewhere in the article she quoted figures which showed that here in Australia we PTS around 250,000 cats and dogs each year in pounds/shelters. In England however the figure is 25,000. How does that compute, given the huge difference in human and animal numbers between the two countries? Could it be that there in England a) they don't sell pets in pet shops and b) dogs are allowed in all sorts of public places...?

Just putting it out there - I really have no answer to your questions Leema!

Some people dump animals to go on holidays but around this time of year people who are in financial hardship suffer more and feel they have no option too . A neighbour used to look after animals for people once now its boarding kennels and pet sitters etc - perhaps if we could encourage people to join a buddy system where they looked after each other's animals when each went away that would stop some who dump them to go on holidays? This system worked really well just after the bushfires where people were too frightened to leave their animals at home while they went to work so we had others who didnt live in a high risk area looking after them while they were away from home.

Those peope were repaid by the peopel they had helped by various means including looking out for their animals when they went away. It works. Pacers helps to set these systems up.

Great idea. A bit like a babysitting club for families!

We mind children in our home for local families and if we need a babysitter the favour is returned with no cost to either family other than a house full of kids, a few grey hairs and some fun!

yep except with dogs you dont have to actually take them into your home unless the issue is similar to the post bushfires thing .

christmas time and having to visit the relos, cover christmas bills and presents and boarding kennels including ensure the dog's vaccinations are up to date etc is often a contributing factor in the dog has to go .You dont have to agree with it or even understand it but accept its happening without judgement and try to find a solution.One is a neigbourhood buddy system which also doubles up as a safety net in case you have an accident on the way home or if there is a natural disaster etc.

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