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2012 Training Goals


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I only accomplished about 4 of my goals last year!


Actually do a tracking trial!!

Do more shows for his neuter title, there aren't enough shows for his title next year!












If we have time do a little bit of retrieving training


Stop procrastinating and do some trialling!

Don't be so nervous

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I love these threads!!

With next year being my final year of uni, I doubt i'll get to many comps, so i'm really going to focus on agility!! Mainly ADAA, and hopefully get a few titles, but also get some titles in ANKC as well :D

I would also love our CD title (we have one leg), but i'll see how we go, agility is my preference now :laugh:

I also hope to get her ET as wellnow that she's old enough :D

That'll do us for the year, I can't wait to get into agility next year, we just LOVE it!!!

Goodluck to everyone on their goals next year :thumbsup: :D

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I was still thinking about if I really wanted to put anything here but hay why not :D For me it will really depend on where I am next year so thats how ill play it for now.

If im still in Sale then ill be stealing mum's dog :laugh: First just work our way up through obedience classes and hopefully start foundation agility training. Little Noah has so much toy drive so it should be fun seeing how he goes :)

If I dont end up staying in Sale then its trying to convicne OH to let me get a puppy :laugh:

I might even try try some tracking with Toby depending on where we are.

Thats it I think, really looking forward to next year :)

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If I dont end up staying in Sale then its trying to convicne OH to let me get a puppy :laugh:

I think scrap all goals and just make it your goal to make your OH let you have your Aussie pup ;)

I'll have more of a chance if we move, one of the jobs he's after is in Perth :)

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If I dont end up staying in Sale then its trying to convicne OH to let me get a puppy :laugh:

I think scrap all goals and just make it your goal to make your OH let you have your Aussie pup ;)

I'll have more of a chance if we move, one of the jobs he's after is in Perth :)

Good-o, move to Perth and I can live through you and your Aussie pup thumbsup1.gifbiggrin.gif

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Here's my first stab at a list. I reserve the right to change it at any time!


* Continue to get his love of agility back. This comes before all else.

* Enter first jumps and agility trials, once we have solid, fast, reliable weavers. Failing spectacularly is allowed.

*Reliable 2o2o for the A-Frame, not just the dog walk.

* Scent detection training for fun.

* Perfect heel turns, get him to a state where he could trial in OB, even though we won't.

* Start flyball training, if we can find the time.


* Continue her rehab.

* Enter jumps trial for fun, just to see how she'd go in front of a crowd. Even doing one jump will get us in the win column.

* Weaving.

* scent detection training for fun.

* learning heel, including some sharp turns.


Try to improve handling skills as much as possible.

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RN if we have any trials and if RV still wants to take him for it



Start tracking

ET title


Conformation title

Training & maybe entry into a field trial

Competing level for Rally


Get to some more retrieving trials to volunteer and learn

get to as many field trials as possible to learn

Improve my handling skills for obedience

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If I dont end up staying in Sale then its trying to convicne OH to let me get a puppy :laugh:

I think scrap all goals and just make it your goal to make your OH let you have your Aussie pup ;)

I'll have more of a chance if we move, one of the jobs he's after is in Perth :)

Good-o, move to Perth and I can live through you and your Aussie pup thumbsup1.gifbiggrin.gif

Should wait and see what happens first before I get to excited :laugh: Eaither way im pretty keen to get back into it :thumbsup:

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I would like to have a go at the following with little munchkin Kenzie...

  • Endurance

  • CCD and maybe CD (if she makes the grade!)

  • get started in the agility ring (we're still learning, so where ever it is that you generally use as the starting point!)

  • maybe look at herding (we'll see how she goes next weekend!)

But highest on my priority list is continuing with her confidence training and also dealing with her reactivity. She has come leaps and bounds and I'm hoping that the next 12 months will see her mature with some massive successes on these fronts in particular as really they are probably the most important to me and her in terms of her everyday life! :D

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Continue on as she has been going and improve on my handling of her as opposed to her ability on course. :)


ANKC (We don't do a lot of ANKC trials.)









International Agility Dog (7 wins at advanced level - only a couple to go!)

Gamblers Dog

Snooker Dog (Both run at ADAA open standard)

She has everything else, the rest are 'just' multiples. LOL.


Continue his improvement in both confidence and drive. Work HARD on my timing with him running courses - he needs the information early or he just can't turn. He's a FAST dog and isn't the smallest boy around so if I'm late he just takes the off course.











Masters Aust Agility Dog (Which will complete his Aust Agility Champion which consists of Team Dog, Games Dog and MAAD).

Advanced Australian Agility Dog.

Gamblers Dog

Snooker Dog

Jumping Dog


complete the Susan Garrett Recallers course and really start to work on building her excitement for agility. I feel the need for speed! her skills are in a good place, just need more motivation to go with them.








ADAA titles

Senior Aust Agility Dog

Masters Australian Agility Dog (Stretch, but Possible)

Jumping Dog

Games Dog

Team Dog

Then for me..........

Improve my consistency and ability to run HARD around an agility course and achieve a clear round (or two) at the World Agility Championships in May next year!

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2012 Wish list

wow cant believe we are making the list for 2012 it just feels like we just did 2011.

Xena To have another wonderful healthy 12 months and to still be around for the 2013 wish list.

Gabby Agility: To be more consistent being healthy and to enjoy her work. Gaining her SDM and her SPDM titles

Obedience: To get the big title UDX and just to be quite confident her Grand Champion

Inka Agility: To listen and doing her contact to be healthy and enjoying her work.

Obedience: To be consistent in her work like to be able to do drop stays to be able to do the articles and not her version and drops and not the ones that you keep your bum up into the air

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our goals for 2012 they arnt much but with handling 3 dogs at different levels of learning, it is fun :laugh:

Malika :: ET, CCD, CD

Orlando :: CD ( thats if we loose the last trial this year), yes it is CD for 2012 possible CDX

Sarge :: CCD, CD might be lucky for CDX, he is a quick learner

Dodger :: JD, AD,

my daughter handles Dodger & she is doing Agility with him

Somehow we will fit it in I think :confused: in the midst of Stewarding at a few Obed / Agility trials that we have already been booked for next year :laugh:

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My goals for the start of 2012 is not for titles or Q's, but to spend a bit more time at Excellence Level Agility & use that time to improve my handling skills & experiment a little before we get up into Masters. It sure beats taking the pressure of that last Q needed. :thumbsup:

Our challenge for 2012 is to teach Cricket Puppy to ride a skateboard & to teach Miss Bindi to ride a surfboard :)

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I think 2012 is going to be a very busy year with the Agility Nationals in June, Dalmatian Nationals in November and a debut for Em in retrieving, obedience and agility :eek:

Ziggy & Me

  • Concentrate on fitness - strength, speed and endurance.....tugging, begging, rear end awareness, sprint work and running with the bike.
  • Obedience - pretty much the same as last year - duration heeling, fast drops for DOR, tighten up dumbbell work ready for Open obedience
  • Agility - will be concentrating on independent contacts (keep the criteria tight!!!!) and weaving, learn to trust my dog :hitself: , stop looking at the jump I DON'T want him to take, learn to run in a straight line for serps :laugh: , speed and tight turns for a big striding dog will be the main aim of the game!
  • ET - Dally Club trial if the stars align!

Em & Me

  • Try and keep up with her ;)
  • Obedience - a little more self control needed in the recall and stand for exam (no points for mugging judges for cuddles!) Continue to tighten up the flip finish. Happy with the retrieve although it does require a lot of concentration for her to deliver it calmly :laugh: I would like to skip CCD and get her Novice title in 2012.
  • Agility - have her ready for Novice Jumping, Novice Agility and perhaps even Open in time for the Nationals. Too much to work on to list individually but she will be quick and keen so it will be a case of me keeping up with her!
  • Retrieving - not too many goals here other than to enter Novice Retrieving trials - I think she is ready but I'm happy to stay in Novice for a little while and gain some experience for both of us. I really won't know where she's at and what we need to work on until we enter a few trials. In terms of training, we will continue on as we have done and train towards Restricted. Need to shoot over her before January so we can enter the Gundog trial!

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RN title

CCD title

CD pass


RN title

CCD pass

ET title (depending on if it's held after he turns 2)


Commit to it, get a handle on my nerves and have fun! :)

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I think I'm a bit cheeky joining this thread, but my big plan for Paddington and I in 2012 is to work our way through the low level beginner classes and maybe go to our first trial if all goes well! Also plan to start the basics in agility...puppies are such good fun!

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Guest Panzer Attack!

OK! The dogs are at awkward ages at the moment, Scooter is almost 1 and Tucky is 8, but what the hell.


- Do a neuter show, at least one!

- Finally kick the toilet training in the nuts... we're 90% there now!

- Teach him 100 different tricks/things

- Get him recalling as soon as he hears his word (he's about 60% right now)

- Sign him up to agility! And hopefully get him past beginners!!

- Finish Crate Games

- Get his food and tug drive perfect

- Enroll in obed and finish beginners

- Prepare for ET 2013

- Prep for hospital visits


- Get him back to loose lead walking

- Get a really reliable recall

- Teach him clicker training

- Finish Crate Games

- Build toy/ball drive as he's never shown any interest

- Get him enrolled in obed and finish beginners



- Start my Delta course :)

- Learn more and more about dog behaviour and get more involved in the dog and rescue and training worlds

- Prepare for ET 2013 (I've either got to learn to ride a bike or run it, so this will be interesting!)

Gotta have more luck this year! :)

E x

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•JDM Title (5 qs remaining)

•ADO Title (3 Qs remaining)

•Gain some legs towards his ADM and JDO Title

•Enter an ADAA Trial

•Start Sheep herding and Hopefully gain his HIC

•Looking more in canine Freestyle

•Do More obedience work

•Reintorduce our SLS and make it fun


Well we achieved some of those titles last year and achieves a few extra ones along the way :) so its 2012 lets see how we go!


  • JDM TITLE - 1 Q to go!!!
  • JDO Title - 3 Qs to go :)
  • ADM Q!!! - we are struggling to make the courses :( it would be a miracle to make a Q for us
  • continue to have fun, push it to achieve what I know we can but keep it fun
  • attend obedience lessons so we may be able to do trialling eventually.. doubtful lol Dens just TOO happy and nervy and bouncy all at once LOL


  • Become trial ready and enter a trial
  • enjoy agility have fun :) we are making such progress and I wanna see that continue


[*]get myself handling better then last year, something has clicked in with me and Den and Im happy with my handling but I would like it to step up a bit more

[*] get James trained so he can run Den or even his own dog (Ella) in a comp lmao wishful thinking, I need to gain patience for this

[*] STOP BABYING DEN IN THE RING!!! my one downfall I play it safe with him so much and I know he can give me better.. I let him down

Well thats it for me! lets see how we go :)

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OK! The dogs are at awkward ages at the moment, Scooter is almost 1 and Tucky is 8, but what the hell.


- Do a neuter show, at least one!

- Finally kick the toilet training in the nuts... we're 90% there now!

- Teach him 100 different tricks/things

- Get him recalling as soon as he hears his word (he's about 60% right now)

- Sign him up to agility! And hopefully get him past beginners!!

- Finish Crate Games

- Get his food and tug drive perfect

- Enroll in obed and finish beginners

- Prepare for ET 2013

- Prep for hospital visits


- Get him back to loose lead walking

- Get a really reliable recall

- Teach him clicker training

- Finish Crate Games

- Build toy/ball drive as he's never shown any interest

- Get him enrolled in obed and finish beginners



- Start my Delta course :)

- Learn more and more about dog behaviour and get more involved in the dog and rescue and training worlds

- Prepare for ET 2013 (I've either got to learn to ride a bike or run it, so this will be interesting!)

Gotta have more luck this year! :)

E x

Hey PA, I have a spare bike if you need a lend of one


when will Scoot be 2yrs old ??

I am not starting Sarge & Dodgers ET training till early 2013

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