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Stopped Feeding Pups - Teats Still Look Full

mini girl

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My girl's pups were just 6 weeks yesterday - have been giving them food since nearly 4 weeks as this was a big litter - 8 pups - now the mother has completely stopped feeding the pups - not that they need feeding from her any more they are all strong little pups and eat well - but am a little concerned as her teats still feel so full - warm but not really hot - and a bit firm but not hard - she has no interest at all in feeding them now just goes to see they are ok and thats it. She is happy enough but a lot quieter than normal - wags her tail and is eating. Its just that my other girls always seem to gradually stop the feeds and the teats just shrunk away little by little. Are there any things I should look out for as far as the teats go - or should it just settle down in a few more days.

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Just see how she goes and allow her access to the pups. I've had two bitches just get up and leave the pups around the same age and never go back. I thought similar things but apparently they can switch off the milk bar.

Your bitch would have been gradually reducing her milk production.

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All I can tell you is that my bitches are removed from their pups at six weeks NEVER to return to let them nurse.

This way when vaccinating them at 8 weeks I am reasonabaly sure the anti bodies from their mothers milk will be at an extreme low so that when the pups are vaccinated the vaccine "should" work. I would not be concerned in the least if I were you.

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All I can tell you is that my bitches are removed from their pups at six weeks NEVER to return to let them nurse.

This way when vaccinating them at 8 weeks I am reasonabaly sure the anti bodies from their mothers milk will be at an extreme low so that when the pups are vaccinated the vaccine "should" work. I would not be concerned in the least if I were you.

Puppies only receive antibodies from their mother in the first 24 hours. After 24 hours, antibodies are digested instead of absorbed whole. That is, puppies weaned at 2 days will have the same amount of antibodies from their mother as those weaned at 42 days as those weaned at 56 days.

I would not be concerned about this situation, either. Just monitor boobs to make sure that they look okay. You can also reduce mum's food to try to dry her up, but it should happen on its own, anyway.

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I think my girl is trying to totally confuse me - she decided to jump in this morning after I posted the topic - she stood there for a small while while they all gathered and fed - she must be just winding down gradually after all - will cut her food down and just keep an eye on her - her teats are nice and soft now. God I'm a worrier!!!!

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All I can tell you is that my bitches are removed from their pups at six weeks NEVER to return to let them nurse.

This way when vaccinating them at 8 weeks I am reasonabaly sure the anti bodies from their mothers milk will be at an extreme low so that when the pups are vaccinated the vaccine "should" work. I would not be concerned in the least if I were you.

Puppies only receive antibodies from their mother in the first 24 hours. After 24 hours, antibodies are digested instead of absorbed whole. That is, puppies weaned at 2 days will have the same amount of antibodies from their mother as those weaned at 42 days as those weaned at 56 days.

I would not be concerned about this situation, either. Just monitor boobs to make sure that they look okay. You can also reduce mum's food to try to dry her up, but it should happen on its own, anyway.

This has been found not to be correct. :)

I can not give you the exact cases as I have lost all the information in computer crashes.

When tested SOME bitches were producing anti bodies that it stopped the vaccine working when given. :)

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Bitches may continue to produce antibodies in their milk, I'm sure. However, the puppies will be digesting them. The puppy's stomach is 'porous' for the first 24 hours which allows the antibodies to directly move into their blood stream and for them to have passive immunity. However, after 24 hours, any antibodies the mother may still passing on in her milk will be broken down just like any other protein and will not cause an immune effect.

EDIT: Reworded for clarity.

Edited by Leema
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I think my girl is trying to totally confuse me - she decided to jump in this morning after I posted the topic - she stood there for a small while while they all gathered and fed - she must be just winding down gradually after all - will cut her food down and just keep an eye on her - her teats are nice and soft now. God I'm a worrier!!!!

Had a very similar problem - left OH in charge only to find that when I got home she wouldn't feed them at all. Even though pups were 6 weeks I was worried by the fact it happened in a day. OH said he had put her in with pups but she just climbed out all the time. I noticed one teat was a little larger than the other and I thought area felt a bit harder than I would have expected. I laid her in my lap and gave that area a good massage. She did go back in with pups and gave them some milk. When I checked her after this the area was soft.

Now she just lets me know when she wants to get with the pups. Yesterday she wasn't with them at all but this morning wanted to get in with them and stood feeding them (well the pups were making lots of noises) - obviously when she feels she has milk to get rid of. Except for enlarged teats you can hardly tell she has feed pups.

Edited by Vacuna
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Little puppy teeth will be uncomfortable for her now so all is normal.

The teats do go a bit lumpy when feeding stops, just like ours do when we stop breastfeeding our babies, so it hurts just a bit & she may let them feed a little just to relieve them when they get too sore & lumpy but it will be less & less.

Cutting back her food will help but they will be fine in about 4 or 5 days.

I won't get into the vaccine part but will let you know that there is a new vaccine that is a once only vaccine that must be given at week 10. It lasts 12 months.

So if you keep puppies that long it is worth considering. I have used it & was happy with everything.

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I had this happen with my litter last year and we just made mum lay done for a bit of light relief while one of them 'oblidged" for a few minutes if one of the teats looked a bit too full. We did this every second or third day for the sixth week and she dried up naturally without any problems.

Sometimes when they were out playing on the lawn and one got thirsty they'd go 'bump' her underneath and she'd let them have a very quick drink but usually she ran off while they were still attached and they scattered and tumbled. It was quite cute watching them standing there and then off she'd zoom and they tubled over and run off after her.

Quite the game. :laugh:

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Little puppy teeth will be uncomfortable for her now so all is normal.

The teats do go a bit lumpy when feeding stops, just like ours do when we stop breastfeeding our babies, so it hurts just a bit & she may let them feed a little just to relieve them when they get too sore & lumpy but it will be less & less.

Cutting back her food will help but they will be fine in about 4 or 5 days.

I won't get into the vaccine part but will let you know that there is a new vaccine that is a once only vaccine that must be given at week 10. It lasts 12 months.

So if you keep puppies that long it is worth considering. I have used it & was happy with everything.

Had not heard of this vaccine before - but my daughter in law bought a pup (they didn't want a poodle!!!) but it is an adorable Beagle - well she had a one only vaccination at 10 weeks and told me vet said it was fine for walking etc a short while after - I said are you sure - this can't be true but it must be - sounds pretty impressive if its as good as that. Do you remember the name of the vaccine - I have used Nobivac - and believe it can be used from 10 weeks - I have used it after the initial vaccination at 12 weeks all seems fine with the pups I've used it on.

On the feeding side she is absolutlely fine now - probably just had it with breast feeding but has given them a drop here and there and I am no longer worried on this one - but no doubt will find something else to worry about!!! but hope not.

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Little puppy teeth will be uncomfortable for her now so all is normal.

The teats do go a bit lumpy when feeding stops, just like ours do when we stop breastfeeding our babies, so it hurts just a bit & she may let them feed a little just to relieve them when they get too sore & lumpy but it will be less & less.

Cutting back her food will help but they will be fine in about 4 or 5 days.

I won't get into the vaccine part but will let you know that there is a new vaccine that is a once only vaccine that must be given at week 10. It lasts 12 months.

So if you keep puppies that long it is worth considering. I have used it & was happy with everything.

Had not heard of this vaccine before - but my daughter in law bought a pup (they didn't want a poodle!!!) but it is an adorable Beagle - well she had a one only vaccination at 10 weeks and told me vet said it was fine for walking etc a short while after - I said are you sure - this can't be true but it must be - sounds pretty impressive if its as good as that. Do you remember the name of the vaccine - I have used Nobivac - and believe it can be used from 10 weeks - I have used it after the initial vaccination at 12 weeks all seems fine with the pups I've used it on.

On the feeding side she is absolutlely fine now - probably just had it with breast feeding but has given them a drop here and there and I am no longer worried on this one - but no doubt will find something else to worry about!!! but hope not.

Nobivac can just be given once at 10 weeks. Some vets are now recommending titre testing after the first 12mths and many dogs are proving to still have good measurable immunity at that time frame so can go even longer without a booster.

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