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Oh Dear!


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I made the most interesting discovery on my holidays which I must share!

Bit of background:

A lot of people feel that I love Bitty best! I don't know why they just think I do! I do tend to talk about Bitty more because she is very cheeky and active. I am also more protective of her because she is not street smart like the Bubby. Plus I raised her as a baby and she really is my perfect little dog!

Anyways three weeks ago MrB and I went on holidays. We had a package which included unlimited cocktails so we decided to go bar hopping one night. MrB has never seen me fully drunk and wanted to know what kind of drunk I would be! It seemed like a good idea!

I had about 10-12 drinks! Not sure as I lost count!

Now I am hazy as to what happened but apparently after we got back to the hotel room MrB asked me for a cuddle! All well and good except that after a few minutes of cuddling, I burst into tears, asked MrB where Bubby was and if he (Bubby) still loved me, howled for a good half an hour about how much I missed Bubby, how he was the love of my life and what will I do if he doesn't love me when I get back and then went to sleep.

It gets worse! I checked my Whatsapp the next morning (with a hideous hangover) and it was full of ramblings about how much I missed Bubby, where was my Bubby, had anyone seen my Bubby! These were all sent to my friends!

The icing on the cake was when I sent out a photo of Bubby with a message:

"This is my Bubby, if you see him can you tell him I love him"

It was all very tragic! I had no idea I loved the boy so much! :p

MrB said I was such a disappointing drunk! :laugh:

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OM goG you sound like me when I get drunk! :laugh:

I ramble on about the dogs, horses, (sometimes even my kids, go figure!)

Poor Mr.B sounds like he got the short end of the stick and not much "cuddles" :D

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:rofl: That is so funny.All I talk about these days is greyhounds,drunk or sober. :o .I was a little under the weather at a friends place recently and whilst waiting for a cab proceeded to tell everyone "I need to get home to Stan".A person who had never met me asked if that was my husband and everyone said "NO THAT'S HER DOG". :laugh:
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