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My Delta Girl Lacy And Tully


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Lilmissach, just go for it, if it's something you wanna do, what's the worse that can happen, however I was really nervous about the assessment but afterwards I just thought bloody hell what was I worried about hat was a breeze!! :laugh:

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It's such a simple idea really, just have dogs visit people, bit I'd be willing to bet it makes a HUGE difference to the people you guys visit.

For people who had dogs at home and then have to go into care it must just bring so much joy to be able to spend some time with dogs again. And even for people who didn't think they were dog people I imagine it's still a highlight and may shown them that they do like dogs after all - I

actually can imagine both my mum and step dad, neither of whom are real doggy lovers, would enjoy having visits if/when they go into care (still a ways off!!).

I love your story tlc about the lady who seemed to be sleeping/unconscious but relaxed when she was touching the pup. I can definitely understand that too, i can imagine the feeling of a warm, furry body with a calm loving spirit just being there probably gets through to people on a

special level.

Great job to all of you, both dogs and peoples!

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Thanks SP, your right it really is a simple idea that makes such a difference. Another quick story, we went into a 4 bedroom one day and one lady said oh don't bring the dogs near me, I don't like dogs, we were talking from a distance and she told us he had been attacked as a child. As the weeks went by she was still in and seen us a few more times then one day she said could you come a little closer with the little white one, so over I went and she gave Tully a little pat, very proud of herself, it was an achievement for her to be even that close to a dog let alone touching one, we only seen her a couple more weeks then she went home, but she went home no where near as frightened of Dogs as she was! :thumbsup:

So any stories, I could go on all day! I think my first day was the worst for me when we come across a lady that missed her own dogs so much as soon as she seen us she just cried and cried, it was very upsetting and all I could think of was bloody hell I don't think I can do this. :laugh: I'm such a softie, anyway she was there in rehab a lot of weeks, and cried a bit less each week but she sure dd love her visits from the dogs!!

Edited due to silly auto correct!

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I know I would miss my animals so much if I had to be away from them for any length of time and would probably cry at seeing other dogs too but I'd still much rather see them than not!!

And slightly OT but related to the lady finally patting Tully, I think it's so awesome when older people do things they may have been really scared of for many many years! Again thinking of my mum, as she gets older she seems to be getting braver, dog is one thing she's never been keen on, especially "big dogs, slobbery dogs, sniffy dogs, jumpy dogs, barky dogs, etc etc" but she fell in love with Saxon and since has even come to the dog park with me and managed to cope fine with all sorts of dogs.

She's also challenged herself to overcome a fear of heights, and an absolute phobia of swimming in the last few years. She's still uncomfortable with all those things (including dogs that arent Saxon, even Riley gets sideways looks and polite smiles) but challenges herself to do them anyway :)

My poor ma, I'm making her sound old, she's not at all, only 62 but the new experiences seem to make her proud

of herself, and make me super proud of her :o

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