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German Shepherd Had Face Blown Off With Firecracker

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**VERY GRAPHIC - BE WARNED BEFORE YOU CLICK THAT LINK - If you dont want to see just read it below**


Here’s the horrible tale of what happened to Vucko, the German Shepherd.

Two intoxicated youths in Bosnia duct-taped a firework in a German Shepherd’s mouth and blew off his face. But the torture didn’t stop there. The poor dog, known as Vucko, wandered in agony for five days, unable to eat and with maggots infecting the meaty pulp of his ruined face. Vucko was finally picked up by authorities and euthanized after vets were unable to perform reconstructive surgery.

Watch Vucko Being Examined On The Operating Table

Click here to see some footage of Vucko being examined by vets on the operating table, but be warned that it is extremely graphic. Notice the firework’s shell casing still embedded in the dog’s head.

Unfortunately, Vucko was euthanized, but his death doesn’t have to be in vain. This tragedy is a perfect opportunity to promote animal abuse awareness in an area where animal rights are practically nonexistent.

Take Action Now!

We must bring the animal abusers to justice and ensure that this inhumanity is never repeated. Click here to sign our petition to urge Bosnian authorities to hunt down the guilty parties and expose the severity of animal abuse. Don’t let Vucko die in vain!

Rest in peace, Vucko.

Vucko is not with us anymore. Its up to people to make sure he didn’t suffer in vain.

Is there no bottom to the low that humanity can reach? RIP you poor poor doggie...

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I won't look as the story is bad enough. Poor baby. Those guys need to feel similar pain (perhaps electric shocks) to understand what they did to that poor innocent baby. I can't imagine what that poor dog went through. :cry:

Those two must be some pretty damaged goods to have done something as hearless and cruel as that!

They should be tested by a mental health professional and put away for the safety of others.

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