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Amusing Mistaken Breed Names


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A long time ago on a plane of existence far far away a lady with an odd accent rang and asked to have a White Monaro picked up. After asking her to say it again it still sounded like a White Monaro..... When it was confirmed she was not talking about a car and it was a fairly large bluish coloured dog the Weimaraner light came on!!!! We are sure that's what she was saying it is just not what we were hearing!!!

She had her cars mixed up. The Aussie rhyming slang for Weis is "White Torana".

Wow in all the years I've had weims I have never heard that one!

WB, it probably doesn't help the plight of having the correct name when I call my dogs Wild Bananas all the time!! :laugh:

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One of my neighbours firmly belive I have Sweetish Woofhounds another of my friends call my dogs the Bonsai Alsatians.

I don't really mind either :D

I've not only learnt some new breeds, some new pronunciations but also laughed myself silly.

No real problem with "greyhound" but you try telling a non-dog person you own a "blue greyhound" :confused:

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Amazes me just how many people ask "is she an ex greyhound?"

Um, what does that even mean? I used to reply with "no, she's always been a greyhound and always will be."


The equivalent, with Labbies, is 'blind dog'. Usually kids. I chuckle internally, but see no need to correct them.

People aren't born knowing the language of the pedigree dogs. Lots of people are essentially tourists in the dogworld, and of course they make mistakes.

I've murdered Spanish, French, German, Chinese and Portuguese in my travels, and I'm sure I've said some pretty stupid things while grasping for words. I'm grateful that by-in-large people listen for what you're trying to say and ignore your literal words.

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I love these threads... I always aim to learn at least one more dog breed's pronounciation each time.

Last time I learnt 'Keeshound' is not said 'keish-hound' but 'kay-zund'.

This time, I think I have nailed Xolo... show-low-eats-qweent-lee

And I'll remember Rott-vy-ler now.

I thought 'Shih Tzu' was pronounced 'Sheed-Zoo'... There is some suggestion here that it should be 'Sheerd-Zoo' instead, but no one has actually confirmed the Tzu pronunciation...

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After reading this thread I have completely forgotten how I usually say shih tzu! :laugh:

In my family Labradors are known as tardadors but only cos my sister in laws labs are, well, special ;) :laugh:

I was talking to someone once and they asked what doof is and I said kelpie x GSD. They went 'OMG you have a SHELPIE! Me too!!!'. I said 'I've got no bloody idea what that is but doof is a kelpie *CROSS* GSD!!!

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