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When my lab was younger he ate his bones pretty nicely and never had an issue, now he has started gulping them and chokes every time I give him one, the last bad incident was about 6 weeks ago and he nearly passed out from choking I had to stick my hand down his throat, couldn't find the bone but it must have moved in his throat as he started breathing ok after that. Tonight I decided to give him a flap, he chewed for a short while , swallowed and then started gagging but managed to get it down on his own. Now it looks like I am going to have to cut up lamb flaps for him ( he can't have chicken) but I would love him to be able to eat proper lamb necks and foo tails again without choking as I know they are good for him. Any suggestions ???

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Mine started doing this after they stayed with another dog while I was away, they settled back down after a week or so of being back home - are you feeding him in the same place as Gibbs? Can Mason see Gibbs while he is eating?

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Mine started doing this after they stayed with another dog while I was away, they settled back down after a week or so of being back home - are you feeding him in the same place as Gibbs? Can Mason see Gibbs while he is eating?

I separate totally, I think mason likes to think he could finish and then take Gibbs' item as he tried ths on when Gibbs was first home. It drives me mad the way he is making himself choke!!

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Jackson used to do this too.

ari.g - roo tails don't work for my dogs, they break them up into individual vertebrae then try to swallow from there....

MG - I would split the two of them up too and try really big bones that can't possibly be broken up or swallowed whole.

How often do they get them?...maybe they are too high value hence the need to scoff in case the other one gets it. I have my landlords dog with me this week and gave both a bone. She went a bit nuts over it and had a grumble when anyone got close, where as Milly who gets them a few times a week kept wandering back to me to see if I had anything better on offer.

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Jackson used to do this too.

ari.g - roo tails don't work for my dogs, they break them up into individual vertebrae then try to swallow from there....

MG - I would split the two of them up too and try really big bones that can't possibly be broken up or swallowed whole.

How often do they get them?...maybe they are too high value hence the need to scoff in case the other one gets it. I have my landlords dog with me this week and gave both a bone. She went a bit nuts over it and had a grumble when anyone got close, where as Milly who gets them a few times a week kept wandering back to me to see if I had anything better on offer.

They used to get every day when this started happening....

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Personally I wouldn't risk it with a dog that eats bones like this.

I am well aware of all the benefits of feeding raw bones however, I feel that it is especially risky to give greedy eaters bones.

Mindy was not even a gulper- she was a good chewer and had bones without incident for almost 1.5 years.

It only takes one little piece to cause a blockage or perforation and you're looking at a life threatening situation and major surgery (and a hefty vet bill). Labradors appear to be over represented in these type of incidents (at least in my experience working at a vet)

The only way I would feed her bones again is very closely supervised with a meaty bone that I could take away before she started eating the actual bone and possibly some lamb flaps.

You could always use ground up bones (in mince form- you could get your butcher to do this) if you're after the nutritional value, and then use other chews/dental biscuits/plaque remover/brushing teeth etc to take care of the dental aspects.

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Pretty much given up on bones here,Stan is a pig.I have had the 7 day wait when he was trying to swallow a large piece of bone I was trying to get off him and he was desperately trying to get it down before I took it off him.He got it down with a lot of gagging and me with my hand down his throat. :mad .Even pigs ears I have to strictly supervise him.Poor Maddie misses out on a bone because if Stan knows she's got one (which takes her forever to eat)he's even worse thinking he can get hers!It's just not worth it.

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