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Grand Champions & (new Title) Supreme Champions


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I've had several judges give me advice etc one made me do the triangle again with the lead held differently :laugh: and it wasn't just in the first few months either, I'm afraid my lack of handling skills still shine on, even now :o

Mine too :o

a judge fairly recently took the lead and showed me how to pull a dog out of a pace :laugh:

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As a newbie myself, I tend to lean toward Snopaws suggestion that the 'unsavoury folk' may have somehting to do with keeping numbers down in the showring/showscene. I think Snopaws shows courage for being able to share it!!

It seems 'each to their own' in the show scene, and it doesn't suprise me that people are playing fisty-cuffs in the carparks at shows! Two of those fists could be mine if someone was to tell me they were going to shut my f'n dog up for me :mad

I had a dog in front of me carry on like a pork chop, which upset my pup's demaeanour when I was stacking him, but I just thought "Oh well, it's all a learning experience - he has to get used to it", and I felt more sorry for the owner of the other dog :D

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I've had several judges give me advice etc one made me do the triangle again with the lead held differently :laugh: and it wasn't just in the first few months either, I'm afraid my lack of handling skills still shine on, even now :o

Mine too :o

a judge fairly recently took the lead and showed me how to pull a dog out of a pace :laugh:

Yeah I had a lovely judge tell me "now that was terrible" after my naughty adolescent did an atrocious up-and-back and then proceeded to tell me how to stop her from doing it. :)

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As a newbie myself, I tend to lean toward Snopaws suggestion that the 'unsavoury folk' may have somehting to do with keeping numbers down in the showring/showscene. I think Snopaws shows courage for being able to share it!!

It seems 'each to their own' in the show scene, and it doesn't suprise me that people are playing fisty-cuffs in the carparks at shows! Two of those fists could be mine if someone was to tell me they were going to shut my f'n dog up for me :mad

I had a dog in front of me carry on like a pork chop, which upset my pup's demaeanour when I was stacking him, but I just thought "Oh well, it's all a learning experience - he has to get used to it", and I felt more sorry for the owner of the other dog :D

This... it's no different than having a bitch in season near your entire male, someone with a clicker or a squeaky toy, or a dog stacked in the line up backwards so their dog is facing yours. All learning experiences, and take experience and training.

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I have been showing for about four years and really don't have a view on the new (or the old) points system but I do have a view on why I believe numbers are and have been dropping.

I have four show dogs and am currently campaigning another.

My first dog has won two best in shows and and five best in groups, he is on about 400 points but is now semi retired because I find my younger dogs more exciting to show.

My young bitch has won a best in group and a runner up best in group at Sunbury, she holds multiple 25 point challenges, it took me until she was two and half to get her titled and a further six weeks to get another 200 points, she is a late maturer but I will be aiming for her grand regardless of the rules.

My 18 months old will hit the ring again after a six month break, he is a best in group winner, he is not titled, he sits on 75 points made up with three 25 point challenge.

My young dog has just turned one and has one 16 point challenge.

I don't show just to win although that is of course the icing on the cake, I show because I enjoy it, I love my dogs and have the company of some great friends and have made quite a few more. I have had some great wins but win or lose I bring home four dogs I wouldn't swap for all the gold in china. I am not a breeder and won't be for some time. I am going to Kimore this weekend with a friend, we have both had horrible weeks and we are looking forward to the junky greasy 'show food' more than showing the dogs!!

Okay so scenario 1, am I in the best in show line up with a young dog, now I have Samoyeds that sparkle, they woo woo, they bark, they dance around the ring. The judge has just started judging and while we are relaxing my young dog woo woos at me. The lady beside me who is well known and whose dogs has dozens of best in show awards hisses under her breath 'if you don't shut that #$%^&* dog I will shut it up for you'.

Scenario 2, my oh and I along with my youngest daughter go away to a show for the weekend, my youngest daughter is painfully shy and finds being in the ring nerve racking at the best of times even though she enjoys it. We are the second group on both days, day one comes and goes and early on the morning of day 2 my daughter decides she would like to show a dog so I tell her to go and have a quick practice in the ring before hand, this is an hour before the show starts. The moment my back is turned she is told in a not very nice by an old 'lady' to get out of her ring.

These are only two examples from the last two weeks, I could quote dozens more but anymore would be just rambling which I have already done enough of........... but as a newbie I truly believe the declining numbers have nothing to do with titles and how they obtained but rather the attitudes of certain people. Unfortuanately I have a thick skin and will continue to do what I enjoy. I have two to title and a further two who are working towards their grands regardless of the rules.

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Bahahaha my junior boy on the weekend for his breed class, danced aroudn the ring, tap danced on the spot tried to molest the judge for bait (he had none rofl) and made an arse of me and him. Congrats to the owner of the other dog in the ring who kept and earnt her dogs attention whilt all this distraction was going on.

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I have been showing for about four years and really don't have a view on the new (or the old) points system but I do have a view on why I believe numbers are and have been dropping.

I have four show dogs and am currently campaigning another.

My first dog has won two best in shows and and five best in groups, he is on about 400 points but is now semi retired because I find my younger dogs more exciting to show.

My young bitch has won a best in group and a runner up best in group at Sunbury, she holds multiple 25 point challenges, it took me until she was two and half to get her titled and a further six weeks to get another 200 points, she is a late maturer but I will be aiming for her grand regardless of the rules.

My 18 months old will hit the ring again after a six month break, he is a best in group winner, he is not titled, he sits on 75 points made up with three 25 point challenge.

My young dog has just turned one and has one 16 point challenge.

I don't show just to win although that is of course the icing on the cake, I show because I enjoy it, I love my dogs and have the company of some great friends and have made quite a few more. I have had some great wins but win or lose I bring home four dogs I wouldn't swap for all the gold in china. I am not a breeder and won't be for some time. I am going to Kimore this weekend with a friend, we have both had horrible weeks and we are looking forward to the junky greasy 'show food' more than showing the dogs!!

Okay so scenario 1, am I in the best in show line up with a young dog, now I have Samoyeds that sparkle, they woo woo, they bark, they dance around the ring. The judge has just started judging and while we are relaxing my young dog woo woos at me. The lady beside me who is well known and whose dogs has dozens of best in show awards hisses under her breath 'if you don't shut that #$%^&* dog I will shut it up for you'.

Scenario 2, my oh and I along with my youngest daughter go away to a show for the weekend, my youngest daughter is painfully shy and finds being in the ring nerve racking at the best of times even though she enjoys it. We are the second group on both days, day one comes and goes and early on the morning of day 2 my daughter decides she would like to show a dog so I tell her to go and have a quick practice in the ring before hand, this is an hour before the show starts. The moment my back is turned she is told in a not very nice by an old 'lady' to get out of her ring.

These are only two examples from the last two weeks, I could quote dozens more but anymore would be just rambling which I have already done enough of........... but as a newbie I truly believe the declining numbers have nothing to do with titles and how they obtained but rather the attitudes of certain people. Unfortuanately I have a thick skin and will continue to do what I enjoy. I have two to title and a further two who are working towards their grands regardless of the rules.

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As it is me that you are refering to in scenario 2, I would like that you at least said what happened honstly. Your daughter took one dog half way round the ring, when it stopped to empty out, she stood holding the dog while you got the pooper scooper and picked up the droppings, then she came back to your canopy, put that dog away and proceeded to get another dog out, when I asked her if she was going to exercise her dogs would she not do it in the ring. I'm sick of people with long coated dogs exercising them in the rings, usually its very well known exhibitors who think they have a god given right to take them in the ring so they don't get wet/muddy feet, then the next poor exhibitor can't get their dogs head of the ground.

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As it is me that you are refering to in scenario 2, I would like that you at least said what happened honstly. Your daughter took one dog half way round the ring, when it stopped to empty out, she stood holding the dog while you got the pooper scooper and picked up the droppings, then she came back to your canopy, put that dog away and proceeded to get another dog out, when I asked her if she was going to exercise her dogs would she not do it in the ring. I'm sick of people with long coated dogs exercising them in the rings, usually its very well known exhibitors who think they have a god given right to take them in the ring so they don't get wet/muddy feet, then the next poor exhibitor can't get their dogs head of the ground.

Well a big thank you for ensuring my young daughter doesn't want to step back into the ring!!

Okay if you would like to get the facts straight lets go..... All three of my dogs had already been excercised that morning and taken to the toilet. Unfortunately my dogs are just that, dogs and not robots. Occassionally shit happens, which it did, unfortunately it just seems to happens more when you drive four hours to a country show and are away. If you had of paid more attention before jumping to conclusions you would have witnessed me covering the boys in potato flour because they were wet after going for a run at six that morning. She gaited the bitch around the ring a dozen or more times because unfortunately one of her problems as a young handler is she does not move her fast enough, she was not at any stage exercising her or using the ring as a toilet. I had three dogs with me and at no stage did she take the older dog into the ring because she didn't 'need' to practice with him. She showed the bitch in her class and again for bob. She had also asked to show the puppy in the challenge line up so I had also asked her to have a quick practice with him because he is quite headstrong (naughyy!). If you believe I don't like getting my dogs dirty maybe you should take a visit to a Samoyed owners/breeder house, 99% of the time my dogs are muddy or dusty, they spend their days in the paddock chasing bunnies and possums and digging holes and their nights inside with their family. Muddy/wet feet is the least of my worries, I have towels, wonderwash and potato flour, however rabbit blood is harder to get out. As for being well known :laugh::laugh: Okay whatever I have no answer for that, I could be a complete bitch and mention old ladies who believe the own rings/grounds but that would just be rude and that isn't me :laugh: . The second (not the first) day for a show when two groups have already been on the previous day may just be a little late for 'smells on the ring' as you say. This is exactly what I mean, attack first, ask questions later and of a child!! C'mon if you have an issue with a child you speak to their parent, you don't have a go at a child for having fun with her dog the moment the parents back is turned!! But why am I explaining this to you anyhow :confused: .

If anyone can refer me to the rule that states a child can't practice with a dog in a ring before/after/or at lunch time can they please refer it to me.

I used to practice in the ring when I was just starting out, I rarely do it anymore because it just isn't worth the trouble as the above proves and I do know some 'older' exhibitors do not like it. If I do it is usually only with a baby but to think it is okay to have a 'go' at a child for practicing with her dog, I am truly gobsmacked :confused:

Which gets back to my original point about exhibitors attitudes being the reason for declining numbers, I thought we were supposed to encourage children and newbies!!

I am far from perfect, I try hard to be, I try to say thank you and please to the judge and steward and congratulations to the other exhibitor, I am happy to help anyone, I make mistakes, I have taken the wrong dog in the ring, tripped over my dog, stood on my dog, have died of embarrassment when my dogs has pissed on someones gazebo, have had a dog piss on my leg, have sent entries to the wrong secretary, have sent entries to myself, don't ask, have forgotten to take a dog in, have taken a dog in when they have supposed to be, have even had one of my oh so naughty dogs non awarded for behaviour, they only thing I haven't done is fall over but my day will come, hey some days I am just happy to stay upright.. I have also have also had some amazing wins and met some fantastic people who I am proud to call friends.

But cmon the bitchiness I witness at almost every other show is just insane, this is supposed to be fun, is it really hard to smile, say please and thank you and just to be nice to one another!!

But thank you again Barney. My daughter isn't showing 'again' this weekend and next year the committee will be missing out on my 100 dollars worth of entries, the caravan park the $150 in accomadation, the soccer club 50 or so dollars in food, the vendors the $200 or so I spent on 'stuff' (I needed :o) and the pub the 200 or so I spent on dinner :o

Enough rambling back to Victoria this week where I am glad to say I can't recall seeing a child told off for having a practice in the ring with their dog :D

Instead I may just witness two "ladies" go ten rounds in the carpark :rofl:

But yet again that is just mho, I have only been around for a handful of years, I don't know what it was like 10 or 20 years ago.

Which is has completely gotten away from the original topic, oops, sorry, as I said I have only been around for four year and the new system or old system of points will have no bearing on my entry or lack thereof.

Edited by SnoPaws
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We aren't allowed to practise in the rings before a show in WA...

Nor in NSW (not at any of the shows I attend anywya - their are constant announcement over the load speaker at some shows asking exhibitors to leave the rings).

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I don't think I have ever been to a show at KCC Park when there hasn't been exhibitors practicing with their young dogs before a show, either inside or out. It is the norm to have quite a few exhibitors in the rings at lunch time taking photos with their dogs.

Hey you learn something new everyday!

Is that just before a show, at lunchtime, after a show, what about the second day of a two day show. What about the week before or day before seeing as most country shows in Victoria are at various sports grounds, ovals and reserves, or does this rule only apply to grounds actually owned by DOGSNSW & WA. Is this an actual rule or one of those unwritten ones that newbies get abused about for not knowing.

Oh well still there are ways to go about things, a simple, 'exhibitors aren't allowed to practice in the rings before show in nsw to a parent would have been met with a oooh I wasn't aware of that and then this :o then a graceful exit rather than an upset child and a rather pissed off mother.

edited to add *shrugs* if you wanted to get technical I suppose we were still in Victoria where I still don't believe it to be a crime but anyhow.....................

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No rule as far as I know in SA, you often see the juniors practising either before judging or after judging

In the morning they're practising with their dogs for handlers at lunchtime and after they're working on what they stuffed up :laugh:

eta: I would hate to see the little ones getting chased out of the rings, they need all the enccouragement they can get IMO

Edited by Rottshowgirl
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We aren't allowed to practise in the rings before a show in WA...

Nor in NSW (not at any of the shows I attend anywya - their are constant announcement over the load speaker at some shows asking exhibitors to leave the rings).

I see it quite often here, but maybe that is because it is on the border? Regularly see people in the ring with new puppies in the breaks, see kids with their dogs just messing around and playing and ALWAYS see people in the ring having photos taken. I think I've said before that I'm surprised others have such a problem with it when I see it so often and, to be honest, 90% of the time it is people who have been showing for years and are quite well-known :confused:

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In Wa it's possibly just because we don't really need to - there is loads of room to practice outside of the rings with the same beautiful grass to run on. I've seen plenty of people practice after the show is over inside the rings and see no issue with it.

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In my own area it's not allowed and whether or not that's grounds specific I'm not sure.

I really don't see any need for using any ring for exercising or practice - there's always somewhere outside the ring for that, even at the smallest of country Ag shows.

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Is there a particular written rule in place that disallows exhibitors from practising in the rings? If not, each Club should highlight it when advertising their events. Otherwise, certain people will continue getting off on bullying young people and newbies etc.

And for those bullies out there reading this, if you're so full of it, complain to the Club about your peeves, and leave others to enjoy themselves. Oh, and learn some manners!!!!! :thumbsup:

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