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Natural Skin Soothers


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Bella has been diagnosed with a flea allergy and her poor skin is very red and itchy, we've been to the vet for medication etc but I was wondering if anyone has a natural solution we can use on her skin to soothe it.

It is really driving her crazy as she really has never had fleas before beside the odd one or two here and there, but since we have moved to the coast it has been a big problem.

We've switched to comfortis at the vets advice so we will see, she is washed with malaseb. Anything we can use to help the poor old girl would be appreciated. Sadly every year something new pops up for her.

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Calendular tea purchased from a health food shop, brewed into a tea, cooled and either sprayed on or used as a wash is a big favourite on DOL.

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I use pinetarsol bath oil (ego) available from chemist for my boy, he loves a bath so happily soaks in it for 15 mins, it doesnt work miracles but does reduce redness & itchiness but also has the benefit of being a soap alternative, we havent tried the calendula tea but have found the pinetarsol better than camomile tea, apple cder vinegar rinses, stop itch shampoo & oatmeal wash's.

Best o luck

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Thanks everyone or your replies.

We live a 2 min walk from the beach and OH tries to take her and the other 2 swimming every day or so.

I'll give the tea a go.

I actually thought of the pinetasol, but Bell's pushing 55kg and there's no way I could get her in the bath and she wont go near the clam shell we have.

As to how it was diagonsed, I found a big scab like thing on her back and all the hair just fell out in my hand when I was trying to seperate it to find the wound. I didn't find a wound but she now had a bald patch, I continued investigating and found a few more spots. That afternoon I took her to the vet, who took one look at it and said she had a flea allergy. She wanted to give her a shot of cortisone but couldn't because of some other meds Bella was on but gave us some antibiotics and said to change flea treatments to comfortis. The comfortis has worked really well, now I just want her skin to lose its redness and give her a break.

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The scab thing sounds like malasezia? For which I was told to bathe weekly in Malaseb shampoo which cleared up the scabs which took the hair with them. My vet tells me it has a distinctive smell -someone on here said like mouse droppings (ugh) not that I know what they smell like but I can smell it on her towel.

If you're curious, you could google it or try this informative link.http://www.westiemed.org/health/malassezia/

The pictures are of extreme examples - so don't get freaked out!

I haven't found anything else that manages it (on my chihuahua).

Edited by Poppy's mum
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