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Hi DOLers,

Looking for some advice, I noticed mid week Oscar was licking his paw, checked tonight and he has this red ball that looks like it has broken skin on it that has appeared. He hasn't had any problems walking on it and if fine for me to have a look at it.

Just wondering for thoughts on what it could be and whether I should be concerned?

Is there anything I can do to help fix it or should I take him to the vets next week?

Thanks in advance.


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Thanks for the quick replies, I will make an appointment next week. Anyone care to speculate?

Over 2 years ago he had a little cancer, which we got removed and tested, then we got pet insurance, we have only just come up for our exclusion review so fingers crossed it is only something minor.

Thanks again

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Sara was a gorgeous white bullarab and she was forever getting those removed it was the last one removed that was the end of the road for her, and it was under her stomach.

Anything like that on a white dog I would suspect as being the same.

Sorry but hope it isnt

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  On 19/11/2011 at 11:32 AM, KOE said:

Sara was a gorgeous white bullarab and she was forever getting those removed it was the last one removed that was the end of the road for her, and it was under her stomach.

Anything like that on a white dog I would suspect as being the same.

Sorry but hope it isnt

This looks totally different to the little cancer thing he had on his backside that we got removed. That cost us $600 to be removed with testing, do you know how much roughly it was to get your dogs removed? Is it like a hot spot or something? Worst timing ever, going away in a week and a half and XMAS. I do not think I would ever own a white dog again, I am always so paranoid about the sun (which he loves to lie in).

Will be booking a vet visit Mon. Thanks again guys.

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It is not a hot spot but may be a lick granuloma. I'd still be asking for tests though to be sure. A white dog is incredibly susceptible to cancers and if it is the sooner it is out and treated the better.

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It looks like a Histiocytoma, which is benign. Most common in young dogs and Bull Breeds seem to get them a bit. Vet should be able to do a fine needle aspirate and check. They are generally self limiting and clear on their own.

However, having said that you MUST get it checked, as there are other malignant cancers that can look very similar.

So I wouldn't worry too much at this stage, but do get it checked to make sure :)

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  On 20/11/2011 at 12:37 AM, zayda_asher said:

It could also be something like a sterile pyogranuloma that he's licked a lot and infected.

Does this dog have any allergy / immune issues?

Thanks for the reply. Will definitely get it checked out this week. He doesn't have any allergies/immune issues. But he has licked it quick a bit so has probably made it more inflamed.

Again thanks to everyone who has given advice, this being my first dog I always feel a little in the dark.

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  On 22/11/2011 at 11:45 PM, zayda_asher said:

Did you find out what it is yet? :)

No we have our appointment tonight, so will let you know once we get home. It hasn't gotten any worse. What sort of tests would you expect to see the vet do? When he had a cancer the vet felt it and knew?

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Good luck with the appointment! :)

I suppose what they might do to test it would depend on what the vet felt it was. Some things you can do a fine needle aspirate on, they stick a fine needle into the site and get a sample of cells to look at under a microscope. Somethings might need a more invasive test, like a biopsy, and other things they might be able to visually ID. So I'm sure your vet will explain what they are going to do and why, if not don't be afraid to ask them :)

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Back from the vet's, he said it was most likely a Histiocytoma (which is what the pathology results showed it was last time) but he said we should remove it anyway in case it is a mast cell tumor. He did not do a needle prick because he said if it is a mast cell tumor then the needle causes the cells to spread?

So we are booked in for that, but my next question is. We have Pet Insurance. We got it after his last Histiocytoma op and about a month ago got a letter of policy renewal and exclusion review. The exclusion was for the Histiocytoma- we sent in the medical records, which showed nothing as have no problems but have not received a c;earance letter. Now we clearly have another Histiocytoma a few weeks later and I do not know if we are covered? Thought? Should I put in a claim? If so how do I put in a claim?


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  On 19/11/2011 at 11:29 AM, NewAmstaffOwner said:

Thanks for the quick replies, I will make an appointment next week. Anyone care to speculate?

Over 2 years ago he had a little cancer, which we got removed and tested, then we got pet insurance, we have only just come up for our exclusion review so fingers crossed it is only something minor.

Thanks again

My Sheltie had one exactly the same in the same spot too!!! He licked it for a while and it became raised and bare and then gradually subsided.

There was no infection and it didn't bother him too much so I left it alone and it healed and went away by itself! It was weird. He had it about

a month and now there is no sign of it anymore!!

I will be interested to find out what your vet says about it!!!



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  On 23/11/2011 at 8:25 AM, Cairo1 said:
  On 19/11/2011 at 11:29 AM, NewAmstaffOwner said:

Thanks for the quick replies, I will make an appointment next week. Anyone care to speculate?

Over 2 years ago he had a little cancer, which we got removed and tested, then we got pet insurance, we have only just come up for our exclusion review so fingers crossed it is only something minor.

Thanks again

My Sheltie had one exactly the same in the same spot too!!! He licked it for a while and it became raised and bare and then gradually subsided.

There was no infection and it didn't bother him too much so I left it alone and it healed and went away by itself! It was weird. He had it about

a month and now there is no sign of it anymore!!

I will be interested to find out what your vet says about it!!!



Hi Cairo

See my last post on the previous page- it says what the vet said.

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  On 23/11/2011 at 7:58 AM, NewAmstaffOwner said:

So we are booked in for that, but my next question is. We have Pet Insurance. We got it after his last Histiocytoma op and about a month ago got a letter of policy renewal and exclusion review. The exclusion was for the Histiocytoma- we sent in the medical records, which showed nothing as have no problems but have not received a c;earance letter. Now we clearly have another Histiocytoma a few weeks later and I do not know if we are covered? Thought? Should I put in a claim? If so how do I put in a claim?


So are you saying that because he has suffered with this condition once before, they will not cover for the treatment of the same condition a second time? If the first histicytoma was not a pre existing condition, that really sucks. I found that was the problem with pet insurance. You'd think you were covered and then something ridiculous in the small print lets them off the hook.

Edit - just read that you got insurance AFTER his histiocytoma was treated, so no, you will not be covered as it is a pre existing condition.

Edited by KaseyC
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  On 23/11/2011 at 11:12 AM, KaseyC said:
  On 23/11/2011 at 7:58 AM, NewAmstaffOwner said:

So we are booked in for that, but my next question is. We have Pet Insurance. We got it after his last Histiocytoma op and about a month ago got a letter of policy renewal and exclusion review. The exclusion was for the Histiocytoma- we sent in the medical records, which showed nothing as have no problems but have not received a c;earance letter. Now we clearly have another Histiocytoma a few weeks later and I do not know if we are covered? Thought? Should I put in a claim? If so how do I put in a claim?


So are you saying that because he has suffered with this condition once before, they will not cover for the treatment of the same condition a second time? If the first histicytoma was not a pre existing condition, that really sucks. I found that was the problem with pet insurance. You'd think you were covered and then something ridiculous in the small print lets them off the hook.

Edit - just read that you got insurance AFTER his histiocytoma was treated, so no, you will not be covered as it is a pre existing condition.

What happened was we got the pet insurance after the first histiocytoma, we were up front and told them about it and it was an exclusion on our policy, which I was fine with. But then a month ago we came up for an exclusion review, so essentially because it had been over two years without any histiocytoma's, the exclusion would then be void, thus we would be covered for them in the future. So we sent of the medical records as per the request for the exclusion, which there was no histiocytoma or other cancer check ups, we had only had vaccinations. BUT I never heard back from them whether the exclusion review was granted, and NOW we have a histiocytoma that has come up albeit 3 weeks after faxing in the medical records.

Hope that makes sense?

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