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So Angry ! I Will Never Trust Anyone With Him Again...


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Sorry but i just had to vent abit on here. I had to go overseas for a couple of months and left my samoyed with the ex gf i got him with when he was a pup. I left her all his grooming tools and explained to her how to use all of them, i even left her the number of a good groomer that can help her out incase she falls behind. Well i got him back 3 days ago and his coat was shocking, she had not brushed him for the whole time. I took him to the groomer and the only solution was to shave him. I cant believe it and im so angry. I feel very responsible and im blaming myself for what happened. Summer is a pretty bad time since their coat acts as an insolator, and the sun can really damage their pink skin. All he has left is the hair on his head and tail :( . Its going to take about 6 months to grow back from what ive read. Im never going to trust anyone with him again.. Sorry i just had to let it out...

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Sorry to hear that Bobby.

Your poor boy.

I would have been out for blood if someone left my Samoyeds in that condition :mad

Maybe look at getting him a shirt to wear outside and some suncream so he wont burn.

Thanks Bjelkier, im popping down today to grab him sunscreen as its getting pretty hot in sydney. I was under the misconception that she would take good care of him as he was OUR dog most of his life.

Edited by Bobby_The_Samoyed
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Guest donatella

Poor darlin dog. How utterly neglectful of her, its not that hard to run a brush through a few times per week!

At least you know its permanent, it will probably grow faster then 6 months, you'll be surprised.

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Poor darlin dog. How utterly neglectful of her, its not that hard to run a brush through a few times per week!

At least you know its permanent, it will probably grow faster then 6 months, you'll be surprised.

I wouldn't be too sure about that.

I have a boy here who had a few shaved patches in May last year and the hair is still trying to grow back. :(

Bobby you might want to look into getting some royal jelly shampoo. It helps the coat grow back faster.

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Guest donatella

Poor darlin dog. How utterly neglectful of her, its not that hard to run a brush through a few times per week!

At least you know its permanent, it will probably grow faster then 6 months, you'll be surprised.

I wouldn't be too sure about that.

I have a boy here who had a few shaved patches in May last year and the hair is still trying to grow back. :(

Bobby you might want to look into getting some royal jelly shampoo. It helps the coat grow back faster.

ahh that's a shame then. it's been nearly 2 weeks since mine's bad hair cut and her mane has grown out HEAPS, i cant believe how fast its growing and her shaved belly from being desexed last month is already got a layer of fuzz overgrown on it. she's still a pup though which is probably why.

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Hey Bjelkier ill have a look for that jelly shampoo. Donatella, with samoyeds the fur is different to that of a pom.. It takes alot longer for sammys to grow their coats. The young lady that did this to bobby also has a pom that we bought together, she was our first dog :) Havent gotten to see her for ages now even though i raised her !! Miss her heaps, everytime i see your dp of your pom Donatella i remember her lol she looks identical

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Guest donatella

Hey Bjelkier ill have a look for that jelly shampoo. Donatella, with samoyeds the fur is different to that of a pom.. It takes alot longer for sammys to grow their coats. The young lady that did this to bobby also has a pom that we bought together, she was our first dog :) Havent gotten to see her for ages now even though i raised her !! Miss her heaps, everytime i see your dp of your pom Donatella i remember her lol she looks identical

I presumed they would have had similar coats, but it doesn't pay to presume these things without knowing i guess ;) the samoyed are GORGEOUS, i'm also in love with the Finish Lapphund's as my new obsessions, but both are too big for my lifestyle so i'll have to stick to my number 1 dog the Pom, small in size but BIG in personality as you would know having owned one. Lucy is only 7 months old but I think we're going through the teenage years, she's starting to get quite possessive over me, I need to get her some serious training stat or i'm going to have a very naughty dog on my hand. Intelligent little buggers though, so so so smart and too darn cute all the time.

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That is sad that your dog was neglected like that.

I baby sat a Shetland Sheepdog for a work mate of my ex husbands for 6 months.

When he returned he didn't recognise his dog.

He had left a somewhat 'shabby' (by my standards anyway) male whose coat appeared to get 'broken' alot when being brushed etc. and returned to collect what he described as a beautiful Show Dog. :)

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I got a 5yo Australian Shepherd in Feb, her coat had been clipped back to the skin. She now has about the longest coat I've ever seen on an Aussie, it looks amazing.

But my other girl had a patch on her side shaved about a month ago, as she tore a hole in her flank and needed stitches, and it's hardly grown at all.

Hopefully your dog is like the first one!

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If the woman you left your boy with is an 'ex', then I'm sure the state of his coat has nothing much to do with him, and is more to do with you!

Sorry, i didnt quite understand what you mean?

She asked repeatedly to take care of him while i was gone because they had not spent time together for a while. Are you suggesting that she did that to him because of me? Sorry not making sense to me :)

Edited by Bobby_The_Samoyed
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Hey Bjelkier ill have a look for that jelly shampoo. Donatella, with samoyeds the fur is different to that of a pom.. It takes alot longer for sammys to grow their coats. The young lady that did this to bobby also has a pom that we bought together, she was our first dog :) Havent gotten to see her for ages now even though i raised her !! Miss her heaps, everytime i see your dp of your pom Donatella i remember her lol she looks identical

I presumed they would have had similar coats, but it doesn't pay to presume these things without knowing i guess ;) the samoyed are GORGEOUS, i'm also in love with the Finish Lapphund's as my new obsessions, but both are too big for my lifestyle so i'll have to stick to my number 1 dog the Pom, small in size but BIG in personality as you would know having owned one. Lucy is only 7 months old but I think we're going through the teenage years, she's starting to get quite possessive over me, I need to get her some serious training stat or i'm going to have a very naughty dog on my hand. Intelligent little buggers though, so so so smart and too darn cute all the time.

Haha i agree with what your saying about poms they are amazing little dogs, she is probably one of the most beautiful dogs i have ever owned. With regards to the fur, i am just speaking from experience with both breeds but it may have been individual cases and not a summary of the breed as a whole :S

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If the woman you left your boy with is an 'ex', then I'm sure the state of his coat has nothing much to do with him, and is more to do with you!

Sorry, i didnt quite understand what you mean?

She asked repeatedly to take care of him while i was gone because they had not spent time together for a while. Are you suggesting that she did that to him because of me? Sorry not making sense to me :)

So you are saying your ex is not vindictive and you are on good terms she's just a lazy ermm....#@*& ??

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If the woman you left your boy with is an 'ex', then I'm sure the state of his coat has nothing much to do with him, and is more to do with you!

Sorry, i didnt quite understand what you mean?

She asked repeatedly to take care of him while i was gone because they had not spent time together for a while. Are you suggesting that she did that to him because of me? Sorry not making sense to me :)

So you are saying your ex is not vindictive and you are on good terms she's just a lazy ermm....#@*& ??

Sorry if I didn't make myself clear...I was just wondering if some of your ex' negligence didn't have an element of payback in it...in hindsight it wasn't for me to speculate and I do apologise...

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Poor fella, i hope his coat grows back soon and doesn't get too burnt.

im not sure if dogs are different, but several of my ponies are pink skinned and very sun sensitive in places, i use a product called Filtabac which is a sunscreen / antibacterial (in case they have any scabby sunburnt bits)and vitamin E which is great for hair growth... might be worth investigating!

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