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My Feline Trio


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Boof is my great hunter and lizards are his favourite snacks.


Lobo thought he might be able to steal something from Boof (Lobo is too lazy to hunt and really doesn't like lizards anyway) so he came over to intimidate Boofa, but suprise! Boof stood up for himself and scared the beejesus out of Lobo :) It was a proud Kitty Mama moment, really.



Later Lobo decided that if he stared at the kitchen counter hard enough, the Noms would appear.


Harry is far too dignified to be involved with that kind of nonsense and just does the cool cat pose in the afternoon sun streaming through the side window.

How you doin'?


My gorgeous one eyed kitty


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Lovely Kittys, how does Harry go with only one eye, has he adapted ok?

My older cat Holly is going to be 20 in a few weeks, (1st Dec) she is totally deaf but it doesn't hinder her at all. She is queen of the house. How old are your lot? Do they get on ok with the dogs?

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Harry has no problem with only one eye. Didn't seem to have any trouble adapting when he lost it earlier this year at all.

Boof & Lobo are 17ish and Harry is 15ish :) All are healthy (more or les, Boof has hyperthyroidism), happy, active (cough) and endlessly entertaining & cuddle-able! They all get on great with the doglets, often grooming or being groomed and head bumping/snuggling.

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Oh thats so great, great ages. My younger boy Bailey is 7 and he stays away from the dogs as all they want to do is play with him and they are too rough. But Holly sits amongst the dogs, they don't give her any grief at all. :laugh:

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Ah well. You aren't alone in that, someone on my FB wall had a go at me already :whip:

It's a ta ta lizard. I have roughly 7 billion of them in my backyard. They sit on the chairs, come in the back door, hang out in the cat's bowls and molest the doggie toys.


Can't say I freak out about the few that Boof catches each year, really.

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Ah well. You aren't alone in that, someone on my FB wall had a go at me already :whip:

It's a ta ta lizard. I have roughly 7 billion of them in my backyard. They sit on the chairs, come in the back door, hang out in the cat's bowls and molest the doggie toys.


Can't say I freak out about the few that Boof catches each year, really.

Did they really have a go at you? I'll have to look, did you leave it there? I saw it, felt the same as Pers and thought, well everyone is different with how they feel about certain animals so I just logged off again. I love seeing your other photos, just not that one but I'm not a cat fan at all, so each to their own! :)

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Lovely shots :thumbsup: Love the second one, you can just see Lobos tongue :laugh: Great to see Harry looking so well :D

I re-homed my two 'hunters' before moving over here - we were surrounded by fields full of mice and voles back in Scotland so would regularly find the remains of those indoors! I guess small lizards are the equivalent here....

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Ripley - yeah, I left it there. I'm not much of one for censorship and I understand the knee jerk reaction. I prefer well thought out objections and no nastiness, but I'm not offended when people speak their minds.

And I'm not offended when people like, dislike, object to, think about or otherwise react to my photographs. Not everything I shoot or share is totally cute or beautiful or mindless.

I don't see much difference in Boof nailing a lizard and me nailing a fish for dinner other than the fact that I eat part of the fish and have no interest in lizard parts. Or of guys nailing a kangaroo. Or a wild goat. Or a whole bunch of things, really. Other people will react differently to various things, as you said.

But just because it's "wildlife" doesn't make it sacrosanct to me.

no idea that some photos of my cats would turn into a thought-provoking (at least for me) thread :thumbsup:

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I just saw the comment on your FB. Got to love a passionate man. His comment made me :laugh:

But just because it's "wildlife" doesn't make it sacrosanct to me
I guess in Australia we are told how much damage cats do to wildlife. I've never seen a lizard like that where I live though. Edited by Ripley
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And you know if I was out bush and saw a bungarrow with a feral cat, I'd be right there taking the same shot ;) Feral cats are a problem here, but not as huge as the damned foxes. I have a big bunga' living under my house now and again for the past three or so years, all my furkids seem unconcerned with him and he prefers the front driveway to the back patio so everyone's happy.

These ta ta lizards are more prolific in this area than pretty much any other critter besides flies! Here's one of my resident guys who suns himself on the patio furniture almost every day (I've cheated and used an older photo coz he darted off today before I could get a good frame).


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Yep that Cooper, it's really a crappy pic of the dogs except Coop, the other 3 look so bored. :laugh: but it's nice they are altogether. I really want to get one of both cats with all 4 dogs while holly is still with us, but I don't like my chances!

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