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New Puppy Checklist

Jordan Windebank

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Hi everyone. In preparation of hopefully getting a new puppy soon, I would like to make sure I have worked out exactly what we need to get up front. We will be getting as Bernese Mountain Dog who will be living inside with us.

  • Crate
  • Bedding
  • Food Bowl
  • Water Bowl
  • Collar
  • ID Tag
  • Lead
  • Brush
  • Nail Clippers
  • Clicker
  • Treat Bag
  • Dry Food
  • Training Treats
  • Toys (kong? stuffed toys?)
  • Worming?
  • Flea Control?
  • Shampoo?

Does that cover the basics? Really open to advice... :)

Edited by Jordan Windebank
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Puppy pen

Bedding - blankets and old towels

I second the crate or puppy pen. There's times that you can do without your little shadow following you and getting under your feet- while you're in the kitchen making dinner for example! :laugh: The crate helped me stay sane in that first week or two, and is the only reason my pup didn't wear the contents of a saucepan! He loved his crate from day 1 and it was really helpful for him to have a 'safe' place he could get into when he wanted some nap time.

Edited by ktig
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Guest donatella

First, talk to the breeder to find out what you get in the puppy pack, so you don't end up doubling up on things eg I supply some bedding and grooming equipment with my puppy pack.

I got food and bedding when I got mine so she was still eating the same food and had something with her smell on it.

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Thanks everyone. I have been tossing up whether to consider a crate or not, I completely understand the benefits but struggle internally with the thought of it as a cage. Would I still need a separate "bed" if he had a crate? Also I am concerned as to the size of a crate for a Bernese, it would have to be like a mini-house. :laugh: Do they keep the crate as their permanent safe place forever?

Thanks for the note on pigs ears, have not researched this sort of treat yet, that will come soon. :)

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I would have details of your vet and AH vet too with directions to each so you are not wasting time looking for them should you need a vet.

Like you I wasn't keen on crate training a dog, now having seen how dogs accept it as a safe place and how easy it is to contain your dog when necessary my next dog will be crate trained.

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Hi Jordan :) I have two Bernese and they are awesome dogs so congratulations on your choice of breed, you will not be disappointed.

My pup is 7 months old now, and he slept in a crate for the first two months when we brought him home. He never ever soiled his crate once, and it was such a handy tool to have. I originally crate trained him because I show him, and wanted him to behave and be settled at shows, but now even if I got another puppy who I didn't intend to show, I'd still use a crate. They are such a good investment!

I bought the largest size available, but really it is too big. Mine is 48 inches long, but you would easily get away with a 42 inch. They don't take up THAT much room really, I mean you have to put his bed somewhere anyway! :)

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I've update the original list. Can anyone advise whether things like flea, work and tick control are necessary for me to have ready for my new pup?

Also, donatella mentioned paper towel. As my puppy is going to live inside with us is it worth getting something like the following? Or better for him to hold on until he gets outside and me deal with any accidents?


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Don't worry about paper towel, just buy a mop :laugh:

Unless you plan to confine the puppy indoors for long periods then don't bother with pee pads/doggy toilets as it will only confuse them. If you crate trian and take the pup out regularly then you won't have a problem.

You do need to worm your pup for intestinal worms. Usually the breeder will do this at 8 weeks, then you worm again at 12 weeks then 3 monthly after that (or as needed). You also need to use some form of heartworm prevention starting at 3 months of age. There are monthly chews available for this, spot on's or daily tablets.

You don't need to treat for fleas if you don't have them, but if you're in a paralysis tick area you might want to look at some form of protection for that?

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Guest donatella

Is the pup going to be home alone for periods of time whilst you're at work?

If so wee pads are a great idea as pups pee quite frequently however if someone is going to be popping in during the day to feed and toilet it may not be necessary .

I found paper towels to be my god send because I mop with a microfibre mop (non absorbent) and a steam mop. I also used those demestos towlettes over soiled tiles as well.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey guys, sorry to resurrect my old thread but as the date is getting closer I am now looking to start actually buying stuff.

Can anyone recommend where to get a good puppy pen from? I have seen some on eBay for $50 but I have no idea what to compare this against. Appreciate any advice. :)


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Other than what to buy I'd also think about what your goals are with the puppy and how you want to achieve them. Do you want a well mannered pet or do you want a comp dog or show dog etc, do you have a plan as to how you want to achieve those things?

Think about what you are going to do the day you bring your puppy home, how will you show it and teach it how it's life will be?

If you are going to crate train do you have a crate training program to teach your puppy the crate is a good and safe place to be?

What kind of rules and boundaries will you have - will the puppy be allowed in every room of the house, or will it only be allowed in some rather than others? Will it be allowed on the furniture? Where will it be when you aren't home? etc etc

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