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Makeshift Doggy Diaper/nappy Thingameebob


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So, I use cloth nappies for my skin babes, so instead of making or buying a nappy for Miley, I have decided I may use a PUL or fleece cover and cut a hole where the tail goes and then use disposable pads like poise or something... do you think it will work? I don't want to waste a good expensive cover for nothing lol

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Guest donatella

I just worry about if she poops the mess you may have to clean from her fur. It will most likely involve a proper bath after being squashed between a nappy and her body. Also i don't know how absorbent pads like poise are for a full wee.

Edited by donatella
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I just worry about if she poops the mess you may have to clean from her fur. It will most likely involve a proper bath after being squashed between a nappy and her body.

She doesn't have a pooping issue.. just peeing, so should be ok.

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Perhaps you could try and see how she goes with the makeshift nappy, and if she looks like she's not uncomfortable with wearing it, then look at something, or buy the smallest pack of doggy diapers that you can find to trial if she would actually wear something like that, saves you ruining expensive items if she wont wear it. :)

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is this so she can be on the bed with your for a little bit each night? I think that's what you said in your other post. If it is for this reason I am not sure she would need any type of nappy on while you are awake and watching her. And now that the break has been made maybe it could confuse her even more to be let back on the bed. Maybe instead of the bed you could have quiet time on the lounge after the kids have gone to bed. If it is only stress that is causing her to wee in the wrong places then a routine that is sustainable for the long term, ie rest of the pregnancy and the breast feeding, might be the way to go. There are also proper doggy diapers you can buy very cheaply, I had a pair for when my bitch was in season but I have to confess I hated them on her, she looked so miserable so I chucked them in the back of the cupboard. :D

Good luck with whatever you choose, not an easy time for either you or your girl.

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I think a nappy is just plain cruel.

She's not in season or incontinent so a nappy is just a band aid solution to something you still haven't gotten to the bottom of the cause.

Has she been to the vet yet for a check up?

If I were you I would go back to basics and start toilet training her again (provided she is medically clear).

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I couldn't get her into the vet until tomorrow. I don't see how it's cruel.. she doesn't mind being dressed up in clothes, so how is a nappy going to upset her? As far as her fur getting wet, she lays in her wet crate and it gets on her fur anyway.. what's the difference? I am only planning to use them short term. Hopefully they stay dry for the hour on my bed at night and after 3 days, I won't bother with them anymore. The thought of her peeing in my bed is unbearable.. I don't want to risk it and I don't know if she is suffering physiological incontinence or emotional yet, so I'm not taking the chance.

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I think if it's an emotional incontinence issue the nappies wouldn't be a 'band aid' solution, they're just there until the dog feels less stressed by being allowed back on the bed.

Also if it turns out to be physiological issue, would the nappies still be considered 'cruel' ??

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Guest donatella

Oh and Clyde, I am trying to do the best by my dog.. making comments like I am cruel are uncalled for. :mad

You'll know if she's feeling uncomfortable or not and can make the judgement at the time to keep or leave the nappies.

There are nappies made for dogs, so I don't think its cruel and its not like she'll be wearing them 24/7, by the sounds of it she'll just be wearing them while she sits on your bed at night.

You're doing whats best for you and the dog right now, chin up :D

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I agree with Rebanne, if she's just on your bed for an hour, you should be able to supervise so she doesn't wee on there. From your other thread, the impression I got is she is weeing in inappropriate places when left alone, not when you are right there with her? And I'd take her outside for a wee before letting her on your bed, just in case. Good luck with it either way.

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Guest donatella

If nappies were so dangerous for dogs why are there specifically designed doggy diapers?

And why do many use them for elderly dogs? or dogs in season?

Also if nappies were so dangerous why are newborns even allowed in them?

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