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Does vaccination lower a pups immunity for a short period of time until it takes effect? I'm sure I recall reading this somewhere..?

I've just realised that the day my pup is booked in for a her second vacc is the same day that we have a training seminar booked in Adelaide. She'll be 13, almost 14 weeks then so I'm not sure whether to hold it off for 3 days until we get home, vaccinate that morning as planned or bring the appointment back to a week earlier?

We're staying in the Northern suburbs overnight (the seminar is being held over the other side of town), she'll be contained and I'm very careful about where she walks but I'd rather not put her at any further risk than I have to. I'm not sure if there would be much benefit to vaccinating the day we leave? Or even the week before really?

Any suggestions or advice? :confused:

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Personally I would wait til you got back.

I wouldn't do it the day of as some pups can get a bit quiet after their needles so if you were going to want her to be perky for the training seminar, don't do her that day.

Depending on when her 1st one was and what type, you could possibly bring it forward a week, but if its a few days late it really doesn't matter

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My thoughts too Dasha.

Her first was on 23.10.11, so technically I could bring it forward a few days to a week. But I'm not sure that I'd be offering her any greater protection in doing that. It also means that I wouldn't be able to see my prefered vet.

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It doesn't lower immunity but it does trigger an immune response so it does take energy and resources to support that response, so it's a good idea to minimise any other potential drains on those resources until this response is over.

Okay, thank you. I was under the impression that the pup was also more vulnerable to infection during that time?

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I don't think they are any more vulnerable but their bodies do have a response.

When I was teaching puppy classes at the vet, we used to ask people NOT to vaccinate the day of as they will often then just sleep through the class.

Each pup will respond differently. Some you will not even notice and others are sleepy and may even go off food for the day.

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