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Manners Minder - Best Place To Buy?


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Hi all :)

I am looking to buy a Manners Minder, of course prices range from $99 in the US to $240 in Australia ( :rolleyes: )

Shipping from the US is about $60 - $70 so wondering if there is a better place to buy?

Thanks in advance :)

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Yeah I was looking at that one but I think the MM will be better because the RT would only dispense one treat at a time then needs to be reloaded (also in videos it looks awkward the way that you have to point the IR remote at the unit for so long :laugh: The MM is a bit more discreet)

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I got mine from the US and had it shipped over. At that stage I don't think anyone in Australia was selling them. There was some kind of claim that the remote wouldn't work in Australia, which I thought sounded like codswallop, so I ignored it and have not had any problems at all getting the remote to work. I really like it. :)

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How much was your shipping Corvus?

I don't really know because I ended up getting a bunch of things collected by Bongo and forwarded together, so it was quite expensive. It was hard to find anyone that would ship to Australia. I'm not sure why I didn't know about Clean Run. Sounds like sharing a Clean Run order would be the way to go. :)

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Try Karen pryor's site - her shipping tends to be a lot cheaper than cleanrun.

Yeah...but hers is $150 compared to $99. I have sometimes found with Cleanrun, if you email them re postage, they will often come back with a more realistic shipping rate. I have just ordered the treat dispenser....problem with it is that you have to load each treat. But the MM is way to big for my liking...something like 13 inches wide in their description.

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I think the Manners minder and the other 1 on clean run have 2 very different uses.

I think of a Manners Minder for things like nail clipping and grooming, desensitising to the lawn mower, teaching a dog to stay on a mat when someone comes to the door, tethering quietly while another dog is being worked - things where i want to be able to give multiple rewards but may not be able to return to the dog for each treat. The other 1 I would consider more like a target - great for teaching a go on in agility or an independent contact position. for those I would not want something big and bulky and it would also not be an issue only having a single treat in there.

I would really like to have both of them and might look into the single treat one while it has free shipping :)

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I think the Manners minder and the other 1 on clean run have 2 very different uses.

I think of a Manners Minder for things like nail clipping and grooming, desensitising to the lawn mower, teaching a dog to stay on a mat when someone comes to the door, tethering quietly while another dog is being worked - things where i want to be able to give multiple rewards but may not be able to return to the dog for each treat. The other 1 I would consider more like a target - great for teaching a go on in agility or an independent contact position. for those I would not want something big and bulky and it would also not be an issue only having a single treat in there.

I would really like to have both of them and might look into the single treat one while it has free shipping :)

Thanks for clearing that up for me Piper. I can see how the MM would be handy for mat work etc. The only problem I have with the treat dispenser (which I have ordered) is that I will still need to have a 2nd person there to keep loading the treats. :( I guess I just put them in a drop stay, while I reload.

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Sheena, if using it for agility training I wouldn't see you would need a second person to reload. Dog gets rewarded for performing at the end of the sequence, you reload and reposition it if needed then go back and start again.

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Thanks for the help guys - yeah I can think of a lot of ways to use the MM to reward in crate, behind baby gate, all sorts of things, not just agility. I would like both dispensers really (want, not need :laugh: ).

Sheena I don't think you would need a second person either? Can't you reload then reset your dog, as you would if you were using a bait plate or similar?

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