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How Early Is Too Early To Start Contacting Breeders About Pups?


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Is it an Aussie you are getting? Just being nosey. :laugh:

Actually I'm looking at koolies.

and maybe one Aussie kennel that has working lines.


If you've identified the breeder you like, phone them and ask their opinion of when and how it's best to make contact. Different strokes for different folks, but no sensible person will resent a polite and flattering inquiry about how to work with them on the purchase of a pup.

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Leema- what do you mean by remain in contact? An occasional email?

Yes, that would be fine. Occasional phone call. If they spoke to me occasionally at shows, perhaps. These people show that they are interested in the breed, have considered it for a long time, and are probably well reasoned and sincere in their enquiry. It also suggests that we get along, which is always good. :laugh:

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